Chapter 3

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When we walked into the dining room, everybody was sitting at the table and I could pick out who was who; Jackson, Ava and Mia. Tyler walked beside me and we sat at the table next to each other.
"Everyone, this is Siena." Tyler said as we sat down.
"Hi." I said.
"Siena, this is my mom, Emma, my dad, Liam, Jackson, Ava, and Mia." He said as he pointed to each person.
"It's nice to meet you." Liam said. "Did you stay the night?"
"Yeah, I was really tired and Tyler offered to drive me home from the party but before I could tell him where I lived, I fell asleep so he just brought me back here." I replied, trying to sound as responsible as possible because I actually fell asleep because I was drunk.
"Where did you sleep?" Jackson asked me.
"It's none of your business." Tyler replied. He looked angry at Jackson but I couldn't blame him.
"Did you two sleep together?" Ava asked pointing at us. I looked at Tyler who was frustrated with his brother and sister and he refused to answer.
"No, we didn't." I finally said. When I said that, Emma dropped her fork and choked on her food. She knew I was lying and lies didn't seem to be a thing in this house.
"Okay, fine, we slept together." Tyler said, "is it even that much of a problem, I mean it was bound to happen."
"You're right, Tyler." Jackson said he had to go and quickly scoffed up his waffles in about 20 seconds. He got up and ran out the door with his phone and car keys.
"So, Siena, how old are you?" Ava asked.
"I'm 16. I just finished 10th grade." I replied.
"So you're a year younger than Tyler?" Mia asked. I nodded in agreement.
"How'd you meet?" Emma asked.
"Fred is going out with Siena's best friend, Tessa and last night at the party-" Tyler said.
"You hooked up!" Mia interrupted.
"Mia!" Emma said. "That is private business!"
"I already said that we did." Tyler sighed. His family seemed to be very open about the truth and I liked that, it was nice to be in such a wide discussion not about divorce.
"So you and a girl you met yesterday hooked up at a party, have you ever talked to her before?" Ava asked Tyler.
"Yes, we've talked and I've always had a crush on Siena." Tyler said. He's always liked me. I could always feel him looking at me.
"Okay, well Siena you seem nice, I hope we see more of you." Liam said.
"I'm sure you will." I smiled at Tyler. We walked up to Tyler's room and I texted both my mom and dad telling them that I was at each other's house, I thought that was safe since my parents don't talk at all. Next, I called Sam to see where he ended up.
"Where are you!?" He shouted.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." I assured him, "I stayed at Tyler's."
"The guy you were practically eating on the chair?" He asked.
"Yes, where are you?" I asked.
"I'm at Josh's, he lives across the road from Fred." Sam told me. Josh was Sam's best friend, EVER.
"Okay, well I'm going to go. I'll see you at dad's later." I told him.
"Bye." Sam said before hanging up. After I hung up, I put my phone on charge.
"Do you want to catch a movie?" Tyler asked.
"You're asking me on a date?" I asked.
"If you want to call it a date, then it's a date." He replied. We slowly walked to each other and when we were standing right in front of each other, Tyler tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful, you know that." I just giggled and leaned in. Our lips touched softly. Tyler wrapped one arm around my body and pulled me close to him and the other hand rested on my face.
"It's a date." I said after I pulled away. "Can we go back to my house, I need to get a few things."
"Sure." Tyler said. He got his wallet and phone off his dresser and we walked downstairs together. "Mom we're going to the movies!" He shouted.
"Okay, have fun!" Emma replied. We walked out the front and got into Tyler's car. We drove to my dad's so I could get changed and get my purse and we were there in just a few minutes. I walked inside and Lizzie came running up to me.
"Where have you been all night?" She shouted.
"At Mom's." I lied. I led Tyler into the kitchen where my dad and Sam were sitting.
"Are you sure about that?" Sam asked, obviously referring to Lizzie's question. I gave him a look to say 'shut up' and looked at dad.
"Who's this?" He asked.
"This is my friend, Tyler." I said as I stepped back. "Tyler, this is my dad, Adam, my twin brother, Sam and my 7 year old sister, Lizzie."
"Nice to meet you, Mr Bollon." Tyler said. He shook my dads hand and stepped back beside me.
"Where are you off to?" Dad asked.
"We're going to the movies." I replied. "I just need to grab some things."
"Ok, I'll see you tonight then." Dad said. I turned around and made my way up the stairs while Tyler followed me. We walked into my huge room and I went straight to my dresser. I got out a pair of coral coloured shorts and a top which had the top bit of the front beaded and the back was all lace. Then I got out a pair of turquoise earrings and a set of bracelets and put matching nail polish on my fingers and toes. Finally, I grabbed my sandals and put them on. I walked to my bathroom and put my make up on and put my hair in a low, messy bun. Just as I was about to finish, Tyler walked into the bathroom.
"You look stunning." He told me.
"Thanks. You look cute too." I replied. When we walked out of my room, Sam was waiting for us at the stairs.
"Be careful with my sister." He told Tyler.
"Don't worry, I'll be nice." Tyler replied as we headed down the stairs. I grabbed my purse, phone and sunglasses off the table and Tyler and I walked out the door.

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