Post break up meeting and he didn't know you were prego (Part 2)

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You let the twins go and they ran off, going back to play, the other boys watching them while you spoke with Ashton.

"When the fuck did they happen?" He asked angrily, his voice was calm and steady, but firm and low.

"A little over 8 months after we broke up." You admitted. "Well that's when they were born." You kept your eyes anywhere but him.

His anger diminished entirely, sadness over taking it. "You were pregnant when I broke up with you? Wh-Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice faltering.

"I was going to, but you yelled at me for bugging you, then we fought, and you left. I didn't want to use them as leverage, I didn't want it to go on like that." You told him, your voice soft, unsure of how this was going to turn out.

He looked at you in disbelief, and felt a huge wave of guilt wash over him. He wrapped you up in his arms, crying softly. "I'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't know, oh god I'm a fucking idiot." He cried into your neck.

You held him close, gripping his jacket and rubbed his back. "Shh Ash." You cooed. "You still have time to do what's right." You stepped back. "You don't even have to be with m-" You were cut off by his lips on yours.

"I'm never letting you go, I was stupid enough to do it once, I'm not doing it again." He whispered.

You smiled and took his hands. "Kids! Come here!" You called.

The chubby little children ran over as you and Ash kneeled to their level. "Yes momma?" Your son asked.

"Wanna meet your dad?" You asked them and they nodded quickly, grinning.

Ashton grinned at them, all three of them having the same smile. "That'd be me guys I-"

"Daddy!" They bother hugged him tightly and Ashton hugged them back, fighting back tears of joy, happy he had his family.


You woke you, Calums strong arms wrapped around you and your daughter. You looked at him and smiled softly.

He was still awake, a smile on his face as he looked at your daughter. "We made her, didn't we." He said softly, resting his head on yours.

You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we...I did." You told him, moving back. The memories returned, ruining your moment.

"It takes two to make a baby." He said, a bit hurt.

"It takes two to raise one too, but it was just me." You said and reached over, taking your daughter back in your arms.

"Y/n, I didn't know you were pregnant, I would've stuck around, I would've clears my head and come home. I would've been with you."

"So now this is my fault? Calum you screamed at me for dropping something and then left me." You reasoned.

"Baby, I promise you, I was hurting the minute I left that house, I didn't think you wanted me back. I should've talked to you, I really should've." He sighed and looked at you and your daughter.

"What'd you name our girl?" He asked, looking down at her.

"Annette." You told him, holding her close.

"She's beautiful, like you." He whispered, moving closer and watching you two. "Please forgive me?" He pleaded, his eyes meeting yours.

"Alright." You said and he kissed you immediately. He missed your lips and sighed softly against them.

"I missed that." He smiled softly.

You felt the little girl in your arm stir and you both looked down at her. Her big brown eyes were now open, looking at you and smiling. "Annie, meet your daddy." You smiled and handed her to Calum.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up, hugging him. "Daddy!" She cheered and held onto him.

Calum hugged her, and you, smiling as he kissed you again.


The boys eyes widen as they saw Luke. Joseph jumped into his arms and Parker scrambled over you and straight to Luke.

Luke hugged them tightly. "Oh my boys, oh my god I have boys." He said happily, tearing up as he held his little boys to him.

He looked at you. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly.

"I didn't wanna hold you back." You admitted shamefully.

He shook his head. "Never, you never held me back, a family wouldn't hold me back either, you boys would make me wanna do better than ever." He said and kissed both of their heads.

You sniffled softly and smiled. "I'm sorry." You said and he pulled back from the hug, letting the boys sit on his lap.

"Shh it's ok." He whispered and then crashed his lips into yours. "I love you, still." He smiled softly.

You kissed him back. "I love you too." You smiled softly.

"We love you daddy, and we love you mommy." The boys said, snuggling into Luke.

"We love you too." Luke smiled. "Daddy's gonna take care of you guys, and your mom." He smiled at them and you.

"Luke you don't have to." You tried.

"I insist. I love the three of you with every fiber of my being, and I want you to be happy. I'm not mad at you, I love you." He said again and pulled you to him.

"Get some sleep, alright, the three of you." He smiled.

"Alright." You smiled and the boys had already dozed off. "I missed you Luke." You murmured.

"I missed you too." He murmured and kissed your forehead. "Now get some shut eye lovebug."


He chuckled as he pulled back. "Definitely mine." He whispered, looking at the three kids with you. "And definitely yours." He smirked.

You blushed and buried your head in his neck. "We missed you." You whispered.

"They didn't even know me." He chuckled. "How could they miss me?"

"You're their dad, they missed you." You chuckled and kissed his cheek softly.

"Mommy! Stop kissing him! He's a boy he has cooties!" Your daughter yelled.

"You're being held by a boy..." One of your boys said and your daughter squealed.

"Oh cmon, your dad can't give your mom cooties, so I can kiss her all I want." He said and smiled.

The kids all froze and looked at him. "Y-You're our daddy?" Your other son asked and Michael nodded.

They all hopped out of his friends arms and ran over, tackling him to the ground with hugs. He hugged them all and grinned. "Oh my little ones! God you're so big!" He said happily.

They grinned and giggled. "Daddy." They said happily, curling up to Michael and holding onto him for dear life.

"Daddy, are you gonna stay?" Your daughter asked.

Michael looked at you, then the boys. "Oh you bet I am!" He smiled as they cheered. A grin spread across your face the boys smiled at their friend.

"Why don't you go play with your uncles while daddy talks to mommy, yeah?" He smiled and turned them to his friends. The kids ran over and introduced themselves to their uncles, and vice versa.

Michael stood up, pulled you into his arms, dipped you, and kissed you passionately. "You're so lucky I'm hopelessly in love with you." He whispered.

"Good, because I'm hopelessly in love with you too." You grinned and hugging him close, kissing him as he stood you upright.

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