Post break up meeting and he didn't know you were prego (Part 1)

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Ashton: (6 years, Twins.)

You, and your twins were at a playground. You were watching them and smiled as they played together. A group of older boys appeared and began picking on your daughter, the younger of the twins. Your son wasn't standing for this either and he stood up to the kids and one pushed him and moved to hit him.

Your son shielded his sister and you ran to shield them but you were beaten there by a group of 4 men. "Hey, why don't you little kids skedaddle before we tell your parents." One said and you immediately knew who this group of boys were.

"Are you two ok? Where's your mom?" Ashton, the one who shielded them and took the hit asked. He was looking them over with concern as you approached.

Your son, James, nodded and your daughter, Lillith, saw you and ran up to you. James followed her and they both jumped at you, sniffling. You caught them and hugged them both, kneeling to be at their height.

"Momma!" They both sniffled and held onto you. The rest of the boys watched, shocked expressions on their faces. Now that they saw the four of you together they could tell that Ashton was the father of the twins.

Ashton on the other hand, was looking confused, and angry, and guilty. He walked over and knelt in front of the three of you. "We need to talk Y/n."

Calum: (3 years, 1 child.)

You bounced your daughter, Annette, in your arms, making her squeal from behind her scarf and under her hat. It was pretty chilly out and you didn't want her getting sick. A little sneeze erupted from her cute little frame.

You frowned when you saw how red in the face she was from the cold she was but you were so far away from home. You had no car after Calum left, you couldn't afford one. You started walking faster as it began to snow more.

This is what you get for living in London. The boys were in their new home, which you were rapidly approaching. Luke was looking out the window when he spotted you, not knowing it was you he pulled on his coat and pulled you and your daughter inside, away from the storm.You were thankful he had, you hadn't seen his face when he approached you and offered you a warm place to spend the storm through.

The other boys entered as Luke got some blankets. "What's going on?"Calum asked.

"I invited a woman and her little girl inside, they were walking and the storm started to pick up." Luke told them simply. The boys peaked out and saw you, you were partially drenched, the snow having seeped into your clothes a bit.

"I'll go get something for the mom to wear." He said and jogged off to get you warmer clothes. You pulled off your wet sweatshirt and shivered as you took your daughters jacket off her. The boys saw you and tensed, recognizing you immediately.

Well Calum returned he walked over and handed you a sweatshirt. "Here you go lo-" He froze when he saw you. Memories flashed back to him as he saw your shivering form and he pulled you into his arms. He glanced at your daughter, who was obviously his, and he sat beside her and pulled you down next to him.

"Warm up you two." He said and you wrapped yourself up in his sweatshirt and snuggled into his side, having missed him greatly. He pulled your daughter close and looked up at the boys. Ashton and Michael put a blanket over them and they just nodded. "You can explain later, warm them up." Michael winked.

Luke: (4 years, Twins.)

You looked around, trying to find a set of three seats but you couldn't. You found two but there was a man there, a hood on with his head leaning against the window. "Um, would you mind if the three of us sat here? You don't have to move." You asked him and he glanced your way, not catching your face as he nodded.

"Sure thing." He said kindly and helped you put up your bags before sitting down, he let you sit beside him with one of your sons in your lap. "I'm Luke by the way." He introduced and looked at you, a smile on his face that grew when he recognized you, the faded a bit when he saw your two boys, unable to tell they came from his gene pool to.

"I'm Y/n." You gave him a smile and your boys both sat in your lap.

"I'm Joseph." Said the one wearing a green jumper.

"I'm Parker." The one wearing the red jumper told him and waved before crawling into his seat.

Joseph curled up to you and smiled at Luke. Luke recognized something about them, their blonde hair and smile must have belonged to their father because he knew they had your eyes, he'd memorized their appearance years ago when you were his.

"Do you boys have a dad?" He asked, eyeing you as he did.

Joseph nodded and smiled. "Momma says he's a famous person." He told him and Parker nodded. Luke thought of all the people he knew that knew you after the break up and none of them matched up.

"She also said he plays guitar with he best friends." Parker added."

"We wanna be just like him." They both said.

Luke finally put to and two together. He smiled faintly when they saw him on a tabloid cover and giggled at the silly face their father, him, was pulling in the picture.

Luke cleared his throat and the three of you looked at him. He pulled off his sunglasses and hood and smiled. "Hi boys."

Michael: (5 years, Triplets)

You groaned as you chased after your 2 boys and your daughter. Having triplets was hard enough, having triplets by yourself is even harder. They bumped in three tall men, you hitting the fourth. You blushed and you children did as well.

"S-Sorry mister." Your kids said. The boys all recognized you, a smile on their faces, except for Michaels, he just looked shocked.

"It's alright you little goobers." Ashton said as the boys picked up your kids. These 3 kids were obviously yours and Michaels. They squealed as they were lifted up into the strong arms of their fathers friends.

Michael looked at his friends and his kids and pulled you closer. "They did it, I should to." He said and smirked down at you slightly.

"M-Michael I-I can explain." You reasoned and he shook his head.

"Save it, I have something else in mind." He said and kissed you, missing the feel and the taste of your lips. You kids buried their head in the other boys neck, yelling 'ewwww' along with the boys.

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