Chapter 1

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"LET'S GO SIENA!" My twin brother, Sam, yelled at me. Today was our last day of 10th grade. I was so excited to finally have 10 weeks of holidays. It was summer vacation so it was going to be even better. I walked out of my bedroom wearing my favourite pair of jeans with a white lace crop and khaki jacket. My mom, Sam and little sister, Lizzie, were all waiting in the living room for me.
"What are you wearing?" Mom asked me.
"Clothes. What does it look like?" I asked in disgust. My mum had a thing about what I wore. She was Christian when she grew up so she believed in everything the opposite of slutty and expects me to do the same.
"Go change." She told me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. No way was I changing, this was my favourite outfit.
"No." I said as I picked up my bag.
"Yes, change." She yelled. "NOW!" I stood still and refuse to go change.
"Mom we're going to be late." Lizzie said. She picked up her backpack and walked to the door.
"We're not leaving until Siena changes." She replied angrily.
"Fine then, I won't go to school." I said stubbornly.
"Yes you will." She told me. "You can wear these types of clothes when you're at your dads but when you're with me, I won't allow it."
"Because you're a control freak." I mumbled to myself as I walked to my room.
"What did you say?" Mom  asked me. I turned around to face her and smiled.
"I said, I'm going to change." I said nicely before walking into my bedroom. Sometimes, like these, I hated my mom. She was so controlling, like when I'm at dads, I'm still her daughter so I don't know how it makes a difference in whose house I'm at. I get a longer top that still shows a bit of my stomach so it hopefully shouldn't be a problem. Once I was done, I walked back to the living room where mom was waiting for me. She still didn't look happy but realised how late we were going to be if she made me change again so she walked to the car.
When we arrived at school, I got out and walked inside to my locker. There was a group of guys waiting for me to greet me. I was popular at my school. Why? Because I've been here since preschool so all the teachers know and love me. Plus, there's only a handful of 10th graders that have been here since preschool but most of them are nerds. I became popular when people came and needed help around school. I was the girl who knew everything and everybody so pretty much every person that came in my grade wanted to be friends with Sam and me. I liked being popular because the little kids looked up to me and the older ones treated me like one of their own.
"SIENA!" My best friend Tessa called down the corridor through a crowd of people. I turned around and saw her crazily running towards me.
"Hi." I said when she got to me. I turned back to my locker and got out my books and everything I needed for the day.
"Ok, so I have big big big news." She said excitedly, "Fred Matthews just asked me out!" She screamed, "and he's having a party tonight and invited us. You have to come!" She begged.
"Fred asked you out." I said as I slammed my locker shut. He was one of the hottest guys at school and Tessa has had a crush on him for years. She nodded her head so fast I thought she was going to break her neck. "Good job Tessa, I knew you'd do it." I said proudly.
"I was just standing at my locker and he came up by himself and was like 'Tessa, I think I like you, will you go out with me?' And I was like YES!" She said quickly. Tessa and Fred had been talking for a while so I knew that they'd eventually start dating. Fred was in 11th grade and was one of the quarterbacks. He was tall, muscular and had dirty blonde hair that rested on his ears. His eyes were to die for and his lips were perfect. I should know because sometime last year, there was a party which he was also at. Me and him made out non-stop for at least 1 hour while we sat in the kitchen.
"Tessa, you're so lucky." I said as Fred walked down the corridor. I stared at him dreamily but Tessa whacked me so I stopped and came back to earth.
"Siena, he's my boyfriend now. Hands off." She joked. The bell rung so we walked to class and passed Fred on the way.
"Hey babe." He said to Tessa. All his friends were also hot but one in particular caught my eye. He starred at me with a smile on his face and just before he passed me, he winked at me. Tyler Peterson; THE hottest guy at school (not just me saying that), quarterback, tall, fit, sporty, muscly, tan, big blue eyes and brown scruffy hair.
"Siena, did you see that?" Tessa asked. I blushed and nodded my head slowly. Tyler Peterson knows that I exist. He was checking me out. "I bet he'll be at the party tonight." Tessa nudged me.
"Hopefully." I said as I giggled. We walked to our first class and sat down. Today was going to be really relaxed because it was the last day AND we get to leave early. I only had biology, math and english before the end of the day which all went really quickly. We got to leave at 12:00 so Mom picked us up from school and drove us to Dad's. He lived 25 minutes away from school and that was driving, most of which was on the freeway. If we did walk, it would take a minimum 3 hours.
When we got there, I went straight to my room to choose my outfit. Dad was rich because he owned an architecture business and a building business. I liked dads house much better than mums because I had a huge bedroom with
a king size bed. I also had an ensuite and walk in robe which was just about as big as my room. In mums house, I only had a single size bed which barely fit in my room and a tiny one door closet. Mums house only had one bathroom and the kitchen, dining and living area was the same size as my bedroom at Dad's house.
For my outfit, I chose a short, black mini skirt and a tight, white singlet top. I laid my outfit out on my bed and had a long shower. I washed my hair and moisturised my whole body. I checked the time and it was already 4:30 and Tessa was picking me up at 7:30. I still had a good 3 hours to prepare. I put on makeup and straightened my long, brown hair. I looked at my figure in the mirror. I was skinny and average height with big boobs that all the guys liked. My hair rested in the middle of my back. I had my seconds pierced and I also had a belly button ring. I put my diamond belly ring in which my dad got me for my 16th. Then I got my pandora daisy chain ring and earrings and put them in my first piercing hole then put my small diamond earrings in my second hole. I checked the time again and it was 7:00. I ran to my room and quickly got dressed and put my heels on. Before I walked downstairs, I got my phone and told Sam to hurry up. I walked to his room and he was sitting on his bed, topless, playing video games. "Sam! Hurry up. You have 15 minutes to get ready and if you're not, Tessa and I are leaving without you." I shouted.
"Siena, it will take me 5 minutes to get changed and fix my hair." He groaned. I turned around and walked down the stairs carefully, trying not to fall in my 6 inch heels. I think it took me 5 minutes to walk down the stairs and by the time I was completely ready to go, it was 7:25.
"SAM!" I shouted.
"I'm coming." He told me as he ran down the stairs. He was wearing chino shorts and a tight-ish t-shirt.
"Let's go man whore." I told him.
"Siena, I'm not the one wearing a skirt that shows your ass even when you're not bending down." He told me.
"Whatever, I don't care." I huffed. "It's better that your get up." The bell rung and I ran to the door. Tessa was standing there with her car parked in the driveway.
She scanned me up and down . "I like your outfit." She said.
"Thanks." I replied. "Let's go." We walked out the front and I got in the front seat with Tessa while Sam sat in the back.

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