The Busted Wolverine

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This is a really short chapter, hope you guys still enjoy it!

The Busted Wolverine

'So you both are telling me, nothing special happened, Logan you just picked up Jamie after school and drove home.' Asked Kayla sarcastically while cooking in the

kitchen when the two came home. 'Yup, that's it, we didn't do nothing.' Logan said, he doesn't want his wife to know that he brought his son out of school to an

amusement park for two reasons, first, Kayla would get mad that he didn't discuss this with her since they are a couple, second, he doesn't want his wife to go

'Awwww…' thinking that he's so sweet and loving. In a way, it's embarrassing for him, he has to maintain an alpha male figure for his kids. Jamie just nodded his

head, agreeing every thing his dad is saying. 'So Jamie, how's school?' asked Kayla, giving her son a warm smile, to let him feel guilty and trying to get an answer

from her son. 'Nothing?' said Jamie while hiding his fear of lying and nervously looking down at the floor. Jamie is a terrible liar; he's definitely the naughtiest in the

family but he's the poorest at lying. Every time he did something wrong, he just admitted it, knowing his parents could easily sense that whether he is lying or not.

'Where's my steak mom?!' asked Jamie who was so shocked when mama bear put the plate in front of him with only carrots and mashed potatoes. 'Kayla…you

gotta be kidding me!' said Logan when he also received a plate without meat. 'If you both just keep on playing dumb, this will be your dinner.' Said Kayla who

smirked at them, she knows this will get at least one of them to confess what actually happened as they could not live without any meat for a meal. 'Hmm…

Yummy!' said Tyree while putting a piece of steak into his mouth in front of Jamie. Jamie looked at his dad with pleading eyes as if to tell him to come clean. Jamie

doesn't even understand why his dad was so afraid to tell the truth. Logan returned with an 'absolutely not' eyes and said, 'Okay…so this is what happened. Sigh.

Jamie was fighting another kid and the school called me up. I didn't want to tell you because Jamie lost the fight and he felt embarrassed about it. And don't worry

, I already taught him a lesson, he's never going to fight again, am I right Jamie?' Jamie hearing this found it so offensive because he never loses in any fights, he

is known to be one of the toughest kids at school. One time, he beat up a boy 3 years older than him at school. 'That's not true!' Jamie exclaimed, ignoring that he

has just ruined his father's plan. 'Dad brought me to the Amusement Park because he wanted to get even for the spanking he gave me! I didn't fight mom! Even if

I did, I would have won!' 'Good boy Jamie, you told the truth.' said Kayla while handing out the steak to his son. 'So the family emergency you told Ms. Brown was

going to an Amusement Park with your son Logan.' Kayla asked while turning her focus to her busted husband. Logan trying to find words to defend himself but

couldn't find any, simply said, 'yes. Alright. I brought my son to an Amusement Park!' 'The school called to ask if everything is alright and does Jamie need any

therapy for the 'family emergency'.' Said Kayla while giving her husband the 'I won!' face. 'Well, since you lied and set a bad example for your babies, you do not

get any meat for dinner tonight, Logan.' Said Kayla with a parental tone as if she's talking to one of her kids while trying to hide her evil smirk. Logan simply just

sighs, accepting his punishment while sticking his fork in one of those disgusting carrots. Jamie and Tyree were giggling and enjoying the sight of having his dad get

punished instead of them. Jamie cut a piece of steak and put it on his father's plate. Smiled and whispered to his dad's ear, 'here you go dad! Thank you for

bringing me to the amusement park; you're the coolest dad ever! Don't worry, you can have my sitting pillow after mom spanks you.'

stay tuned for the coming chapters! Thank you for reading!

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