Chapter #9 (Meet and Greet)

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Both Dipper and I have ignored our fight about Gideon and have gone back to our normal behavior. Well as normal as it gets with us. And today I wake up knowing I get to meet this new girl he likes. Her name is Wendy, I think? Maybe? I can't remember but still I'm REALLY excited!! Dipper has like never like a girl EVER. He's had small innocent crushes but nothing that actually goes anywhere. I'm not sure why but I have hope for this girl, she sounds promising.

I run down the stairs, singing along to ear to see and eyes to hear by sleeping with sirens. Well trying my best to sing. Dipper thought I had a great voice but i didn't and I didn't care, I just sang to have fun. So skipping two steps at a time and the strings of my headphones bouncing at my side I jump and gravity pulls me to the ground with a loud thud, harsh enough to make me topple over. I giggle, get up and move on as a Mabel usually does.

"Nice fall Evel Knievel," she chimes with a chuckle, "I wish I could take a hit like that." she finishes through a mouth full of apple.

Still stunned by her presence, I silently take a look around assuring no one else was around to see my fall causing me to completely ignore her introduction. She gives a hearty cough and I panic I shout the first thing that comes to mind, "I'm Mabel. I love sweaters. Heart stickers. And I haven't really been listening."

The girl laughs and replies, "That's me about 99% percent of the time dude. I'm Wendy."

Before I can think or control myself I burst, "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE WENDY! YOU'RE SO PRETTY!!" I clasp my hands over my mouth but it's too late she's gonna ask all these questions and I'm a terrible liar. But she doesn't react as expected, instead she says "You've heard of me? Sweet."

Within moments she's scared me, saved me, terrified me, and relieved me... I LOVE THIS GIRL! Just as the thought enters my brain she comments, "I like you Mable. You're pretty cool."

"Well I try." I smile.

"Yea so Dipper is your bro right? He's pretty cute." She says calmly.

"Who told you that?" I asked getting slightly defensive. I'm not sure why I was, but I started to get mad when usually I liked being seen as his sister. I never had anyone that would protect me like a brother should, but Dipper was like that.

"He did." She answered, "well he didn't say it, but he said you were the same age, you shared a birthday, and I assumed."

"Oh, we're close like that but we're just friends." I said trying to keep it cool.

She let out a giggle and said, "I'm going on break see ya tomorrow Mabel." And with that she was gone. Or so I thought. "Oh and Mabel," she poked her head through the door and added, "I'll show you around town tomorrow and bring Dipper you'll meet my friends."

"Okay." I shout through the door. That was fast. But from what I got to know of her she was nice and simple. And tomorrow maybe I could get Dipper some alone time with her. But right now I can't think about Dipper, I was heading into town to see Gideon he was giving me a makeover.


Upon entering the door of Gideon's home, I was welcomed with opened arms. His dad reminded me of Santa, with a large belly full of jelly, and it being accompanied by a heart warming smile.

"Well pleasure to finally meet you, " He said giving me a weak handshake. He shared a southern accent with Gideon, but his was thicker and less charming. "Gideon has told us so much about you!" He uttered.

"Father!" Gideon snapped. His face began to turn bright red. He then looked to me and I gave him a weary smile reminding him of my presence. Upon which he calmed down. Moving close to his father he mumbled something through gritted teeth and kept walking. I followed close behind afraid of what would happen if I hadn't . He brought me to his room.

Every crevice of the room was strung with lights. The walls were painted a bright orange and were bare. He sat me down in a large plush chair and began work.

He braided my hair and gently applied eyeliner and mascara. Then he began to put on pale blue long fake nails. Half way through the process he commented, "Beauty such as yours doesn't really need makeup but I thought it would be fun." I giggled and watched as he went into the closet.

"This used to be my mother's but I want you to wear it tonight when we go out." He remarked with a wink.

" We're going out?" I raised my brow.

"Yes we are and this has been tailored to your size and you need to be slightly dressy. That's why I did your makeup." He answered.

"Oh okay, well I should go then and get ready." I said simply although I wished to object to his invitation. Dipper and I were going to watch Ducktective tonight but my head was clouded and I just agreed.

"Now run along my sweet." He shooed me out the door and I obediently left. Not realising where the night was going from there.

Gravity Falls, Falls in Love( Dipper x Mabel)Where stories live. Discover now