Chapter 6

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"Yes Tessa, I'm pregnant." I said.
"Congratulations!" She squealed. Phew, for a second, I thought she cracked it.
"Thanks." I said as I hugged her.
"Let me guess, Tyler's the dad." She said.
"I am." Tyler said. His phone started ringing so he went to the living room to answer it.
"Siena. I'm so happy for you." Tessa said.
"Thank you for understanding." I said. Tyler walked back into the room and announced that he had to leave. I walked him to the door and kissed him for 2 minutes before I let him go. When he left, I went back to Tessa.
"Girl, I just saw that." She said. I felt myself blushing. "No wonder you like him." She said.
"It's not just that he's a good kisser. He's so nice and caring. And hot, I must add." I said. Tessa and I kept talking but she left at 10:30 so I had the house to myself. I decided to tell Sam and Lizzie. I got my phone, purse and keys off the counter and drove to moms house. When I got there, I knocked on the door and Lizzie came running to it. I picked her up and hugged her as I walked inside. "Hi!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. Sam and mom were sitting at the table and both stood up when I walked inside.
"Where have you been?" Sam asked me.
"I've been at dads." I said.
"But you're meant to be at moms, that's the rules." He said.
"Not anymore." I told Sam and Lizzie.
"Why?" Sam asked.
"Because I have news." I said. I went and sat in the couch and told Sam and Lizzie to follow me. "I'm not living with mom anymore." I started off by saying, "because she kicked me out." I said.
"Mommy, why can't Siena live with us?" Lizzie asked.
"Because I'm pregnant." I said. I looked at Sam's face; he didn't look happy.
"What's that?" Lizzie asked.
"I'm having a baby." I told her.
"Siena. When did this happen?" Sam asked sternly.
"At Fred's party. When I caught you and Zoe-" I stopped when I remembered Lizzie and mom were sitting there. "Let's go to your room." I said to Sam. We both walked down the hallway to Sam's room and he sat on his bed while I sat in his desk chair.
"Who's baby is it?" He asked.
"Tyler's." I said. I nervously looked at Sam who looked furious, he didn't like Tyler.
"That prick got you pregnant?" Sam asked.
"Sam, calm down. It's my fault too." I said.
"I know. It was just a stupid decision." He said.
"I know and I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you." I said.
"Anything?" Sam asked.
"Anything." I replied. "Promise." Sam walked over to me and hugged me.
"I love you." He said.
"Me too." I replied. I let go of Sam and walked out of his room. When I walked back down the hallway, mom was waiting and looking at me with a face that I could easily read.
"I want you to know that I am furious with you. I will try act like a supporting mother but just know that I'm not. I don't want you to see Tyler ever again." She said.
"Mom, I don't live with you anymore so you can't make decisions for me." I said. The doorbell rung and Lizzie, who was sitting in her play room ran to the door. She opened it and shouted,
"Get out." Mom said angrily. I ran to the door and told Tyler to wait, mom followed. "Tyler, I need you to leave. Siena what did I just tell you." She said.
"Well, what was my answer." I replied. I smashed my lips against Tyler's and started making out with him. I moaned and started panting just to annoy Mom even more.
"SIENA!" Mom shouted. I pulled away and gave Mom an evil look and then kept going.
"Siena." I heard Sam say. "What are you doing?" I pulled away again.
"What does it look like." I said. I turned around and faced Tyler and pushed him out the door. When we were out, Mom slammed it shut behind us. "Sorry about that." I said.
"It's fine." Tyler said. "I actually quite liked it." I smiled and turned around.
"Can we get a coffee?" I asked.
"Sure. I'll meet you at Starbucks at 11:00." He said. I looked at my phone; 10:45. It was going to take us 10 minutes to get there so we both got into our cars. I followed Tyler but parked away from him because it was really busy in Main Street. We met at the door at exactly 10:50.
"Long time no see." I said. Tyler opened the door and led me in. I sat down at a couch while Tyler ordered my Nutella frappé and got his coffee. When he came back, he had my drink in one hand, his in another and a chocolate rose in his mouth. He handed me the drink and chocolate and sat down. "How'd you know I was at my Moms?" I asked.
"I went to your dads and he said there was a note on the counter saying that you were there." He said.
"So he was home?" I asked.
"Yeah." Tyler said. We continued drinking our drinks and when we finished, we drove back to my house and I dropped my car off and got into Tyler's.
"I need to see an obstetrician." I said.
"Call now, I'll take you." He said. I got my phone out and called the number for the local OBGYN.  They had an appointment slot for 1:00 so we drove straight there and waited. I had to fill in all kinds of forms. One had all of my details, the other I had to tick boxes and there was about 3 more other ones. When it was finally 1:00, my designated obstetrician Dr Williams came out.
"Siena Bollon-Pulley." He said when he walked out. Tyler and I stood up and followed him to his office. I laid down on the bed and lifted my shirt. "Siena, do you have any idea as to when this baby was conceived?" Dr Williams asked. I looked at Tyler and back at Dr Williams.
"Umm sometime in July." I answered. It was September 1.
"Ok, we'll do a few tests and figure out all the details." He said. First, I had a urine test and then a blood test. Finally, I got to see my baby. Dr Williams put a cold gel on my stomach and waved the wand around on it. Soon, there was a tiny heartbeat and a little body. "That's your baby." He said as he pointed at the screen. I looked at Tyler who was smirking at the screen. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"We made that." He whispered. "Thank you."
"Why are you thanking me?" I asked.
"Because, I will be the proud father of this baby." He said.
"Well, you'll actually be the proud father of these babies." Dr Williams said, pointing at the screen. Babies? What? "Congratulations, you're having twins." He said.
"Twins!?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes. I'll get you some photos." He said and walked out of the room.
"Soooo?" I said.
"I don't know." Tyler replied.
"What don't you know?" I asked.
"If I can look after 2 babies." He told me.
"You'll be fine." I said. Dr Williams came back in and gave us our photos and we left. Once we were in the car, I was so excited that I wanted to discuss names. "So if there's two girls we can have Poppy and Rosie. If it's two boys we can have Jackson and Xavier. If there's a boy and a girl we can have Poppy and Jackson." I babbled. I started at Tyler to see his reaction. He just kept his eyes fixed on the road with a straight face. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I don't think I can do this." He told me.
"You'll be fine, Tyler. I have seen the way you act around your brothers and sister and you love them." I said.
"I know. I'm just scared, I'm only 17 and I'm going to be a dad." He said.
"Well newsflash, I'm 16 and I'm going to be a mom." I said annoyed at his attitude.
"You know what. The easier way for me to do this is to leave but I didn't leave. I will support you and this baby no matter what. I'm just not ready right this moment. Maybe when the baby's come along, I will be." He shouted.
"Take me home please." I said.
"No!" He shouted.

Teen pregnancy: my storyWhere stories live. Discover now