Watching 'Life is Strange' together

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If you haven't watched anyone play this game yet then please go do so. It is amazing. The best playthroughs are on Jacksepticeye's channel, he does the entire episode in one go, if not try TheRPGMinx, she does it in parts. It is a lot of watching but it is worth every moment of it.

You will need to have watched a 'Life is Strange' playthrough in order to understand. I'll leave links to Jack and Minx in the comments below.


This was before it changed from 5SOS & 1D to just 5SOS.


You were curled up to Ashton, your laptop in his lap since you were at an angle. You had convinced him to watch 'Life is Strange' with you. You both commented about the amazing music and art style and fell in love with Max and Chloe.

Thankfully, but also sadly, you had only recently started watching. The first four episodes out of the five episode game had come out and you were watching Jacksepticeye play, since he had them all in one video.

You had made it to the 4th episode and it got to the point where the alternate Chloe asked Max to kill her, and you just shook your head. "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no." You said and sniffled.

Ashton rubbed your back and pulled you closer. "Baby he said no. Chloe's gonna live." He said calmly and kissed your forehead.

"I'm so sorry William." You both hear Max say and watch in fear at the up coming emotion as Jack focus' the picture and Ma goes back to the day William died. You sniffled and shook your head more as a few tears rolled down your cheeks while, Max apologized to Chloe for the future.

Ashton pulled you to his chest and you buried your head in his shirt while crying slightly. "At least Chloe is ok." You murmured and wiped your eyes, cheering when the next song came on. And that song was 'In My Mind' by Amanda Palmer. (Because the author loves her and saw her a few weeks ago.)


You had finally convinced your boyfriend to watch a playthrough of one of your favorite games, 'Life is Strange'. He only agreed because he was promised cuddles. So you curled up on your couch and set your laptop on your laps.

Calum wrapped an arm around your shoulders and rested his head on your shoulder as you both watched, you rested your head on is. When it got to episode four you were nervous and excited about what was in store, since you hadn't seen it yet.

You and Calum both cried when Max had to let William leave to go get Joyce but it didn't stop there. When Chloe and Max got to the Dark Room and found the binders you both paled. Seeing the pictures of Rachel and Kate, and then Chloe's reaction broke your hearts.

As soon as the cut scene began you were both tense and scared for what the girls were going to find in the junkyard. They began digging and you both froze complete when you heard Chloe cry, You saw what looked like a crumpled up shirt in the hole.

"RACHEL!" You and Calum yelled.

"Nathan is a dead motherfucker!" You growled at the screen and held Calum close as he sniffled.


You were bored out of your mind and you decided to watch some YouTube videos. Harry smiled at you, yours eyes narrowed at your phone as you searched for something.

He walked over and picked you up, laying in the couch with you. You yelped as he picks you up, being surprised by him. "Oh, hi Harry." You laugh and nuzzled into his chest.

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