6~ Crabsinbuckets

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Karkat pov.
I tossed my bag on the floor and changed my clothes into a red t-shirt and grey sweat pants. Hm. Lets see.
I took out my white laptop and sat down on my king size bed in this hotel room.

I dim the light and closed my curtains. I open my laptop and type in my password.

I logged onto youtube and I pressed play.

Uh hey guys. I know you wanted to see cool, werid, or stupid stuff that i usally post on here. Instead i just need a talk. Im in new york city! The big apple!

I said with sarcasm rubbing my forehead.

Im here for a project. Its more of the family thing but, if any one of you like in new york city, you can vist me at the....'Dreamers Drinks'!

I smiled alittle thinking of my older brother Kankri.... dang i miss him. I cant wait to see him again!

Also, my dearest friend as you all know her, the FashionVampQueen! Is coming along!

I chuckled alittle thinking of Kanaya having about 6 luggage dragging them along the sidewalk to the car. I mean she's rich, and so am i.

Okay, im not RICH RICH like Kanaya but, in a youtuber. Every week i get aleast 8,000 dallors.

I play video games, long talks, and fun random pranks on my friend sollux. Kanaya became rich by having her own fashion line. I mean, heck she's only 25 and she's RICH.

So, FashionVampQueen, and the Crabsinbuckets, me, are going to be in new york! So we wont be on that much! Good bye until next time.

I ended the video and posted it on youtube.

I got up and truned off my laptop, i put on a hoodie and shades. My hoodie was red/brown. I put on my black converse and headed out the door. I began walking on the sidewalk.

Man i wonder how my older brother, Kankr,i is doing with his husband ,Cronus, i havent seen then since, crap. 7 years. Mostly because i have been in college for the 4 years and the other 3 was when i stayed home and started my youtube fame.

I walked past a few old fashion looking buildings and finally stopped at a average looking building that had the right side yellow and the left purple. The center of the building was a white line that drawn from the top and to the glass door. On the wide glass window it read 'Dreamers Drinks' in white letters.

I walked up to the front glass door, which had a dark blue curtain on the other side blocking from seeing inside. I hesitatly open the door, the door bell rang dling da dling.

I walked in and closed the door. As i close the door i can feel the coolness in the room. I look around to see no one there. thats odd, no body is here, and the front door was unlock. I tought to myself. I then heard someone playing the piano. I looked down to see a door that read 'Employees only' that was 20 feet away from me, i began walking over to the door and quietly opened it to see a person back facing me with a black hoodie up.

I quietly closed the door and began to listen, i quietly took out my video camera and recorded the person, you never know if this stranger has serious talent.

The stanger began to sing while playing hallelujah on the panio. Woah... i never heard someone that good... i thought quietly. Quessing by the voice it was a girl. I quietly, and slowly, walked over to her still recording. Her eyes where looking down at the keys and didnt notice me. I began circling her and the panio for the video camera to see everything. She kept sings softly, some parts sounding like she was talking to me.. but then she would sing the next.. this girl had talent. Im not able to see her face because she had her hoodie up. Her voice was beautiful.... too beautiful to be exact. Hearing her voice gave me the chills... the chills with excitement. I bite my lip and listen to her, setting my video camera on the panio facing it at her. She played the keys softly, so delicate, so much focus. She was truly amazing. She seemed so determine in the song. She seemed so calm. I hummed softly but high, with her. Hallelujah.

She finally finished and i couldn't help but to clap. At first she jumped in suprise and she pulled down her hoodie and look at me.

Oh god...

"Where did you come from?!" She asked a bit suprise

Her eyes...such a beautiful shade of bright green... her short spiky brown hair.. her round shape glasses...

"My- uh b-brother o-ownes this place" just looking at her made me feel butter flies and blush

"O-oh- wait y-you look familiar" she said with alittle blush looking up at me.

"Oh i- uh crap- i do?" I manage to stuttered out

"Y-yea.... oh! You must be k-kankri brother then! You guys l-look alike!"

She's smart too... she's perfect...

"Huh- yea im his y-younger brother..." i said nodding

God i think this is love at first sight....

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