Love at first sight

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He breathed somewhat heavily as he waited for the other boys to catch up to him. He had somehow convinced the other boys to come for a run with him in the evening, and now they were behind.

He leaned against the tree. Looking out at the other people in the park. His eyes wandered about, stopping as they landed on you. You were reading while sitting in the grass, a few of your friends playing frisbee.

His breath caught in his chest as you looked up and met his gaze with your e/c eyes. The boys running into him didn't even know him out of his trance. The boy looked confused. "What's gotten into you?" Luke asked.

The boys looked at you and looked down, blushing. "Who's that?" Calum asked him.

"I don't know, but I love her."


He whistled softly as he entered the crowded Starbucks, his eyes wandering around slightly as he walked to the line.  He looked around still, looking for a place to sit and work on some songs.

Before he found one he had to order his coffee, smiling kindly to the barista as she took and made his order. He went over to get his drink, thanking the barista and sipping it as he spotted an empty table.

On his way over the door opened, but he didn't care. He sat down, pulling out his note book of songs. He looked up to find something that might spark some inspiration and that's when he saw you.

You were waiting in line, facing him but your eyes on the food in the display. He couldn't take his off you. He nearly fell out of his chair as your eyes shifted to him.

He memorized every detail of your eyes, a frown crept into his face as you looked away to order. He looked back down at his notebook and began writing lyrics.

'And her eyes, they shined,
And I know it might sound crazy, but I think I just met the girl of my dreams'


He laughed as he and the boys made jokes, walking down the London street in a winter afternoon. He was looking at Ashton and Calum as the continued their playful banter.

As they turned and continued on their way a soft gasp could be heard and Luke looked up, catching the girl, you, who slipped on the ice in front of him, falling into his arms. He looked at you with somewhat wide eyes, nearly falling himself and you looked up at him.

He just looked into your eyes, your gazes locked as he slowly helped you up to your feet. "I-I'm sorry." You whispered. You broke eye contact to pull out  scrap of paper. You scribbled your name and number on it.

"Tell me if I can make it up to you." You said while putting your number in his hand, going around him and continuing towards your destination.

The other boys just looked somewhat shocked at how easily he got your number. "What just happened?" Michael asked.

Luke smiled down at the paper in his hand, mumbling softly. "I love her."


He grinned as he and the boys watched the fans file in for a little Q&A session before their concert. He smiled as the boys cracked some jokes, chuckling when they were actually funny.

Once all the fans were seat the questions began. While the other boys answered some questions his scanned the crown, his eyes stopping as he saw you.

You had a grin on your face as you looked over all the boys. Your eyes stopping and staying as they connected with Michaels. You gave him a little wave, which he returned.

The other fans noticed and were bombarding him with the question of who he was looking at. They noticed the lovestruck look in his eyes and became extremely curious.

Luke nudged him. "Who are you looking at?" He asked.

"The love of my life."

5SOS PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora