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Hannah's "about me," and her testimony. God bless. :]

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I'm Hannah and I will be sharing and writing in this awesome blog with Langston :D My hope and prayer is that everyone will grow closer to our Father and that we will not be able to shut up about Jesus! So you all get to know me better, here is my testimony of how I came to really know the Lord.

I've been a "Christian" since I was 3 and I've always had a crazy wonder about my Father. But about 3 months ago, I began to have some serious doubts about God. See, I never really KNEW the Lord. I mean I've always believed that Jesus died for my sins but that's as far as I would go, and I'm afraid that most "Christians" are like this. Anyway, one night I was praying and I just thought to myself, "what if I'm just talking to a wall?" What if I'm talking to myself? What if God's not real? I finally got myself to sleep but the next morning I was different. I was lost. I was dead inside. It was like this cloud just came over me. I just wanted to know the truth. The truth of how the world got here, how I got here. I wanted to know if God was really there. But the thing is, unlike most atheists, I didn't want to lose my faith. I wanted God to be real and I wanted to hang on. I was searching for God and that's music to His ears ;) So anyway I was honestly dead for about a week. I struggled with so many questions about the Lord. The devil was closing in and I needed my Father more than ever even though I didn't really know Him then. Satan put a bunch of "what-ifs" into my head. What if God's not real? What if nothing really matters? What if no one loves you? Now you're probably wondering when someone says something that just totally confirms my faith, or if I read a Bible verse that just solved everything. That didn't happen with me. Nothing that anyone said or did changed my heart. My Father did that. God had me right where he wanted me. I was WEAK. It was his time to come in and save the day. But it happened slowly. After reading my Bible and gaining up enough faith to pray and actually know that my prayer went somewhere, my Father showed me how real he really is. I would pray prayers like "God if you show me you're real I will give you my life and serve you with everything". I still remember one evening when I went down to my awesome lake and looked out over the water at this amazing sunset. I was honestly hoping that God would just come down from the heavens and say "I am here, I am real". I didn't know it then but he said just that. There's no way that amazing sunset banged into place. God made it. I started to realize that it took more faith to be an atheist then to trust in the Lord. Another time I prayed for God to make an incredible rainbow. The next day, this incredible double rainbow curved over the blue Florida sky. It was awesome!!! On April 30, 2012 I rededicated my life to the Lord. My Father is with me and I am saved. I learned that God was real because HE showed me. I was filled with his spirit, tears of joy spilled down my cheeks. I was done fighting. What can Satan, a fallen angel, do to me when my Father is on my side? Nothing! I am honestly on fire for Jesus. I can't stop thinking about Him and I want you to be the same way! Be bold! Don't be afraid of what others will think. Relentlessly preach the gospel to others! God gave me a childlike faith. He put that wonder and awe of what he did back in my heart. I hope that my testimony will encourage you and help you if you ever doubt the Lord. I pray that whoever reads this that Father you will place a fire in their soul for you Lord God. Amen! 

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