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The rain was really hammering down outside and people were dashing around trying to find shelter in the alcoves of shop doors, so many people were running in and out of the door that Suha soon regretted choosing these seats. She was freezing cold once again, but her anger was more than enough to warm her. Daley forced his head into his hands before rubbing his fingertips along his forehead, he couldn't even look her in the eyes  "I don't know Suha.. I just.. you were so perfect and you looked so beautiful, I mean really you were so radiant and I couldn't help myself.. " Suha shakes her head rapidly in disgust and disbelief "Are you fucking kidding me?" Daley looks wounded and his eyes are begging for sympathy "You let me believe that I could do something like this? You actually MADE me believe it. My insides have been torn up, Aaron is in absolute bits but it's okay because you couldn't help yourself?" Daley puts his hands over his eyes and face and lowers his head "It's not easy.. I battled with myself so many times that night to not kiss you. I hadn't seen you in such a long time and I still felt the same way about you-" Suha interrupts by dropping her cup onto the saucer with a clatter "you.. what?."

It was just gone 6pm and after wandering around the most of central London for the majority of the day Aaron decided that he needed to face this situation, as much as it pained him he had to let Suha explain what was going on, 4 years spent with her deserved that much as least. Aaron hadn't eaten a single thing all day, not that he could face it, but the growls coming from his stomach had made him think otherwise, he started walking back towards the Underground and he knew Temple's station wasn't too far from him, he only had to get to Charring Cross. Being surrounded by so many people on the tube only made him feel more alone, he was hot, sticky, sweaty despite all of the rain and felt even further away from the one person in the world he had cherished the most. The tube came to a halt and it was Charring Cross station, Aaron made his way off the train and headed out onto the street. It was really starting to pour down now and Aaron had left his hoody back at the flat. He saw a Starbucks across the way and a Pret-A-Manger too but decided against both and headed into Eat. Aaron grabbed the first sandwich he came across, a bottle of water and headed to the till, he just kept thinking about how much he wanted to be at home away from the throng of all these people, but was facing Suha an even worse reality? He paid for his food and made his way to the exit before glancing over at the Starbucks, he felt like he'd been hit by a tonne of bricks this morning and coffee was needed, lethargic from walking around all day, his insides churning and his mind running one hundred miles per hour, this pick me up would definitely make the journey home easier. He bumps into people trying to battle his way across the pathway and rushes to escape the rain and is soon enough outside Starbucks. He makes his way in before holding the door for a couple too bothered by each other to see his gesture, he shoots them a look, he really didn't have time for niceties so he lets the door fall and heads up to the counter.

The queue is long and there is only one barrister working at the till, he should have known better because Starbucks is always busy and especially when the weather is this miserable. He looks up at the menu and even though he's been in here what seems like a million times he is still baffled by all the different names and sizes of the drinks, the queue is steadily moving along but Aaron is growing impatient, he can't stand the music in this place and he really isn't in the mood. "What can i get you?" The barrister asks with a massive smile on her face, she clearly knew who she was stood opposite and couldn't believe it. "Uhh, i'll just have a small black coffee, to go, please" She rang it up on the till and Aaron handed over the money. She handed Aaron his change and rushed off to the backroom, he moved along the line and was now waiting to pick up his drink. There seemed to be 3 or 4 other workers now chattering behind the coffee machine and a few  girls were giggling "uhhhh, do you um, think you could like, sign this cup for me??" Aaron looked up at the girl with a face like thunder "yeah, sure" he replied, short. He put down his food and reached over and signed his name on the cup before the other girl snapped his picture, the same girl that asked for his autograph ran round beside him "I would love a photo with you, would you mind?" Aaron really wasn't in the mood but it meant a lot to him that his fans were so attentive "yeah, ofcourse" she pulled her phone from her pocket and held it out in front of them both "can you pull a funny face?" Aaron smiled "no, i'm sorry, i don't do funny faces" They both smiled for the photo and Aaron put his arm around her "thank you so so so much! My brother is such a big Arsenal fan, he is going to die when I show him this!" Aaron let out a weak laugh "You're welcome, I hope you have a nice day" The second girl behind the machine handed him his coffee and with that Aaron would be on his way. He grabbed his sandwich and bottle of water in one hand and his coffee in the other, not really paying attention to where he's going he spun around and bumped into someone knocking his coffee all over him. He let out a massive sigh before looking down at his top and raising his arms "I cannot believe this, could this day even get any worse.." he looks up at person standing before him, It's Suha.

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