He catches you fangirling over someone who isn't him

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If you don't like these people I'm sorry, this is just who I personally fan girl over so it's easier this way, cause I know, and I think I have a good taste in men, so if you don't like them then sorry.

This was before it changed from 5SOS & 1D to just 5SOS.

Ashton: Markiplier/Mark Fischbach

You just saw that Mark had posted a new video, getting the notification. So you quickly opened YouTube and went to your subscription list to see that he had posted a new video.

The video was 'Five Nights at Freddy's the Musical, Night 2' you squealed a bit and played it. Once you heard him sing and then the song finish you jumped up and down, squealing.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! He has the voice of angel! God why can't he just speak to me like that! Why can't my name be more common! (If your name is then sorry, mine isn't so that's what I'm used to.) Why can't more people name video game characters Y/n so I can hear him say my name?!" You said in one breath.

You heard someone clear their throat and you looked at a pouting Ashton. "Baby? Do you not like when I say your name?" He asked sadly. He knew you were only fangirling and that you loved him, but he also felt a bit jealous.

"Of course baby!" You jumped up and ran into his arms. He quickly wrapped his around you, a victorious smirk on his face as you tangled your hands in his curly hair. "He's just, oh you know I'm just being a fan girl. And you have to admit that he has an amazing voice." You chuckled.

He laughed and kissed the tip of your nose. "Whatever you say Y/n." He smirked and picked you up. "You're just gonna have to deal with the fact that you're stuck with me as your boyfriend." He sighed sarcastically.

You giggled and kissed him quickly. "I guess I am. You better prove that you really are worth it with cuddles." You told him and he grinned, running to your bed and laying you down gently before crawling in beside you.

"I can do that." He smiled and pulled you close.

Calum: Chris Pine

You squealed and jumped up and down as you listened to 'Agony' for the billionth time.

"That man can take me as many times as he wants with a voice like that." You say, panting slightly as you laid on the bed.

"What about me?" Calum pouts. "I thought it was my job to do that." He pouted more and you pulled him over.

He stumbled a bit but managed to stop himself right over you. "It is your job." You smiled and kissed him lovingly, which he reciprocated in no time.

"Damn right it is." He grumbled and smiled. "Now," he turned off the song, "how about I sing you a song so you can compliment me." He smirked as you blushed.

"You're a dork Calum, but ok." You smiled and kissed him softly while sitting up. He pulled you into his lap and sang 'All I Want' by Kodaline softly to you. Let's just say you forgot about Chris...for now.

Harry: Benedict Cumberbatch

This is basically a legit fangirling session of mine.

You bit your lip to contain your squeal but it failed. You were currently watching a season/series 4 Sherlock trailer and you couldn't contain yourself any longer.

You squealed and jumped up and down on your toes, spinning in a circle as you did. "OH MY GOD!" You giggled uncontrollably and squealed more. "That man can have all of my babies!" You panted and felt yourself getting dizzy.

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