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Written March 12, 2013

Sorry I haven't posted in a while (and it's been even longer since a legitimate post), but I was reading a book at the store earlier and started thinking: what is there that's limiting me in my walk with God?

They're a lot of different things that can limit us in our lives: relationships, fear, pride, low self-esteem, anger, lust, just to name a few. These things can be like huge giants standing over us, dragging us back down and putting us back in our place whenever we want to walk with God. Or these limits can become the neglected ruins of their former selves, slowly eroding and wasting away as we blast past them, moving forward in our Walks and in our lives. It's really up to us and what we believe God can do.

We're never done growing as Christians; there's always room for improvement. All of us have limitations somewhere in our walk with God. The question is not whether we'll find them or not; the question is what are we're going to do with them.

I pray that you'll give up your limitations and hand then over to God. Because if they're stopping you from waking with Him, that's the only way your limits will be overcome. We can't do it on our own.

And when you feel broken or beaten down, look to the Cross. Hebrews 4:14-15 tells us that Jesus has gone through what we've gone through; He's been in the situations that we've been in. Yet He had no limits. He gave everything He had to offer to God, from His moment of birth to the His minute of death. Jesus never backed down, never feared man, never compromised and never gave into pressure whether from His own body or other people. He didn't go looking for trouble but didn't panic when trouble found Him. He followed God's will until the day He died and continues to do the Father's will to this day. Jesus is the blazing example of how to live a life completely sold out to God. He paved this path of total devotion for many reasons: one of them being so we can follow it.

We need to try. We aren't perfect; we will fail, but we still need to try. His strength is perfected in weakness; God's grace is sufficient in us.We might not get it right, but we still need to try.

Have a great day and God bless. :]

Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may reside in me. -2 Corinthians 12:8-9

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