Chappie 19

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Chapter 19 : In Little Ways
Song : "Everything Stays" - Olivia Olson/Marceline from Adventure Time

[Quick note - Freddie is around 3 yrs old]

Louis' POV

"Alright so in conclusion, Hitler committed suicide along with his wife to escape being caught by the American and British soldiers near the war's end. Are there any questions that I can answer? Just kidding, I'm sure anything you need answered will be on this sheet that I will hand out momentarily." I announce to my unattentive students.

Jeez, I know it's morning but they could at least pretend to be interested in my teaching. I long for my fifth period class, the students are much more attentive and it's also the period before my lunch.

Speaking of longing, in the duration of silence that comes whilst I pass out papers to my sluggish students; I listen to the voice across the hall. He's explaining a topic I haven't yet gotten to. The Cold War, although it's next on my agenda after finishing up world war two and the post-war. His voice is lovely though, bold and deep but also charismatic. I can only imagine how the adolescent girls feel about him, always trying to get him to ask silly questions just to get his attention on them.

I stopped listening to his voice as I had passed out all the papers and watched for any hands to raise up into the air. None did and I only hoped they all understood the work I had given out. Third period is always boring and quiet so I decided to have a seat at my desk and get some reading done before it's over.

Niall's POV

I watched Liam as he explained the complexity of a work by Jack London. I was hardly paying attention to what he was saying, lost in other thoughts of him. He's trying his very best not to snap at the students throwing paper balls in the back corner of the room. Ever so kind, he is. I watched his brows furrow in annoyance as he kept talking about the writing.

The patience he has for these kids is admirable but I, on the other hand didn't have anymore left to give them.

"Could you cut it out already, Mathew. Mr. Payne is trying to explain an important topic to you and it'll be useful to your grade, or ya know whatever is left of it really." I scolded the boy, throwing in a soft insult. Liam had stopped talking now and paper balls had also stopped being thrown.

"Whatever fag." I heard the boy, Mathew say before students laughed at his remark. I glanced at Liam, seeing that his annoyance turned into anger.

"Mathew, out. Now. Go to the dean's office, they can deal with you. I won't tolerate your behavior in my classroom." The boy was scolded. Liam waited for him to move and do as he told, which after a minute of silence, he reluctantly picked up his belongings and walked out of the room. Few students, giggled at the situation and Liam rolled his eyes, returning to his lesson.

-- time skip : end of the school day --

Liam was packing up papers and a binder, getting ready to leave the building whilst I sat on his desk.

"So.. last night.." I started but stopped myself. What am I thinking? I wanted to talk about our kissing but I didn't want it to seem like the biggest deal even though it is to me, just a little bit.

"Yes, Niall? Last night.. should do it again sometime, huh?" He said, glancing in my direction while finally having everything put away.

"Um. Yeah. We should, I liked it a lot." Cursing the awkward way I spoke to him, I pinched my thigh. Liam then closed his school bag and left it, walking over to where I was seated, on top of his desk. He moved to stand between my legs and brought his hand up to my cheek, caressing my jaw with his thumb.

Moving slow with Liam is impossible when there's so much I feel.

"Maybe, now then?" After asking and without receiving an answer, he leaned down and stole a kiss. It was just a soft peck until he stayed for more and I allowed it. My hand somehow had moved onto his chest, feeling his heartbeat underneath my fingertips as our lips fit and molded to each other. We had our own bubble of contentment and belonging and I wanted to capture it in a jar so that it could never be popped and we'd have it forever.

But bubbles always pop, of course. My lips felt alive with small tingles as he stepped back and stood above me with a smile.

"We should get going, Love. Lou invited me over for dinner at your guys' and I hear that Harry is an outstanding cook." I agreed with Liam and stood up whilst Liam grabbed his bag. He flipped off the classroom lights and then I stood and waited while he locked the door. The hallway was eerily quiet and rays of sunlight were poured onto the floor, seeping through the large glass windows. Since it was now October, the sun would be setting soon as it's five o'clock.

I felt excitement pushing it's way through my thoughts for seeing everyone again at Lou's as we walked to Liam's car because my car is still at his place; and got in, Liam holding my door open for me and then jogging back over to his side.

-- time skip : arrival at Louis' --

"Niall!" I heard the excited squeal of Freddie. The adorable toddler came running on his chubby legs to give my own leg a hug as Liam and I walked into the comfy home. I shrugged off my jacket to put it on to a rack near the door. I, then reached down to pry the toddler off of my leg and pull him up to eye level.

"Heya sport. I love your racecar shirt."  He grinned at the compliment, grabbing his shirt collar and explaining how Zayn bought it for him because they both liked the Cars movies.

"- Unc' Z and Selly are cuddlin' in the living room if ya wanna say hi Ni." Freddie informed me and I thanked him whilst putting him down.

I suppose things between Selena and Zayn were patched up as Freddie's information was correct. I had lost Liam somewhere whilst I made my way to the living room so I suppose he went to the kitchen to find Louis.

"Hey Niall." Selena greeted and I gave her a smile along with a nod to Zayn who was highly interested in some movie that was playing on the tv, across from the couch. The person I was really looking for though, wasn't in here so I figured Cara is probably in her room.

I made my way up the steps and into the lengthy hallway. Upon reaching Cara's door, I raised my hand in a fist to knock but the door opened before I had the chance to.

"Hey sweet cheeks. You didn't come home last night so do you have good news orrr is it bad?" She asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the small room.

"Nope. Nothing bad, in fact everything seems to be great." I said and she grinned, hugging me.

"I'm super happy for you and Liam, Niall. It's so great to see you happy again."

[A/N] surprise update at 2:30 in the morning because I just remembered I have to keep updating this story? Yep, here it is. Ha. A while ago, I was leaning towards a shitty, depressing ending but eh maybe I change my mind. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :). - C

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