Chapter 4

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We arrived at the movies and booked seats for the Clueless 20th anniversary special.
"This is my favourite movie." I told Tyler as we sat down. We bought popcorn, soda, chocolate and lollies at the kiosk.
"I thought it might be." He said. "My sisters love it." I laughed just as the movie started. We sat in silence as we watched the movie. During the middle, Tyler grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers into mine and I rested my head oh his shoulder. When the movie was over, we got some lunch. We went to Chipotle and I got a burrito and Tyler got tacos.
"Thanks for bringing me out." I said, "and letting me stay the night." I added.
"You're welcome anytime." He said. After lunch, Tyler drove me home and I did boring homework. Since it was only a Saturday, I decided to go to Tessa's for the night. I walked over with my sleeping bag, pillow, bag of clothes and a bag of food. From my house to Tessa's, the walk took 10 minutes so I didn't struggle as much as I would've if I was at moms! When I got there, we set up our beds and ordered pizza since it was 5:30. 
"Soo." Tessa said while we ate.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"You and Tyler." She giggled. I sighed. "Are you a thing, I saw that you two went out today, how'd that happen?"
"During the party we were making out and I was drunk so he drove me home but I fell asleep in his car so he had to take me to his house and we kind of-you know, then his mom walked in on us and it was really awkward. Then we saw a movie and had lunch." I blurted out. Tessa just sat there and stood at me in disbelief.
"You had sex with Tyler!!???" She shouted. Her dad was sitting watching TV and could hear our whole conversation, well he heard Tessa.
"Shhh." I whispered, "I did." Tessa squealed like a 1st grader after I told her so we went to her room to continue.
"So you're a thing?" She asked.
"Not officially, I think it's going to work out though. I really like him." I admitted.
"Siena!" She shouted. After our discussion, we watched heaps and heaps of movies until 3:00 and finally went to sleep when we could no longer keep our eyes open. We woke up the next day at 11:00 when Tessa's brother, Steven and his friends played super heroes around the house. When we got up, we had waffles for breakfast and I left at 1:00. I had to walk back to dads house but it was cold so I put most of my clothes on so I had less to carry. Halfway there though, it started pouring rain and I could see a storm coming, so I quickly got out my phone and called Dad. He was there in 1 minute and drove me home to the warm house. My bedroom in dads house had an electrical fireplace in front of my TV so before my hot shower, I put it on to warm up. I had a 20 minute hot shower and put on my warmest pyjamas then sat in front of my TV and fire for 3 hours while I did my homework.

The next couple of weeks were normal, party's, dates with Tyler, hanging out with friends etc; apart from the vomit. I vomited every day for about a week. I was having an extra Japanese class on Wednesday because I wanted a girl to stay at my house during the next semester at school and we had to take extra classes over summer.
"Miss Williams, can I please have a hall pass?" I asked as I ran out of the room. I sprinted to the girls bathroom and made it just in time. I vomited into the toilet and flushed it down as fast as I could. When I was done, I walked to the sinks and washed my hands.
"Siena?" A voice called out. Seconds later, Zoe popped her head around the corner. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"I think I have to go home." I told her, "I was sick all week last week."
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"I have no clue." I told her. "Its not something I'm eating."
"Are you..." She said, "pregnant?"
"I don't think so." I said. But then I remembered, every single time Tyler and I had sex, we used a condom. Apart from the first time, that was about a month ago. "Shit." I swore under my breath.
"Siena, are you okay?" Zoe asked.
"I think I might be..." I chocked on my words, "pregnant." Zoe looked at me as tears filled my eyes. I didn't cry but I let the tears fall out while I looked at myself in front of the mirror.
"Come on, I'll get your books, tell Miss Williams that you're sick and I'm taking you home." She said. That was why I loved Zoe. She loved school and would never miss it for a thing. If she had a sore throat or a headache, she'd still be at school. But today, Zoe was leaving for me. That sounded odd. Was she taking me home because she thought she was pregnant too and wanted to check?
We walked out of the bathroom and I went to my locker while Zoe went to tell Miss Williams we were leaving. I packed my bag and carried it to Zoe's car and waited. She came out a few minutes later and ran to the car as fast as she could. When she got to the car, she sped off into an abandoned street.
"Zoe, what's going on?" I asked nervously.
"There were these random people roaming the halls when I walked out of the classroom and then the siren went off to tell everyone we were in lockdown. I started running to the car and one of them started chasing me with a hammer." She said. Our school was in lockdown? This had never happened before.
"Tyler." I said.
"What about Tyler. He's in 11th grade, why do you care about him?" Zoe asked.
"Because, Tyler and I are going out. If I'm pregnant, the baby's his." I cried.
"Do you think Sam will be ok?" She asked.
"Hopefully, why do you care anyway." I said.
"Because I like him." She said. "That night at the party when you saw us, wasn't our first time together."
"Was Sam with you last night?" I asked.
"Yes." Zoe replied.
"Well good for you, he ditched his family for you so you two could have sex." I said angrily.
"Siena, I'm sorry. I know it was the wrong thing to do but when people like each other, it's going to happen." Zoe told me.
"You're right," I said, "let's go." We drove out of the street and back to Dad's house. He was at work so we were safe. When we got there, we went straight upstairs to my bathroom. I pulled a box of pregnancy tests out of a draw and got 4 out, 2 for me and 2 for Zoe. "Just incase." I said as I handed them to her. She smiled and waited in my bedroom. When I needed to pee, I did it on both sticks and placed them face down on the sink. I told Zoe she could go in and do hers. I waited for a few minutes before she called me back in. We both picked up our tests and slowly showed ourselves the results. Before I saw my tests, I looked at Zoe, she was relived. She wasn't pregnant. I slowly turned mine around and when I saw the results, I was shocked. There was a positive and a negative. Great. I showed Zoe who suggested I take another test. I waited another 5 minutes which was painful. When the time was done, I picked the test up and hoped for the best. When I saw the result, I started crying.
"Are you pregnant?" Zoe asked. I nodded my head as I curled into a ball on my bath mat. "Siena, it's going to be okay. Everything will work out." She said.
"No it won't. You know my mom, she won't even let me wear short tops, let alone be pregnant." I wept.
"Come on Siena. Think about the positives of this. You're going to have a beautiful baby, I'm sure of it. You and Tyler are the hottest people in school, no joke." Zoe said. I laughed at her stupidity.
"But what if Tyler doesn't wait to raise a baby, I mean he's only 17" I said. "I fucked up."
"You really did." Zoe laughed. I playfully hit her with my hand but kept my face buried in my legs. "Let's go out, we'll go get some food." She suggested.
"Fine." I said as I stood up. We got our keys and drove to The Diner Inn. We had lunch and got dessert before we drove back to my moms house. When I got home, mom was about to leave to pick up Sam and Lizzie so she told me to get into bed. "Mom. I'm not sick." I said. "I'm pregnant."
"SIENA BOLLON-PULLEY!" She shouted. "YOUR STUFF BETTER BE PACKED UP AND YOU BETTER GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE BEFORE I GET BACK!" She's kicking me out, great. Zoe followed me to my room and we packed everything up in boxes. There wasn't much to get though because most of my stuff  was at dads because it wouldn't fit at moms. All of my stuff was packed up in 15 minutes and we were out of the house straight away. We arrived at Dads in 30 minutes and I unpacked all of my stuff because he wasn't home yet.
"Thank you." I said to Zoe as we unpacked the boxes.
"It's okay." She said. All of my stuff was unpacked before Dad came home and Zoe was gone when he did.
"Hi." I said as dad walked in.
"Siena, aren't you meant to be at your moms?" He asked.
"Yes but she kicked me out." I told him.
"Why on earth would she kick you out?" He asked.
"Because I'm pregnant." I said. Dad walked over to me and hugged me.
"It's going to be okay." He said.

Teen pregnancy: my storyWhere stories live. Discover now