The Hangover

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'Kayla!! We got a situation here!' shouted the Wolverine when he barged into the house while holding the two drunken puking kids, left arm with Jamie and right arm with Tyree. Kayla hearing her husband shouting immediately ran down to the living room. 'Oh my...what happened!', 'drink and drive.' Growled Logan who was not happy that his tank, neck and arms are full of puke. 'Help me get them to the bathroom!' said Logan, who doesn't want to carry his smelly pups. Kayla and Logan quickly dashed to the bathroom, Logan helping the boys kneel down in front of the toilet to throw up while Kayla undressing the boys whose clothes were all full of beer scented puke. 'How did that even happen!' asked Kayla who still couldn't believe her own eyes while smoothing the back of her sons who were having a hard time throwing up. 'How am I supposed to fuckin' know!' Logan yelled who wanted to skin his son Jamie alive knowing that it has to be his older son starting all this. 'Calm down Logan! Focus on the task at hand!' Kayla shouted back, knowing her husband's temper. 'Mama... I think I am done throwing up... but I feel so dizzy...' said Jamie weakly while Tyree was still throwing up next to him. 'Logan, get Jamie into the tub.' Said Kayla who was busy taking care of her younger son. Logan grabbed his kid and placed him inside the tub, switching on the water tap, and started bathing his son who basically was so dizzy that he couldn't move or do anything. 'dad, I can shower myself!' said Jamie trying to stand up and shower himself, only to almost slipped in the tub if Logan haven't been quick enough to hold on to his arm. 'SIT DOWN! STOP MOVING! Don't get into more trouble than you already have!' growled Logan who gave his son's behind a smack before letting him sit back in the tub. 'Mommyyy!! Dadaaaaa!' cried Harper who just woke up and was walking around the house to find her parents. 'Harper!' the couples suddenly remember their youngest cub who was left alone. 'Logan grab Tyree! I'll go take care of Harper!' said Kayla while carrying Tyree to her husband and ran out to take care of her crying baby. Logan who wanted to take care of Harper instead of bathing the two kids growled and made Tyree sit inside the tub along with his older brother.

'Chin up! Both of you!' shouted Logan who already put shampoo to both of their heads and is now ready to rinse their hair with water. 'Daddy, I can't, it will make me more dizzy!' whined the 4 year old. 'Tyree, I am in no mood of any whining, you either put your chin up or your bottom's up for a tanning!' growled Wolverine. Tyree, who was confused as to why his dad was angry, just obeyed after hearing the threat. Logan wrapped the kids in two separate towels and carried them into their rooms. Kayla who settled down their daughter on a highchair and watching TV went in and help. 'Logan, let me take it from here, go watch our daughter.' Said Kayla while finding the boys' clean clothes and help them dress. Logan told his wife angrily before leaving their kids' room, ' I don't care why the hell they do it or what excuses they will be giving me, but they are getting their behind whooped, no questions asked.'

Kayla went to the living room after settling down the cubs to sleep as they were too dizzy to do anything. She found her husband at a more calmed temper feeding their daughter some baby food while watching tv. 'Hey honey.' Said Kayla who gave a kiss to her man then to her daughter. 'Fast asleep?' asked Logan while gluing his eyes to the TV. 'yea, I was thinking babe, let me talk to the boys before you punish them, they don't seem to even understand what they did was really wrong.' Said Kayla, hoping her husband would consider her idea before he dash into the kids' room after they wake up and just start spanking the living jesus out of them. Logan knowing Kayla was right, they should know what they did wrong before they get their punishment, let out a sigh and said, 'Alright.'

'Jamie...Jamie...' whispered Tyree who just woke up from their sleep after two hours, Tyree feeling much better, having only took less than 8 big gulps of the beer. 'What...' growled the sleepy Jamie. 'I think we're in trouble...' whispered the terrified Tyree. 'What do you mean?' Jamie who now sits up on his bed while trying to pay attention to what his brother was saying. 'Don't you remember? We drank beer and then we drove daddy's car!' said Tyree while shaking his brother to wake up and focus on the situation they are in. 'Jamie what are we going to do! Daddy must be really really angry!' said Tyree who started to weep thinking about his frightening father. 'I don't wanna get a spanking!' cried Tyree still shaking his brother's arm as to beg him to think of a way to get out of this. Jamie who just remembered everything that happened before he passed out sleeping, gulped and comforts his little brother, saying, 'may be you won't, may be dad's going to give you a chance cause you don't get into trouble as often as I do...' 'Boys?' said Kayla while entering their room and sitting down on the edge of Jamie's bed. 'Mama!' cried Tyree who jumped into his mama's embrace and started to cry and ask, 'Are we in trouble mama? Is daddy really angry?' Kayla who was smoothing her youngest son said, 'Daddy calmed down already, but I'm sorry, you both still have to be punished later.' Tyree hearing this, clenched tightly to his mama, and started to cry his heart out. Jamie on the other hand, was terrified to a point that he couldn't squeeze any tears from his eyes or find any words to say. He can't imagine how painful this would be, as what he did today, was 10 times more serious than the Kart incident. 'Do you know why papa was so angry at you both?' asked Kayla while letting both boys sit next to her on the bed, one on the right and one of the left. ' killed?' said the sobbing Tyree. 'Yes, Tyree, you both could be killed, driving a truck at this age and drinking beer while we specifically told you guys that you're not allow to drink any of it.' Said Kayla calmly to her sons. 'When are we getting our spanking...' asked Jamie softly who was looking down at his feet, knowing that there's no way he would get out of this. 'Probably right now, daddy is waiting you both in the living room.' Said Kayla patting her older son on his back. 'Your father ever only spanks you because he loves you, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, you know that right Jamie?' Kayla added while kissing her son on top of his head. Jamie knew his father had every right to punish him right now, but punishing his poor little brother too, he felt ashamed of himself.

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