Arm Wrestling

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This is a really short chapter, hope you guys still like it :)

Arm wrestling

' I bet with a kadrillion billion tillion dillion dollars that I can win you in an arm wrestling fight dad!' said Jamie with his mouth full of bacon. Logan almost choked on

his coffee when he heard what his son just said to him. 'What'd you say?!' asked Logan trying so hard not to laugh. Kayla on the other end of the table was

already laughing her head off while feeding their youngest cub Harper. 'Yea dad Jamie can win you BIG TIME! Yesterday he lifted up the whole CHAIR!' said Tyree

who's eyes were so wide open as to prove that it was the most amazing thing he has ever seen in his entire life, which to be exact is 4 years. Jamie trying to

swallow his food as quickly as he can so he can talk. 'Yea, I really can win you dad!' said Jamie proudly while showing off his right arm muscle to his dad. Logan

wasn't surprised how strong his cub is, Jamie is the energetic one in the house, to keep him out of trouble, every now and then Logan would bring him to the

woods or mountains to drain him out of energy and teach him some basic combat skills. 'Now dad are you ready to lose?' asked Jamie seriously while doing the

raising eyebrow thing that Logan always does which made Logan burst out laughing. 'Sure whatever you say kid.' Said Logan trying hard to not laugh again.

After the family finished their breakfast, Kayla cleared the table so that the father and son can have their 'serious' arm wrestling. Logan moved and sat on the left

side of the table instead of his usual seat, the papa wolf seat as Tyree and Jamie would call it. Jamie took off his white tank showing off his kiddie abs and muscles,

very fit for his age, roaring loudly 'I'M THE BIG BAD WOLVERINEEEEEE!' along side with an exciting Tyree who was jumping and cheering for his big brother. Logan

who rarely fool around with his cubs like that, took off his wife-beater, showing his muscles and abs and made his scary wolverine look, which scared his little girl

who was sitting next to him. 'Dada you too scawwwwy!' cried his daughter who's eyes are now full of tears. After seeing his dad like this, Tyree nervously

whispered to his big brother, 'I changed my mind…'

Jamie was using all his strength, pushing all he had to his right arm; his face went red as he was trying his utmost to win his dad. His legs were basically off the

ground. Logan on the other hand was enjoying this, he knows there's no way his pup would win, but every now and then he had to pretend that he is really using

his strength. Looking at his son trying his best to beat him, he really wanted to let him win and own the rest of the day, but he knows he should try to let him lose

and face reality. After a couple more seconds, Logan decided to end it and push his pup's arm to the table. Tyree was the happiest one, cheering jumping

screaming, 'Yay Daddy won! Daddy won!' The pouting defeated wrestler yelled at Tyree, 'Traitor!' Logan patted his son on the shoulder and said, 'May be next time

you'll beat me pup.' 'I'll never be as good as you…I know it.' Said the disappointed boy. 'You will son, some day you will.' Logan replied with a little smile.

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Stick around ;p

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