Deep Trouble

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Updating a very very short chapter, before going into a part 2 of this.

Hope you guys like it!

                                                                                         Deep Trouble

'Tyree! I'm gonna catch you!' shouted Jamie who extended his claws, running and chasing Tyree in the living room while Kayla was bathing Harper in the bathroom

upstairs. Jamie is now used to the pain of extending his claws as Logan takes him to practice using his claws from time to time. Meanwhile, Logan just came home

from work, and saw the whole scene. 'JAMIE HOWLETT! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!' shouted the angry Wolverine. Jamie and Tyree both jumped when they heard

their father shouted. Jamie was scared, angry dad plus a naughty pup equals deep trouble. Once Jamie walked to his father who just dropped all the things he was

carrying, grab the collar of the boys shirt and smacked his behind quickly and fiercely. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! And let his son stand on the

ground. It wasn't as painful and long as Jamie expected but still enough to make him dance and jump around, rubbing his tush. 'This is just a warning. If I ever see

you doing this again, you're getting a spanking of your lifetime! Do I make myself clear!' warned Logan who was talking to his son in the same eye level. 'Yes dad...'

said Jamie, who had a sigh of relief, knowing that there's not more spanking coming for now. 'Training tomorrow, don't wake up later than 5am, cause we have to

drive out to this place.' Said Logan to Jamie while walking up the stairs. 'AGAIN?!' whined Jamie, 'But I made a promise to Chris, we're going to play hockey

tomorrow morning!' 'I don't care! Tell him you're grounded by your old man!' Logan replied reaching his room.

'Dad, tomorrow we're competing with the bigger kids, I can't missed that! Every kid in the neighborhood is going to hate me!' Jamie explained while the family is

having their dinner. 'Logan, the news said it's going to be minus 20 degrees and snowing tomorrow, can't you delay it to next week?' asked Kayla, who was trying

to save her son. 'No. We are leaving the house at 7 am tomorrow, don't care how crappy the weather is. If this pup thinks he is so strong and tough running and

chasing his brother with his claws, he can survive the weather.' Said Logan simply, while enjoying his beef. 'You what! Jamie!' Kayla asked in shock as she was in

the bathroom showering their youngest when all that happened. ' Yea, go on, tell your mother what you were doing back then.' Said Logan who was glad that his

wife is on his side now. Jamie couldn't find the words to defend himself decided to look down on his plate and stuffing his mouth with food. Kayla scolded, 'Your

father went easy on you, Jamie, for something like that, easily the worst spanking in your life. But your dad chose to spare you. You're going tomorrow no matter

what. No questions asked!'

Thank you for still reading everyone! Will be uploading next chapter soon!

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