Chapter 10. Hello Luke.

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Luke's Point of View

It's been two weeks, two weeks since I've been out of the mental asylum that was called Radley. (A/N: My pll fans you're welcome) I was finally stable to leave after I had agreed to take all my medication. As if.

I wasn't allowed back to school until I was healthy enough to be around people but Calum and Michael had come to see me.

"Are you okay Luke?" Calum asked running his fingers through my hair that I had forgotten to brush in the past few weeks.

"Do I look okay?" I mutter just wishing he'd go away.

"Luke you know Cal just wants to know how you feel" Michael says fiddling around with his earphones.

"Sorry" I tell Calum and he nods understanding that I don't want to talk.

"Do you want anything?" No.
"Did you take your medication?" No.
"Are you hungry?" No.
"Do you want anything to drink?" No.
"Should I turn on the-"

"You know what can you just get me some water please?" I ask Michael and he nods getting up and walking out of the room.

Calum puts his arm around my shoulder and I snuggle closer to him.

"How're things with you and Michael?" I ask.

A blush spreads across his face as faces me. "Me and Michael... Ehm were just friends?"

"Friends my hole Calum, "friends" don't kiss and hold hands and frickle frackle" I tease poking his cheek.

"We haven't done the frickle frackle.."

"Yet!" I laugh.

"Yet.." He mumbles.

I sigh and snuggle closer into Calum's chest just playing with the hem of my his t-shirt.

"Can I ask you something?"


"How are you, and don't give me that 'fine' stuff, it's bullshit" Calum brushes my fringe out of my face.

"Honestly?" I ask.

"Honestly tell me how you feel right in this moment" Calum nods.

"I feel... Numb"

Ashton's Point of View

Louis_Tomlinson200: Do you want to come over?

Ashton_Irwin1: Are you hand fucking harry? ☺️

Louis_Tomlinson200: no.. 😑

Ashton_Irwin1: for the first time in forever! 🎉

Louis_Tomlinson200: Shut up are you coming or not?

Ashton_Irwin1: I'm kind of waiting for someone..

Louis_Tomlinson200: who? Justin? Isn't he in Newcastle for the week

Ashton_Irwin1: not Justin..

LouisTomlinson200: oh that Luke guy..

LouisTomlinson200: maybe he's just tired of you ahaha

Ashton_Irwin1: fuck you. I'm not coming ask Harry or something

LouisTomlinson200: fine stay home with your moody ass.

LouisTomlinson200: I had gotten a new movie but okay.

Ashton_Irwin1: if Harry's there I doubt you'll be watching that movie.

LouisTomlinson200: bye Ashton

Ashton_Irwin1: Bye Louis xxxx

I logged back into my other account 'Fletch_Wins' and I saw that I had a message. It was from Luke!

Luke_is_a_penguin: sorry Fletcher, I was in the hospital and I wasn't allowed my phone but if I scared you I'm sorry I saw your 347 messages, your so cute thank you I'm okay now, and if it makes you feel better you were the first person I texted when I got my phone back, I'm sorry I'm such a depressed loser and rang you crying. I understand if you don't want to talk to me again but I just wanted you to know I'm alive, sadly.

I drowned when I read his message but smiled slightly, Luke was okay, Luke texted me, Luke might be falling in love with me, but Luke doesn't know I'm lying.

I clicked on the phone icon in the top right corner and it rang a few times before someone answered.


"Hello Luke."

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