The Secret Trip 3

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The Secret Trip 3

The father and son are now on the top of the roller coaster; it stopped there for a long 10 seconds just to make the riders feel extra nervous. 'Dad, can I say

something?' asked Jamie who was absolutely enjoying this. Being a little feral, he can sense that his father was absolutely terrified, no matter how hard Logan was

covering it up. However, he was taught to respect people older than him and not to tease others since the day he was born. His father is his role model; he wanted

to be everything like him. 'Do we really have to right now?' asked the wolverine, who is shutting his eyes and clenching both of his arms tightly to the security belt

which locked both his arms in place, so he won't fall off. 'I just wanna say…' said Jamie, trying to get to his point before the train starts dashing down so quick that

forced Logan to open his eyes wide, 'HOOOLLLLY FUUUUUCK!' yelled Logan, who could easily just piss his pants right now, looking down as the train which seems

crashing to the ground before it suddenly went back to normal pace and turned right. 'Holy fuckin'…Jeezzz!' said Logan, catching his breath. 'What the hell is this!

Paying to get killed?!' Jamie was laughing his head off the whole time, he wanted to speak but he couldn't stop laughing. Being an 8-year-old kid and hearing his

father shooting the F word every 2 seconds was the most hilarious thing for the boy. ' Jamie, if you EVER tell anyone about this I swear to god, I-SWEAR-TO-

GOD….' Warned the terrified Wolverine, who is not happy about revealing his weakness to his boy. Right before he can finish his threat, he just realized he is about

to be turned upside down into a gigantic 360 loop, 'Holy Fuckin' Shiiiiiiiit!' Logan shouted, while Jamie was screaming, 'This isssssssssss FUCKIN' AWESOME!' ,

Jamie didn't even know what the F word mean, he just felt right saying it at that moment, it's hard to not pick up the F word when all his father had been saying

is F this and F that the entire ride. This could easily be one of the scariest moments in Logan's long long life, he has learnt his lesson in a hard way this time, and

he was never going to spank his kids like yesterday, EVER, he thought to himself.

The moment the seatbelt were off, Logan got off his seat as quick as he can and walked right to the exit, followed by an excited Jamie. 'No more rides, let's go grab

something to eat.' Said Wolverine quickly, who was afraid that his son was going to point to another insane suicide ride. 'Sure...' giggled Jamie, who thinks his poor

dad had enough rides too, he's pretty sure he's never going to get another spanking like yesterday after the ride.

The father and son sat on a bench after grabbing a jumbo hot dog with extra mustard and ketchup. They both took a big bite of the juicy hot dog at the same

time, both leaning back at the bench, enjoying their food. The one thing that these two have in common could easily be food. They have the same appetite, meat,

meat and meat. 'This is waaaay better than mom's veggie dog.' Jamie confessed while his mouth was full of food. Logan burst out laughing at what his son just

said, ' Damn right, son. Cheers.' Holding their cups of coke, cheering and still laughing at the confession. 'Don't you dare tell mom that alright.' Chuckled Logan,

before having another bite of hot dog. 'Look, whatever lady you meet on your journey of life, pup, don't ever criticize your woman the following three things,

weight, cooking skills and their appearances. You do not want to mess with those.' Said Logan while chewing his food. 'Trust me, I've learnt it the hard way.' Added

Logan. Jamie nodded his head while having another bite of hot dog; he was seriously paying attention to what his dad was telling him, he looked up to his father a

lot. 'Speaking of mama, does she knows about this whole thing?'

Almost choked hearing that while he was sipping his coke, Logan thought,


Author's note: Wolvie busted! So much fun imagining wolverine's terrified face while he was on the roller coaster!

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