Chapter 5. Hello Fletcher.

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Going to be a few or maybe more than a few spelling mistakes sorry. Someone asked to translate this book into Hebrew like what whaaaat! That'd be so cool okay and....... ACTION.
P.S If you can't see the emojis so sorry. But they play a big role in this story so imagine they're there or something idk

Luke_is_a_penguin: Hey Fletcher, sorry you're probably asleep but I just wanted to make sure you're alright x

Fletch_Wins: no its okay. I'm awake, I don't sleep in till 3pm Luke x

Luke_is_a_penguin: well I took the day off school so we can talk if you want ☺

Fletch_Wins: you took the day off school to talk to me..?

Luke_is_a_penguin: well it sounds bad if you say it like that.. But yeah

Fletch_Wins: luke.!

Luke_is_a_penguin: Fletcher!

Fletch_Wins: stop copying me.

Luke_is_a_penguin: sorry

Fletch_Wins: why would you do that!

Luke_is_a_penguin: Well your abusive boyfriend did come home yesterday drunk and I just wanted to make sure he didn't hurt you anymore,

Luke_is_a_penguin: mum did give out to me abit about wanting to stay home when it was obvious I wasn't sick but yeah I insisted

Fletch_Wins: you might just be the cutest 16 year old I know Luke, and don't worry about Justin he wasn't here when I woke up so....

Luke_is_a_penguin: why? Where'd he go?

Luke_is_a_penguin: and stop making fun of my age! I'm 17 this year.

Fletch_Wins: I don't know and I really don't care

Fletch_Wins: oooh big boy!

Luke_is_a_penguin: awh Fletcher! You should like totally come over to my house and we can like play the sims or Minecraft I have a ps4

Fletch_Wins: As tempting as that sounds I can't

Fletch_Wins: we probably don't even live that close to each other Luke..

Luke_is_a_penguin: We might! Like how big is Australia..

Fletch_Wins: I've a feeling you font pay attention in geography class Luke..

Fletch_Wins: And its pretty big if you must know..

Luke_is_a_penguin: hey! Not my fault and besides does anyone pay attention in geography class?

Luke_is_a_penguin: And I live in Sydney what about you?

Fletch_Wins: meh.. You have a point and I live in Melbourn actually so it's not that far I suppose...

Luke_is_a_penguin: you see! It's only like a five minute walk or something.!

Fletch_Wins: Yeah um Luke if I were you I'd sign up from summer classes for geography.. And please pay attention this time.

Luke_is_a_penguin: yeah yeah whatever Fletcher..

Fletch_Wins: don't whatever me! Respect your elders baby

Luke_is_a_penguin: heyyy! I am not a baby im a penguin 🐙

Fletch_Wins: why is that an octopus emoji

Luke_is_a_penguin: they didn't have any Penguin one

Fletch_Wins: what you mean like this one.. 🐧🐧🐧

Luke_is_a_penguin: I didn't see that!

Fletch_Wins: what type of phone do you have?

Luke_is_a_penguin: Iphone5s wby?

Fletch_Wins: iphone5c in pink

Luke_is_a_penguin: pink?....

Fletch_Wins: Yes pink bitch you got a problem?

Luke_is_a_penguin: absolutely not sir.

Fletch_Wins: I thought so Lucas.

Luke_is_a_penguin: hush now child.

Luke_is_a_penguin: Hey Fletcher?

Fletch_Wins: yea?

Luke_is_a_penguin: will you send me a picture?

Fletch_Wins: of what.....

Luke_is_a_penguin: of you omg

Fletch_Wins: oh... Why?

Luke_is_a_penguin: I just want to know how you look

Fletch_Wins: well I'm ugly

Luke_is_a_penguin: I bet you're not!

Fletch_Wins: I am

Fletch_Wins: shit Luke I have to go

Fletch_Wins: Justin's bavcl.

Luke_is_a_penguin: bavcl?

Luke_is_a_penguin: fletcher?

Luke_is_a_penguin: mm okay bye then x

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