16~ One last thing..

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"Momma! Where's papa???" I looked down, seeing my little 4 year old boy name Jake. Jake Strider, named him after my grandpop. His black hair, dark emerald green eyes, and tan skin like mine. The freckles spread across his face just like his father. He actually does look like my grandfather when he was young, huh. "He's out with Aunt Rose and Uncle John, honey. Now go wash your hands! Their so filthy!" I letted out a small giggle. He was playing im the dirt, his hands had mud all over them! He looked down, his face becoming flushed as he respond with, "Yes mama." He hurried out to the bathroom skin. "Honey, I'm home~!" I looked and saw my husband closing the door, wearing his suit and big coat. I smiled and rose my brow, "are you really going to say that all the time when you get home?" He smiled at me nodding. Little Jake ran towards him jumping onto his father, "Papa!" "Jake, my boy!" They had a embrace. I couldn't help but to watch and smile. Dave held our son close in his arm, as the boy asked a question "Papa, when is uncle Jaden coming back?" I smiled, Uncle Jaden. He loves his uncle Jaden. Dave looked at me, its my turn to respond. I smiled and walked up to them, my hand on Dave shoulder "whenever he feels like it honey, now its time to go have dinner. Go start making the table." With a nod, he jumped out of his father arms and skipped off. He may be four years old, but he's different from them. He acts like a proper adult. How cute. I felt a hand on my hip, pulling me close. Dave rested his chin on the top of my head, sighing. "What's wrong?" I asked in a hush voice. "I have to go on a business trip again..." I sighed closing my eyes, he knew what I was going to ask. "By tomorrow at noon. I have to leave by morning.." I nodded, pulling away to look at him. He took off his shades, his red eyes looked tired and worried. His hair was a bit messy, the bags under his eyes make him look like he was in pain. He was. In pain from work. I leaned in and kissed him softly, smiling warmly at him "its okay honey. I install the video chat tablet to the t.v so we could talk to you." He smiled back, kissing my forehead "thank you deary.."
Oh what a wonderful husband I have.

Oh what a wonderful husband I had.
They carried his body in the rain. The pain in my chest. May death do us part. I always thought it would be me first. I looked at my boy- I looked at my son. He's 16 now. Hes looking down, his father is gone. Gone for good. Dead. Dave Strider, the man whom I love. They set the coffin down. Nows everyone chances to go see him, my chance is first of course, I approach. He looks like he's sleeping, bit with a cute on the side of his face and a cut on his ear, eyebrow, and lip. I put my hand on his chest, whispering "d-davey, time to wake up.." No response. "D-davey... Time to w-wake up.." Nothing. "D-d-dave!" I cried out, breaking into tears as Jake pulled me into a girl rubbing my back, "i-its o-okay mom... Its o-okay." But its not okay. Everyone watches me, they had sarrow and pity for me, you could just see it on their faces. One last look at his body, I leaned down, kissing his forehead whispering to his dead cold body. "I will always love you.."
My husband, my friend, and my lover. Dave Strider was a amazing person, but if he wasn't in that car accident, I would still be able to hold his hands while he'll tell me, how much I, mean to, Him.

Your Guy {Dave x Jade}Where stories live. Discover now