You surprise him on tour

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You giggled, walking backstage just after your 4 favorite boys in the world ran on to perform. You giggled and watched them, your focus mainly on the curly haired drummer.

Ashton had yet to notice you, but you didn't mind, knowing he was doing what he loved. After the song they were playing ended the boys up front talked while Ashton caught his breath and drank some water.

After doing that he smiled at his friends, and you couldn't take it any long. "Ashton!" You shouted. Only he heard you and he looked around before his eyes landed on you. You grinned and waved at him, finally off school, these past 6 months have been rough on you both but you were finally here.

He didn't even wait to finish the concert, he scrambled up and ran over to you. The other three boys heard him and watched curiously, smiling when their eyes landed on you. As soon as you were in arms length he hugged you tightly to him, and you hugged back.

"You're so sweaty." You chuckled and nuzzled his jaw. He chuckled softly and smiled.

"Yeah I know, but I just, needed a hug." He murmured and kissed you're forehead before bending down and kissing your lips. He pulled back and grinned. "Now I'm sure everyone out there is really confused, come with me to explain?" He asked and bit his lip.

"Alright." You smiled and held his hand as he walked out with you. All the fans cheered as they saw you and you laughed.

"Sorry bout that," he said into Calums mic since he was up front with them, "got a little surprised when I saw her." He smiled into the microphone and held you closer, "and I needed one of my Y/n hugs." He smiled and all the fans aw'd at you two.


You whistled softly as you adjusted the SnapBack on your head. Calums hat he let you have while he was gone fitting you nicely. You smiled, having three large boxes of pizza in your hands to get them to open the door.

You sighed and knocked again. "Pizza!" You yelled and not a moment later Michael opened the door. Y-" You pressed a finger to his lips.

"Shhh I'm surprising Cal." You whispered and he nodded. He let you in the boys looked up, you're head down so they couldn't see your face.

"We didn't order any pizza." They frowned softly.

You looked up and grinned. "Y/n!" They yelled in happiness and ran over, you set the boxes down as all four boys hugged you. They each pulled away and got some pizza, except Cal, he smiled and buried his head on your neck. "I missed you baby."

"I missed you too." You whispered and played with his soft hair.

He smiled into your neck. "I love it when you do that baby." He whispered and held you close.

"Thanks for actually bringing dinner Y/n!" The three boys called.

"Wait there's actually pizza?!" He let go and grabbed three slices, making you laugh happily.


You laughed as you talked to Liz, who was driving you to the boys newest venue. It was early in the morning and you were going to be camped out in the bleachers till you felt it was time to surprise him.

Liz helped you set up and left you a bag of food and water in case you wanted some while you waited. She always loved you and thought you and Luke were adorable.

So now here you were, waiting in the bleachers. The boys played one song and you smirked. This was your moment, mainly because you couldn't wait any longer.

As they spoke you made lots of noise before standing and smiling wide, their backs to you as they discussed things. You punched your nose to despise your voice slightly.

"Oh my god! It's 5 Seconds of Summer!" You yelled, making the boys jump and turn in surprise.

Smiles spread across their faces and Luke ran down. "Y/N!" He cheered as he ran. You ran and met him halfway, jumping into his arms and he held you. "How? Mom." He shook his head and kissed you.

You kissed back and felt more arms around you. "We missed you too Y/n." Michael said and you pulled back from Luke.

"Way to make it awkward Mike." You laughed.

"Wait, did you sleep here?" Calum asked, all the boys looking at you concerned.

"No, I just got here before you." She chuckled and Luke smiled.

"Good, go pack up your stuff while we do our next song, load it up on the bus." He winked as he set you down.

"No sex on the bus!" All three yelled, somewhat paler as they pictured the pornographic noises that would leave your two mouths.

"Get in Y/n please." Luke begged.

"He'll love it Y/n/n pretty please." Ashton begged. ((Y/n/n = your nick name.))

"You can keep your clothes please." Calum begged.

"I can't believe I'm letting you put me in a cake..." You grumbled and crawled into the cake.

The boys flew you out for Michaels birthday and you were now waiting to pop out of the cake. The picked the word piccolo as your signal to pop out.

The boys talked and then you heard a loud yell of the word piccolo and you popped out of the cake.

Michael had his back to you, an eyebrow raised as he listened before turning, his eyes widening and a grin spreading across his face as he saw you.

"Oh thank god it's not a stripper!" He smiled wide.

"Weeeeell..." You teased and he shook helps head, pulling you into his arms and holding you close as his three friends cut the cake.

"I have my dessert here, peace!" He yelled and carried you to his room, making the boys gag slightly.

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