Chapter 8. Hello Luke.

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Fletch_Wins: how are you today Luke? :)

Luke_is_a_penguin: not good..

Fletch_Wins: what why! :[

Luke_is_a_penguin: I went to school today

Fletch_Wins: whys that bad

Fletch_Wins: oh josh

Fletch_Wins: are you okay? :(

Luke_is_a_penguin: not really

Luke_is_a_penguin: I'm pretty sure I've a broken jaw and a black eye

Luke_is_a_penguin: I'm hurting so bad

Luke_is_a_penguin: can I please call you

Luke_is_a_penguin: I'm ringing you

Luke clicked the phone icon in the corner of the screen and waiting until the fourth ring for Fletcher to answer, when he did Luke sighed happily.

(A/N Luke is in BOLD "Fletcher" is in ITALICS)


"Luke? Are you okay?"

"N-not really" Luke felt his voice cracking as he tried to hold in his tears.

"Are you going to cry? Luke please don't cry."

"I'm sorry.. I just hate myself, they make me feel like shit.. That's all I am"

"Don't say that Luke, you're not shit. Please don't think that, please.."

"I think I'm going to commit.. I don't wanna do this anymore" Luke felt the warm liquid seep from his eyes and he closed them not wanting to feel the pain anymore.

"Luke please dont.. I haven't known you long but please don't do anything stupid you're such a good person and you were there for me and I really don't want you to go"

"I'm sorry Fletcher.."

Luke hung up the phone and walked away to the toilet wiping furiously at his eyes.

He saw his reflection in the mirror, he had just come back from school.

"Goodbye.." He mumbled before opening the press where his mum kept all the medicine and more.

He got out the pills he knew too well. It was the sleeping pills, the ones his mum took when his dad and brothers died, she couldn't sleep at all, but the pills helped, they didn't help how hurt and depressed she felt every morning but they did help her to fall asleep at night.

He grabbed the half full pill bottle and poured about 20 or more into his small hand.

He ignored his phone that was ringing it was either Michael, Calum or Fletcher. Most likely them because his mum was at work and didn't know that he had left school an hour early.

He sat on the toilet seat and just thought to himself ; would everyone really be happy if he was gone? He knew his mum wouldn't. She'd be devastated, she'd have no family left, but Luke wanted to be happy.

He swallowed all the pills and felt himself dosing off.

"I'm sorry mum.."

Then everything went black.

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