Chapter 5

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Later that night, I called Tyler and told him to meet me at my house. He came over at 10:30 and climbed up my balcony.
"Hi." He said when we got onto my balcony.
"Hey." I said nervously. I quickly smashed my lips against Tyler's because it could be our last kiss. We made out for 5 minutes then walked inside.
"You needed to talk." Tyler said as he sat on my bed.
"Yeah. And I need you to listen until the end." I said.
"Okay, I'm listening." He said.
"Okay, so lately, I haven't been feeling too good. I was sick all week last week and came to school today because I felt better. Turns out, I wasn't. So anyway, Zoe and I came here and took a pregnancy test. Both of mine said positive." I said. I looked at Tyler's face and waited for something to happen, but it never did. "Tyler." I said.
"And I'm the father?" He asked.
"Yes, you're the only person I've had sex with without a condom." I said.
"Shit." He said.
"Are you going to be a father to this baby or are you going to act like its not yours?" I asked.
"Well, I made a commitment. I have to be its father." Tyler said. He stood up and walked over to me. He knelt down on his knee so his face was in line with my stomach. He lifted my top up up and placed his hands on my stomach. He started rubbing my stomach and kissing it. "Aren't you meant to be at your Moms?" He asked.
"Yeah but when I told her, she kicked me out." I said. The thought of mom kicking me out made me sad. I decided to call her. I got my phone from my table and called her.
"Hi." I said when she answered.
"Hello Siena." She said.
"Did you tell Sam and Lizzie?" I asked.
"No, that's your job. Where are you?" She asked.
"Thanks. I'm at dads." I told her.
"Ok. I'm sorry for kicking you out, this just isn't how I want my kids to grow up." Mom told me.
"Mom, I'm sorry. It's just what happens." I said.
"Okay. I'm tired so I'll go. We'll talk tomorrow." She said.
"Bye." I said as I hung up. I walked into my walk in robe and put on my pyjamas. "Do you want to stay over?" I asked Tyler.
"I'll just call my mom." He said. He ring his mom and asked and from what I heard, she said it was fine. "She said yes."
"Cool. I'll go get you some pyjamas." I said.
"No, it's fine." Tyler said. He took off his t-shirt and shorts and stood in his boxers. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and panties. I got into bed and Tyler followed. We watched Hot Pursuit before we went to sleep. "Are you scared?" Tyler asked me.
"About what?" I asked.
"The baby." He said.
"To be completely honest, I'm not scared about the baby part, I'm scared about everybody else, what they'll think." I said. "What about you?"
"I'm scared about becoming a dad. I just have no idea what to do." Tyler said.
"I'll teach you." I said.
"I still can't believe that there's something growing inside you." Tyler said. I turned around so I was facing him and softly kissed his lips. He kissed me back and rubbed my stomach. After a while, I started to feel tired so I pulled away.
"Goodnight." I said. I turned around and Tyler spooned me. I fell asleep quickly but woke up at 5:30 to vomit. I ran to the toilet and did my business then brushed my teeth. I walked back to my room and tried to go back to sleep but I felt to sick to. "Tyler." I said after a while. He turned around but didn't wake up. I watched him as his chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily. At 7:00, Tyler woke up and I got up to have a shower. I showered for 20 minutes then got dressed into a pair of jeans, a singlet top and converse. It was summer but it wasn't completely hot yet. After I was finished in the bathroom, I let Tyler have a shower while I called Tessa. I told her we needed to talk and invited her over for breakfast. She came over just after Tyler came out of the bathroom, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. We walked downstairs and Dad was sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee and the paper.
"Hi Siena." He said when he saw me. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Hi daddy." I said.
"Tyler." He said as he stood up.
"Hi Mr Bollon." Tyler said.
"Did you hear the news?" Dad asked proudly.
"Yeah-" Tyler said.
I cut him off, "the baby is his." I said. I got some scones out of the pantry and got jam and cream out of the refrigerator. "Dad, Tessa is coming over for breakfast." I said, "Tyler would you like to stay?"
"Uh yeah, if that's okay." He said.
"Okay, I need to go into work for the day." Dad said. He got his keys and walked into the garage and I heard him leave. After dad left, Tessa came over.
"Hi!" I said as she walked inside.
"Hey." She said. I saw her spot Tyler who was in the kitchen putting the jam and cream into bowls. "Siena, you didn't tell me he was over!" She whispered. I laughed and we walked to the kitchen.
"Hi," Tyler said when we walked in.
"Hey." Tessa said. Once everything was ready, we sat at the table for breakfast. "So Siena, did Tyler stay over?"
"Yeah." I said. I shoved a scone into my mouth and looked at Tyler and nodded as if to say: I'm telling her. "Tessa, do you want to know why I invited you over?" I asked.
"Yes." Tessa said.
"Well, you're either going to hate me or be okay with this but I'm pregnant." I said.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" She screams.

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