Not His Kind of Sunday

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Hope you guys enjoy this!

Not his kind of Sunday (Part 1)

It was seven a.m. when Logan woke up. Without waking up his beautiful wife, he slowly walked out to the balcony of their room, gazing out to the beautiful

scenery, the mountains, the lake, the sound of the birds singing and the mixture of sunshine and wind blowing his hair and his bare chest. This is probably Logan's

favourite moment of the day, he would sit out on his balcony for hours reading his papers or drive down to the lake alone to fish and have a cigar, which seems like

an activity that he haven't enjoyed in a long time since Kayla had their first born. 'Babe…Logan?' Kayla said weakly. Logan closed the glass door and went back

inside. 'Yea babe? What's wrong?' answered Logan while he sat next to his wife on their bed, kissing and playing with her hair. 'I don't feel so good…' Kayla said.

'Well, in a moment you will.' Grinned the wolverine, now kissing and cuddling his lovely wife. 'No, Logan, I mean it, I think I am having a fever.' Said Kayla while

trying to push her husband away. Logan touched his wife's forehead and said, 'You gotta be kiddin' me. You're burning up! Let me go get you the pills.'

'GOD DAMN IT!' yelled Logan while rubbing his foot, he stepped on one of those damn legos which were all scattered on the floor once he opened their bedroom

door. No matter how strong, how tough Logan is, legos scattered on the floor is his worst enemy. 'Whoever did this, clean this mess right now!' growled Logan.

After hearing their father yelled, the boys ran up the stairs from the living room, quickly tidied up all the legos that they were playing with on the floor. 'Who the

fuck invented these god damn toys.' Logan thought while focusing on where he was walking, to avoid stepping on those evil bricks. After a couple minutes of 'look

out for legos', he finally reached the stairs going down the living room. Logan was speechless when he saw the living room from the top of the stairs. Stuffed

animals everywhere, soccer balls, baseball, football, hockey sticks scattered every corner of the room, LEGOS, toy cars, milk dripping off from the table. Harper,

Logan's youngest, who just learnt how to walk, is now trying to unplug the television plug. 'Harper! No!' shouted wolverine while rushing down the stairs, 'fuck!'

he shouted while he stepped onto another lego on the stairs. 'You're in trouble dad! You said the F word!' giggled Jamie who was standing beside the stairs

enjoying at the sight of his dad cursing. ' If you both don't get down in 3 seconds, and start cleaning this mess up, I swear to god, I SWEAR TO GOD, you'll not be

able to sit until you turn 18!' Logan shouted back to his son while holding Harper in his arms. The boys face's instantly turned pale and dashed down the stairs and

started cleaning up.

'Now…why did I get downstairs…' Logan thought while putting his youngest on the highchair as he has already forgotten about the purpose of getting downstairs after

running through an Indiana Jones act. 'Right… to get Kayla's pills.' He walked to the kitchen finally, got the pills, still cautiously looking down at the floor while

walking back up, avoiding to swear again in front of his kids. 'Here you go babe.' Said Logan while helping his wife to sit up. 'What's with all the yelling and cursing

just now?' asked Kayla while swallowing the pills. 'Who bought those damn tiny bricks?' growled Logan. Kayla chuckled a little and said, 'You did, last

Christmas, the boys begged you the whole year for legos. Don't you remember?' 'Damn…' sighed Logan. 'Baby, I know you will hate this, but since its Sunday and

I'm feeling sick, can you please help me go grocery shopping? The list is on the counter top. Pleaseeeeee?' said Kayla looking and kissing her husband sweetly,

trying to convince him to help her. Logan hated grocery shopping, the trolleys, the tiny narrow aisle, the crowd, just everything. 'I love you babe, but gro….' Kayla

stopped Logan from talking by giving him a sweet French kiss, 'anything for you babe…' grinned Logan. 'Bring the kids too, will you?' whispered Kayla while kissing

her husband once more. Logan growled playfully while not letting his wife stop kissing, 'damn…unprotected sex.'

Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for part 2~

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