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"Baby, do you think we've got enough drink here?" Suha peered over from behind the kitchen cabinets to check on Aaron, as usual he was running his hands through his hair and fussing with his beard, he always did that when he was really anxious "It should be fine, it's only a flat warming babe so there wont be too many people here anyway. Can you put some music on? people should be arriving soon" The flat wasn't very big but it was perfect for just the two of them. It was hard for Suha to leave all of her friends behind after she had been living in Manchester for so long but Aaron came along and turned her world upside down, she doesn't have a single regret about moving. She loved the city and she loved him. All the furniture had been moved from the front room apart from a sofa and the table which all the party food and drinks were on. Aaron attempted to put some balloons up but found it even funnier to blow them up halfway and let the air back out again, so much so that it drove Suha mad and she ended up taking them away from him. There were a couple of helium balloons and banners scattered around the room and it didn't look much at first but by the time Suha had finished putting the final banner in place it was perfect.

Aaron made his way over to the ipod dock and put the playlist on random. '505' by Arctic Monkeys starts playing and Aaron walks back over to the table to arrange the snacks and drinks completely unaware that he's dancing as he's walking, Suha's eyes are glued to him. His body is moving perfectly to the beat and Suha calls over to him "my boy certainly has rhythm!" He looks over his shoulder at Suha and gives her a cheeky wink before breaking into a laugh and continuing to dance, but now he's really exaggerating his moves making Suha burst out laughing. "I love that" Aaron says "you love what, babe?" Aaron makes his way over to her still moving in time to the beat "when you laugh, you've got the most beautiful smile, Suha" she looks at Aaron shaking her head in disagreement. Aaron was always telling her she had the kind of smile that would end wars but she would never believe him, she always retorted by telling him that his smile was by far the best. Aaron rested his hand upon Suha's jaw and placed his thumb right between her cupids bow "Shhh, because I know exactly what you are going to say to me and i'm telling you right now you're wrong" Suha rolled her eyes at him "but-" Aaron now placed both of his hands either side of her face and looked directly into her gentle eyes "no buts. You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me and you always will be, I love you so much" He planted a kiss on her lips and rested his forehead against hers. Suha never really knew how to react when Aaron said these kind of things to her, she still can't believe that they're together after 4 years and just as happy as when they first got together. Suha takes a deep breath and looks down with a glum expression "I.. I just love you so much, and i love you for loving me, Aaron. You let me be myself and you love me like that" Aaron moves his head to meet Suha's eyeline, flashes his charming smile and sings fittingly to the song quietly playing in the background "Oh when you look at me like that my darling, what did you expect.." Suha has an angelic smile on her face, tears start to form in her eyes and and she throws herself into Aarons arms. He wraps them tightly around her and kisses the top of her head before breaking off the embrace. He wipes away a few tears from Suha's soft and delicate cheeks before placing a kiss on the end of her nose "Come on, we've got a party to host and I can't have my baby feeling like this" There's a lot of noise coming from outside the front door and most of it is in French with a few English expletives thrown in for good measure "oh and i wonder who that is.." Aaron sarcastically remarks. He runs his hands down Suha's arms and gives her hands a squeeze before flashing his trademark grin and making his way over to the door. He swings the front door open to be greeted by non other than Olivier Giroud and a number of Arsenal team mates, by the expression on his face and the pack of beer in his hand he'd already been drinking. Aaron invited them all in and the room really started to fill now, there must have been at least 10 players, plus their girlfriends. Suha was in the kitchen getting some last minute bits and was greeted by Aaron's arms firmly being wrapped around her waist, he leans in to softly kiss her behind her ear before whispering "everything is so perfect"

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