Chappie 4

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[A/N] Enjoy!

[Edited feel free to point out mistakes]

[Disclaimer: I have nothing against Niall and I would never call him ugly or anything offensive to any of 1D]

Chapter Four• I'm not Okay
Song•Good Enough •Little Mix
(Note: idk if the cover is good or not soz sorey if its not)

Niall's POV

I didn't know exactly where to go, I couldn't go back to mine and Harry's apartment because that's where Harry would look. I couldn't drive anywhere and just leave Harry like that. So I pulled out my phone and searched for the nearest pub.

The Tiki Bar

Well better than nothing. I got the directions and its only around the block. I started walking fast as to not let anyone catch me running away from the school, running away from my problems.

I observed my surroundings. Just a few houses and even less people. It is the middle of the day so most people are busy with work.

I reached the bar within a few minutes and smiled hearing some rock band inside. Yeah going to a pub in the middle of the day probably isn't the best idea but nobody would guess to look here anyway.

"What can I get for ya?" The bartender asks as soon as I am sat on a bar stool.

"Just a beer." I give him a generous smile. He leaves and comes back a few seconds later with my beer.

"Tough day then?" He asks and throws his hand towel over his shoulder.

"Eh. Something like that, just need a break sometimes. Ya know?" I look back to him. He chuckled at my empty mug and hands me a shot of maybe vodka? Tequila maybe? I didn't care as it burned down my throat and left me a bit dizzy.

"Yeah, life's tough but it can only get better is what I always say... I'm sorry but I swear I know you from somewhere..." He says looking at me curiously while handing me another shot of whatever alcohol I had just downed for the fourth time. Yup I was probably being overdramatic but who cares when you're drunk.

"Well I'm Niall, Niall Horan." I say wondering where he knows me from. I don't really interact with people really.

"Horan... Horan, I know that name... Oh shit. I know where you're from. Its me, Maxx." He grins at me with recognition.

"Well shit. How ya been?" I smile. Maxx was a good friend of mine through high school and kept a few secrets of mine.

"I've been real good. Got myself a nice man, he might propose soon too." He smiled a find smile and chuckled. "How's your group? You guys still all together? And what about you and Zayn, any proposals soon?" He laughed and then refilled my beer mug not over doing the shots.

"Actually no, uh the group kind of broke up and we kinda just all got to reunite today after a few years, Zayn's got himself a wife." I smiled, I'm actually happy he moved on.

"Well that's sad to hear that you guys didn't stay close but hey at least you're all back together. So did something happen? I mean you're trying to drown your sorrows in alcohol so??" He questions with concern for how I am.

"Well some secrets got out and I just didn't wanna be pitied or looked down upon by any of them so I ran out." I answers honestly.

"Oh.. Um hold on I gotta get this guy." He went to take the customer's order leaving me with my thoughts.

I was pretty selfish for running out on all of them like that. I hope they don't worry to much.

"Maxx! You're shift is over, I'll take over." A blonde headed girl got Maxx's attention.

"Oh okay Perrie, here's that guys order. I'll see ya tomorrow hun." Maxx replied and went into a room labeled Employees Only.

I sat there for a moment wondering if this Perrie was Zayn's Perrie.

"Umm 'scuse me... Perrie?" I asked hesitantly.

"Whatdaya need?" She said sweetly, walking over to where I was sat.

"Do you happen to know Zayn Malik?" I asked and watched her face form to curiosity.

"Um.. Yeah, why do you ask?" She kept on a smile.

"Well I'm one of his friends from High School.. I used to date him, I'm Ni-"

"Niall, its so nice to meet you." She grinned widely at me and come around the counter giving me a hug. "Zayn used to vent a lot about you."

I smiled fondly not saying anything.

"So what are you doing in a pub, drowning your sorrows in alcohol as I can see at... 12:42?" She said checking a watch on her wrist.

"Well I happened to see the old crew from high school again and well.. Things didn't go as planned." I said.

"Are you oka-"

"Do I seem okay? I'm not okay." I cut her off.

"Aww babes, don't worry. I'm sure its not that bad. It'll be okay, nothing bad lasts forever. I got to get to work but here's my number if you ever need anything Niall." She scribbled her number sloppily on a receipt.

"Thank you Perrie, I feel a bit better now." I began to give her money for my drinks but she shook her head.

"Don't worry about it love. Its on the house for someone as special as you to my friend Liam.." She smiled and winked.

I walked away stunned, special to Liam? Me?

Tell meh what ya think and sorry for the shortage in updates cuz I'm using my phone ugh turns out I'm not getting a laptop. -Carter
936 words

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