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'So what did Jamie say to you at dinner time?' asked Kayla after tucking in all her kids to bed and went back to her bedroom where she find her husband lying in

bed with only his jeans watching a hockey game. 'Well, you don't want to know, you'll get jealous.' Said Logan while giving his wife a evil smirk. 'Tell me!' said Kayla

while playfully hitting her husband on his bare chest with a pillow. 'Alright alright, you forced me to.' Wolverine answered. 'My boy told me I'm the coolest dad ever.'

Logan who was all over the moon when he heard his son said that. 'Aww… you know, I think it's so sweet of you to bring Jamie to the amusement park today…'

said Kayla while she lean forward to Logan, blocking his view of the game so he can focus on looking at her, she kissed him sweetly while putting her hands on his

shoulders. Logan who was delighted that his wife is giving him pleasure after a long day at the amusement park, whispered to his wife, 'Jamie also said he'll lend

me his sitting pillow after you spank me. So are you going to spank me, mama bear?' Now Logan returning a kiss and slowly undressing his attractive wife…

'Mama! Papa!' cried Jamie, who crashed into his parents room with only his PJ pants on. He just had to copy everything from his dad. No matter if it's the style of

outfit, appetite or favorite hockey team, it has to be the same as his father's. Logan and Kayla immediately stopped what they were doing clumsily and panickly as

Kayla by now was already half naked and wolverine's jeans were half way down. Kayla who quickly hide herself under the blanket and find her nightdress which

was just taken off by her husband. Logan on the other hand ignoring his jeans, scooped his son up before he had a chance to jump on to their bed. 'Why are you

still up buddy. It's really late you know.' Said Logan, who was having a sigh of relief knowing that his son didn't see anything. 'I had a bad dream…you and mama

died in that dream!' cried Jamie looking at his dad with his teary eyes. 'Aww…come here baby.' Said Kayla who found the dress and put it on under the blanket

while Logan slowly put down their son between them on the bed. 'Can I please sleep here?' Begged Jamie, while jumping into his mom's embrace. Jamie might be

a tough and strong eight year old, but when it comes to situation like these, he could act like a 3 year old. 'Champ, you know how I always tells you you're a little

growing pup right?' said Logan, who desperately didn't want his son sleeping with them, one, his son is a lousy sleeper, he constantly move around while sleeping

which caused his arms and legs to swing left and right which always ended up hitting him on the face, second, he was about to have a wonderful time with his

sexy wife, not wanting his son to ruin it. Jamie nodded and said, 'yea, I know.' 'Well, a growing pup is not scared of nothing because they are so strong and tough,

they can take care of themselves. So why don't we tuck you back in bed, what do you say pup?' Said Logan trying hard to convince his son to go back to his own

bed. 'No! I'm only eight years old! I want mommy!' Cried Jamie who immediately hugged and wrap his arms around his mom tighter afraid that his father is going

to carry him back to his room. Kayla gave a 'sorry' face to her husband, knowing that he was having a great moment back then. Logan knowing that he was

defeated, is now childishly jealous of his boy hugging his wife, that should be him hugging and kissing and having a great time with his wife, let out a sigh and said

sarcastically, 'well don't we all need mama bear...' Which made Kayla chuckled a bit while Logan turned off the TV, so that his son can sleep.

To their surprise, the little boy lying between them on the bed was fast asleep in less than a minute. 'He must be worn out after a day at the park.' Kayla

whispered quietly to her husband while stroking her son's hair softly. 'You should have seen his little face, that big grin when he looked out the window and saw all

the rides in front of his very own eyes.' Chuckled Logan while trying to keep his voice as down as he could while looking at his sleeping pup with a warm smile.

Kayla could see how happy Logan was to make their boy happy through that little smile. She looked at him with adoring eyes and leaned forward to her husband's

side to give him a kiss and whispered to his ears,

'You're a great father, Logan.'

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