14~ English

389 14 3

I'm dead.
I am so dead.
I'm so dead, OF EMBARRASSMENT!!!
I saw no man other then my grandfather, Jake English.
A British late 60's male. He helped John off the ground and began to chuckle, "haha! I dear say chap, you need to step up your game-..er that's what you youngster Americans say, right?" John got back to his two feet "yeah! It sure is gruncle Jake!" Cronus smiled and waved his arm "ha! Down for 10 seconds, you owve me a kiss~." Kankri sighed and smiled giving Cronus a soft kiss on the check. "I suppose you were right. But I must say, the event was very harsh. Dont you believe so, Jade?" Kankri asked facing towards me. Crap. Everyone started to look at me, grandpa gasped and turned around, a huge grin on his face "ah!!! Jade-y!!" He ran up to me and gave me a manly-bone-crushing-average-English-and-Harley-family-hug.

I squeaked and he pulled away pinching my checks, his rough hands scratches my, yes very soft, cheeks. "Oh! Look at how much you had grown!!!" He smiles warmly down at me. The wrinkles cringes besides his eyes, his white strikes and black hair mixed together matching his light tan skin. His green suit along with his old fashion London adventure cap. That's my Grandfather for you. The one and only, Jake English.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the door went open. And there he was. Dave Strider. Standing in the door way, with someone holding him by the ear..? Oh! Wait! That someone is Rose! "John Fuc-!" Rose seemed angry, until she saw me and grandfather. She pauses and coughs "ahem. John, honey, who's this gentle men?" John smiled and Grandfather FINALLY let go of my cheeks. "Oh! Rose, this is my gruncle Jake! Jades Grandpa!Gruncle Jake meet Rose, my fiance~!!" Dave and Rose began to look confuse, Rose shook her head and sighed. "Its very nice to meet you- erm- Gruncle Jake, but excuse me. John may we speak, alone." She seems more serious. John nods and followed her out the door, followed with "ah! Rose stop! God- ROSE!" By Dave.
What are they talking about...?

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