Chapter 14. Hello Ashton.

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"Can I come in?"

"Um y-yeah" I move awkwardly to the side so he can step in, he looks around and smiles before I look at Michael nodding towards the door.

He understands what I'm saying and nods leaving closing the door.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you there"

I motion down to my bed, he sits and I join him.

"Why couldn't you?" I cough awkwardly and feel myself turning red. Why was I being so awkward and embarrassing around him, he lied to me. He made me fall for him through text messages and phone calls. But now, now that I was looking at his face, I realised he must be a model or an angel.

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know? You didn't show up and you don't know why?"

"I do know"

"Then tell me!" He flinched slightly as I raised my voice higher and I wanted to say sorry but I couldn't, I can't be so naive again.


Of fūcking course.

I scoff and laugh because seriously Justin, Only God knows if this 'Justin' one was really real.


"You're lying again aren't you"

If he came here to tell me the whole truth it's not working. Because he's lying.

"I'm not lying Luke!"

"Well I don't see any marks or bruises on you Ashton- if that's even your real name"

"My name is Ashton. How do you want me to prove it? Do you want me to get my birth certificate or something?"

He sounds so sure of it, but maybe we'd need to double check. I want to say yes I would love to see your birth certificate 'Ashton' but I withheld it.

"If Justin was real, and he was hurting you, you'd know that it's only right to report it"

"I love him Luke. I can't report him for doing something out of love"

I take a double take staring at 'Ashton' with my jaw dropped "Out of love?! He's hitting you, how is it out of love?"

"He loves me! And I love him" by now I can see tears start to well up in his eyes and I almost feel sympathy.

"He's not real Ashton, he's not real"

"You think I'm crazy? I'm not crazy Luke."

"You're pretending you have an abusive boyfriend Ashton, you're more than crazy" I stand up not even wanting to face him.

"I'm not lying!" Ashton had tears streaming down his face and now I did feel bad.

"Ashton I think you should leave" I mumble turning towards the door.



"No Luke, you- I can't go back, you don't believe me"

"Ashton you're not giving me something to believe!"

"Luke just let me explain, from the start"

I reluctantly make my way back to my bed and sit down facing Ashton.

"From the start."

He takes a deep breath and I can see his fingers shaking.

"Back when I was 15, I had a sister.. Lauren, we had a fight one day and she left, she went missing for two years, on my 17th birthday the police came to my house, they found Lauren but she had been dead for more than 6 months, when I saw her body I-"

Ashton coughs biting his lip.


I nod and he starts to continue.

"It was my fault Luke, I never forgave myself, I still don't. My sister ran away because of me. No one knew it was my fault it will always be my fault. She's not coming back.. I was in the park one night, I was tired of feeling like I was cooped up with everyone's blame, so I stayed at the park for the night, the next morning when I woke up I was in someone's house, it was Justin's. He took me home that night because it was raining. He told me I would have gotten råped if I stayed there all night, which we laughed at. If someone was to try and råpe me I would have karate chopped them"

I try to withheld a laugh but Ashton's giggle was contagious.

"Anyways Justin took me in, I stayed with him for a few days but I had to go back home, I told mum that he was an old friend and I would be staying with him sometimes, but sometimes turned to weeks that turned to months and it was only right that we made it official after awhile. Justin told me had Bipolar, and I never would have thought until he came home one night drunk and he hit me, I didn't want to leave knowing it was a small mistake. But he never stopped, and it was mostly my fault. I'm just a horrible person"

"You're not a horrible person Ashton, but why didn't you show up today?"

"I tried Luke, oh God I tried. But Justin found out, he found out I was going to meet you and he got angry, so angry.. He punched me"

"Enough with the fūcking lies Ashton! That's not the reason is it? You were probably off cat fishing other people weren't you?"

Ashton took his sweater sleeve and wiped the skin over his eye, and there it was. A dark forming bruise. He had covered it up with makeup.

"Like I said Luke, nobody's perfect"

Okay guys I couldn't leave you just there, I need you guys to think about lashton for awhile so now we're going to briefly switch to malum!

[A/N: Michael is in BOLD Calum is in ITALICS]

"She's honestly so gorgeous Michael"

"If she looks like you I bet she is"

"Wait what?"

"Uhm never mind don't worry"

"No Michael, I mean I heard what you said.. Did you mean it?"

"I think my answer is going to ruin our friendship Calum.."

"Why would it?"

"Because I can't like my best friend!"

"Wait what?"

"Fūck- nevermind I have to go"

"No Michael. Stay on the phone"

"Calum please just forget what I said, I didn't mean it"

"You d-didn't?"

"Well I did but-"

"But what Michael, why're you making this so difficult for us!"

"I don't want to ruin everything we have!"

"Michael there's nothing to lose, I know you like me. It's been obvious since we were 13"

"You've known I liked you for 4 years, and never did anything about it?"

"What was I supposed to do Mike? You went rebellious and left myself and Luke always so worried about you"

"Wait so this is my fault?!"

"I never said that!"

"Yeah well I know you meant to"

"I didn't, can we just talk about this when you're back?"

"I don't know. I have to go"

"Wait Mic-"


Okay guys I hope you don't hate me for this shittÿ filler chapter. And I'm so stuck for my new malum book like I have the idea just ughhhhhh I need a collab partner..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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