Chapter 11. Hello Fletcher.

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"Hello Luke"

"Ehm sorry to burst your bubble mate.. It's not Luke"

"Oh shit sorry nevermind"

"It's fine haha, he's in the toilet I'll tell him to ring you back"

"Thank you eh....?"


"Right. Thank you Michael"

"No problem......?"


"Right. Fletcher"

I was beyond furious when Michael had told me he answered my phone and talked to Fletcher and read mine and his' messages.

"You fucking retard" I bellowed hitting Michael in the chest several times but the older guy didn't seem to be getting hurt.

"I'm sorry Luke! Can you stop hitting me okay?"

Calum held me back by my arms and I just keep throwing daggers Michaels way.

"That was a private conversation Michael I've never read yours and Calum's!"

"I'm sorry Luke okay, it was just there.."

"It was just there" I mock him.

"Why did you tell him all that? I know how you feel about telling people about yourself  and your past, why would you tell him everything Luke?"

"Because you guys weren't there when I needed you to be." I close my eyes and rub my temple once Calum let's go of my arms. I feel like getting sick right now.

"I think I love him" I mumble but just audible for Michael and Calum to here.

"What do you mean you think you love him?" Michael asks in disbelief.

"I mean I think I love him Michael!" I say abit louder now that he was pissing me off.

"But how can you love someone you've never seen or met Luke?!"

"I have seen him!"

"Show me then."

"Show you what.."

"Show me pictures of him" Michael says trying to take my phone from me again.

"No." I grunt.


"I said no Michael"

"Show me a picture or I'll tell your mum"

Mum was against me talking to strangers especially after Ben. He met this girl through this dating site back a few years ago. Anytime Ben wanted to meet up with her she'd have an excuse. It even went to the extreme where the girl told Ben she had cancer which was the same one my mum had. Ben sent her money and bought her everything. In the end he found out she was a 30 year old man that wanted all of this for his wife. Ben was heartbroken and even though he never wanted to talk about it you could see it.

"Why are you blackmailing me Michael, I don't want you to see the picture okay?"

"Wait how many pictures has he sent?" Calum asks after not saying anything for the past ten minutes.

"Just one."

"Luke just show me the picture okay?"

I nod finally giving in and handing Michael my phone. He puts in my passcode which everyone knew and goes into mine and Fletcher's conversation.

He scrolls up for awhile before finding the picture and gulps.

I look at him curiously brows furrowing and watches when Calum walks over to him staring at the picture before mumbling something to Michael making him nod.

"What?" I say none of them replying

"Guys what?" They both just looked at me sad expressions on their face.

"What! God sake! Just tell me"

"Luke.. You've been catfished"

(A/N I just had to okay)

Luke_is_a_penguin: how could you..

Fletch_Wins: how could I what?

Luke_is_a_penguin: you know what.

Fletch_Wins: I don't ?

Luke_is_a_penguin: I bet your boyfriend isn't even abusive.

Fletch_Wins: why would I lie about that

Luke_is_a_penguin: well you did lie about who you were.

Fletch_Wins: oh..

Luke_is_a_penguin: Really. All you can say is oh? What's wrong with you

Luke_is_a_penguin: I did everything for you

Luke_is_a_penguin: you're sick

Fletch_Wins: Luke

Luke_is_a_penguin: everything was just a game to you

Luke_is_a_penguin: how many other things have you lied to me about

Fletch_Wins: I don't know

Luke_is_a_penguin: you don't know?

Luke_is_a_penguin: you sent me a picture of Zayn flipping Malik

Luke_is_a_penguin: and you thought I wouldn't find out

Fletch_Wins: I'm sorry

Luke_is_a_penguin: you're really not

Fletch_Wins: I am

Luke_is_a_penguin: just answer this one question honestly.

Fletch_Wins: okay

Luke_is_a_penguin: who are you.

Fletch_Wins: ...

Fletch_Wins: Ashton

Fletch_Wins: Ashton Irwin

Just hit 300reads you guys are wonderful I love you. X

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