Letting Go

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Listened to 'Pictures' by Benjamin Francis Leftwich while writing this. Enjoy.

                                                                                             Letting Go

Logan was puffing on his cigar, sitting out on his balcony, trying to zone himself out from everything. Kayla on the other hand, was laying on her lost son's little bed

after tucking in her two children. She couldn't hold her tears anymore, looking at her son smiling in every picture hanging on the wall. Picture her husband took

when she was asleep with Jamie on their bed at 6 months old. A picture of little Jamie holding his first caught fish at age three with a proud Papa next to him. A

picture of Jamie playing his first Hockey game at age four, biting on the gold medal. A picture that the family recently took while on the camping trip, everyone was

smiling in the picture. She clenched to the sheets of her son's, weeping quietly but painfully when she realized how that will be the last picture of her baby.

Flashing back to the day she gave birth to her first-born child. His little hands and feet, kicking around on the first day already, at that moment she knew her son

will be a fighter like her husband when he grow up, but little did she know, her son would die this young and heartbreakingly... Logan on the other hand, trying to

stop playing back on the scene how his son was stabbed to death. How he could have saved him if he was just a second faster. He needed a beer, or a glass of

whiskey or vodka, he didn't care, he just needed something to make him forget. He walked back into the house and to the kitchen to grab something to drink, only

to step onto a little lego on his way to the kitchen. It was then, he broke down, slamming the wall with his fist again and again, tears falling off, he was thinking

how he would never be able to step on these legos anymore, how he will never be able to yell at his son to clean up his toys, how he will never get to come home

and his son would run out of the house to greet him with his happiest smile and how he will never get a chance to tell his son that he loves him.

'Thank you for coming, we appreciated it.' Said Kayla to one of their neighbor's whose son was really close friend with Jamie. The Howlett family didn't know much

people in town or have much friends, they kept their life very low profile. But such a tragic thing is rare for this little town; everyone wanted to show their

condolences to the family, along with teachers and friends from Jamie's school. Everyone from the family was there except Logan, he couldn't bear the sight of his

son inside a little casket, he couldn't stand a second of that. He drove off to a local bar in the afternoon for a drink. ' Jamie...' said Kayla after taking a deep breath,

holding her tears while she was speaking to everyone on the little stage. ' He was the strongest, toughest and funniest little boy you can ever imagine. He passed

away tragically protecting us, protecting me, his little brother, baby sister and his father from danger. He will always be in our heart.' Kayla closed her eyes, took a

deep breath before she can continue, ' Here I want to play my son's favorite song before we end the funeral.' Kayla putting in 'sweet home alabama' and walked to

his son's casket, giving him one last kiss. Tyree also walked up to his brother's casket, sobbing really hard, it was really hard for him to look at his brother being

stabbed and passed away in his very own eyes. Tyree whispered while putting the Gordie Howe Puck onto Jamie's hand, ' Jamie, I'll never fight with you again, you

can play sweet home Alabama all you want and win every contest of 'I know', please don't die!' Kayla hugged Tyree tightly, feeling very bitter inside.

The funeral was ending, people were leaving after giving condolences to the family and looked at Jamie for one last time, Logan came back, he walked up to his

son's casket while grabbing a chair to sit beside it. He stroke his son's hair, looked at his boy, 'I'm sorry, I could have saved you, it was all my fault.' Said Logan,

clenching his teeth, trying hard not to cry in front of his family. Kayla walked up to her husband, carrying Harper and a still crying Tyree, giving her husband a hug.

'When will Jai Jai wake up?' asked Harper who doesn't understand that her brother has passed away. Kayla tried to be calm and replied, 'Jai Jai will sleep forever,

he's not going to wake up anymore Harper...' 'But why! I wanna pway with Jai Jai!' asked the 2 year old now started tearing up, she loves her brother, she wants

him to wake up. This make the couples and Tyree even more upset, Tyree was sitting on his father's lap crying harder and harder, Kayla holding Harper was sitting

next to Logan, resting her head on her husband's shoulder sobbing while Logan was in complete silence, and letting tears fall from his eyes, staring at the little

body in front of them.

'Mom! Dad! Where am I?' asked the boy who got up from the casket, as if he just woke up from a long nap. Logan and Kayla jumped a little, hearing and seeing

their son who was presumed to be dead getting up from the casket. The couples couldn't find words to say ran up, hugged and kissed their baby, as if they haven't

seen him for a decade. 'Dad! Stop! Don't kiss me, that's gross!' said Jamie trying to push his dad away. Logan and Kayla chuckled at their son, Logan ruffled the

boy's hair, looking at his son with a loving smile while shaking his head, 'You are one hell of a fighter, son.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Tell me what you think of this chapter! Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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