Christmas together

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You sniffled and hid your face from your phone as you saw him frown through the screen. "I'm so sorry baby. I tried to get home for you but I can't." He said sniffled the sight of you so heartbroken killed him.

"Are you gonna be home at all this year? You've been gone all year and I miss you." You whimpered.

"I promise I'll be back for New Years." He said. "No matter what, I'll be there to kiss you at midnight." He said, his voice pleading.

"Ok." You said, not believing him, beginning to cry, not able to hold back any longer.

"No no no baby please don't cry." He whimpered. "If you cry, I'll cry, and then you'll keep crying, and then I'll keep crying and it'll be a never ending cycle." He said trying to cheer you up.

You wiped your eyes and chuckled a bit. "I still have your birthday present and your Christmas present here babe."

"I don't need a present, you're all I'll ever need."

You woke up and smiled as Calum pulled you closer. "Good morning beautiful." He murmured sleepily.

"Merry Christmas handsome." You smiled and turned to face him. "Wanna go open presents baby?" You asked.

"Yeah, let me just throw on a t shirt first." He said as he got up. You ran downstairs, greeting your mother, who was patiently waiting for yo with Cal's puppy. He came down and smirked as he saw you by the door in your coat.

"What are you up to?" He smirked.

"Oh nothing." You said. "I think there's a package waiting for you on the porch." You said and walked away from the door.

He opened the door, confusion on his face. He gasped as he opened the door and the small puppy ran in and jumped on him, making him laugh and picking him up. "Did you seriously get me a puppy?" He asked.

You nodded and giggled as he pulled you close and tight, kissing you sweetly. You pulled back as a bright flash invade your closed eyes. "Moooom." You whined and Calum chuckled, kissing your forehead.

"Daddy daddy daddy!" Your 3 year old daughter bounced on the couch as she looked outside.

You chuckled and smiled as you watched her. She had your e/c eyes but his blonde hair. She had her little Christmas dress on and her hair in cute little pigtails.

Your family had just left and she was waiting for Luke to come home. "Mummy where daddy?" She whined to you.

"On his way, see?" You showed her the Find my Friends app to show her the Luke was close. "That's us, and there's daddy, he's almost here." You smiled as she clapped and squealed as his car pulled up.

"Daddy daddy daddy!" She opened the door and ran outside. You ran after her but she got caught by Luke.

He held her close and smiled. "What are my two favorite girls doing out in cold?" He asked and walked inside with the two of you. "I missed you." He whispered and kissed you. "Merry Christmas." He smiled.

"And I missed you!" He attacked your daughters cheek with kisses, making her squeal with delight.

"Daddy!" She hugged him and smiled. "I miss you." She said cutely and held onto him. "No leave again?" She asked and clung to him.

"I can't make that promise, but I can tell you and mummy that two very special girls will be going with me on tour." He said and your face lit up.

"Wha?" She asked, confused. You both chuckled at her cuteness.

"Daddy's gonna take us with him! We won't have to leave him!" You told her and she squealed, clapping. "Yay yay yay!" She bounced in his arms. "Daddy I show you Santa brought!" She pointed to the unwrapped gifts under the tree and they sat together and he listened as she told him about it all.

"Ow, baby he's moving." You grumbled sleepily. It was early Christmas morning, like 1:30 in the morning, neither of you were ready to get up.

"Cmon buddy, stop it." He said and rubbed your swollen belly. "I know you want Christmas presents but you gotta wait till you get out." He said and kissed your shoulder.

As if he understood your water broke and the both of you were not fully awake. "Damn it Michael why'd you have to say that?!" You groaned in pain.

"I didn't think he'd believe me." He said as he grabbed your bag and led you out to the car. "Cmon, little Michael Jr isn't gonna wait."

"We already went over this, we're not naming him Michael Jr. We agreed on Anthony." You said exasperatedly.

"I was just messing babe, trying to bring a smile to your face." He cracked a smile, causing you to smile. He helped you in and drove to the hospital.

He helped you inside and the two of you were brought to the delivery room. After hour and hours you were done and your little boys cried could be heard. You both looked at him in aw.

As soon as he was in your arms you grinned. "Hi little Michael Jr." You smiled.

"But I thought-"

"Yeah well he looks just like his daddy, and I say so." You smiled.

He grinned. "Hi, little me." He whispered and ran his thumb over the baby boys cheek. "Merry Christmas sweetie." He whispered.

"Merry Christmas babe." You smiled

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