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The fan kicked into life and woke Suha, disgruntled she lethargically rolls her head to the side to see the massive empty space that Aaron's bed used to occupy. The whirring of the led lights are buzzing through her ears almost to the point of making her head feel fuzzy,so she blinks slowly. She looks up at the clock and blinks again to try and clear her vision, she squints to make the time, 4:15. She rolls her head back and sees Olivier huddled up in the other chair across the other side of the room, his long legs dangling from the arm rests, he's fast asleep. Her eyelids feel heavier than they ever have before, her face feels puffy from crying for hours on end, she shuts her eyes tightly and tries to fall back to sleep.


"Iii never thought that youuu would be the one to hold my hearttt, but youu came arooound and you knocked me off the groouund from the start.." Aaron sang, looking at Suha wide eyed with wonder. It was a warm summers Sunday, Aaron still hadn't managed to drag himself out of bed by 11:30am but Suha insisted on getting up. She turns the iPod up a little more and lets it do its own thing, shuffling through Taylor Swift, Arctic Monkeys and Maroon 5. Picking up all of Aaron's damp towels and clothes that he so carelessly flung around the room Suha starts to hum alone to Christina Perri, she can hear Aaron singing "You put your arms around me and i'm home" The sunlight always came in through one window only in their bedroom, it hits the bed directly and always illuminates Aaron's side, the amount of times she has been woken up by Aaron tossing and turning because he's opened his eyes and been blinded. Even though Aaron had slept for a good 12 hours his hair always seemed to look just right, golden highlights and caramels were complimented so beautifully by his deep inky brown eyes, Suha couldn't ever seem to tear herself away once trapped in his gaze, mesmerised she always seems to get lost. "Come back to bed baby, we can do all of that later" Aaron begged, as he rolled around in the sheets and tried to lean over to where Suha was stood, she shuffled slightly just out of Aarons reach "Ohhhh no Aaron, you know I can't do that, sorryyy" she says, wiggling her hips to tease him "Oh is that right?" Aaron asks, fumbling around some more, the sheets completely discarded from his top half, revealing his perfectly toned stomach with a single tail of hair from his belly button "Yep yep, that's right" she retorts, her back still facing him as she starts to fold the towels. "We will just see about that" Aaron mumbles quietly under his breath, Suha didn't fully hear what Aaron mumbles and turns around to ask but when she looked he'd gone, she turns back around to face the stack of damp clothes and towels and is greeted by Aaron's wide smile and seductive gaze "Well hello there Miss Ahmed" he says, the words roll off his tongue before he grabs Suha's hips and pushes her backwards onto the bed "I thought I told you.." he whispers, a wistful smile now beams across his face as he softly places eager kisses all the way around Suha's jaw "..That can wait until later" he kisses her, delicately but suddenly on the lips taking her by surprise. He runs his fingers through the front of her hair, pulling it round perfectly to shape her face. Aaron stops to look at Suha, his eyes tracing the shape of her face, darting from her sultry eyes to her beautiful full lips, drowning in her Chanel No.5 he closes his eyes and strokes her temples and cheekbones with the back of his hand, her skin soft, warm, delicate. He opens his eyes and places another kiss upon her lips and smiles, her chapstick rubbing off on him, he kisses her again and Suha is smiling too, even though she tries her best to act annoyed, she can never be mad at Aaron when he's acting so playfully. She kisses him back and her fingertips trace his sharp, stubble ridden jaw all the way around to the hair at the back of his head, grabbing a handful she pulls Aaron closer into her and deepens the kiss. Aaron pulls his head up and looks as Suha, his gaze was sharp "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? I'm the luckiest man alive" Aaron whispers as he kisses the apples of her cheeks and then the tip of her nose "And you're perfect when you do absolutely anything at all. When you look at me, when you look at anyone or anything else. You're perfect, in just how you are" he says, with his nose gently brushing against hers and his beard scratching Suha's chin. Suha can feel the blood rushing through her veins as her heart race increases, feeling intoxicated and almost drunk in love, she screws up her face a little at the touch of Aaron's jaw scratching her soft and supple skin, Aaron then proceeds to purposely rub his chin and jaw into the crook of her neck, she starts to laugh and it's the most beautiful sound to him. The sun beams down upon Aarons sculpted back and shoulders and as he digs his jaw further into Suha's neckline the light escapes Aarons head and reaches Suha's eyes and she squints "Aaron stooppp, oh my god stoppp" Suha tries to wriggle herself free and move away from the light but Aaron has all of his weight on Suha now and has pinned her down. He raises his head and locks eyes with her once again, before scanning down across her neck and collar and she felt her skin grow hotter and hotter wherever he glanced and it wasn't from the sun beaming in from the window. Aaron rests his hands either side of Suha's head, holding himself over her, he leans down close enough to feel her warm breath over his lips, he's close enough to breathe every single part her in. His wickedly seductive smile once again growing wider and wider, his gaze getting more intense with every second that passes. Looking so deeply into her eyes made him feel like her soul was his place of worship "I told you to come back to bed and you wouldn't listen, would you Miss Ahmed? What am I going to do with you?"


"Oh hello, could we speak for a moment?" The smell of disinfectant was making Suha's head throb, if she didn't feel rough enough from sleeping curled up in a ball on a hard backed plastic chair for what seemed like an eternity, the warm stale air and the Doctor that had just approached her definitely wasn't going to make her feel any better. Her back was aching and her shoulders and neck were stiff, her mouth was dry and her eyes felt like they hadn't seen a moments peace. Countless tears and the constant use of tissues hadn't at all helped, her eyes puffy and bright red, her nose blocked and her lips chapped, when will this nightmare end? All she wants is to know what's happened to Aaron, a steaming hot shower and to be in her bed, preferably right next to him. Everything that happened these past 24 hours had been an absolute whirlwind, the entire week in itself had been a disaster and for the second time she felt that hollow, dark, sadness creeping into her bones. As she and Olivier make their way down the winding, never-ending corridors, they arrive at the Doctor's office and he opens the door out to them and gestures for them to enter. Suha's hands were shaking and it felt like her knees were knocking together, light headed she stumbles back a step and Olivier reaches his arms out and lunges forward to prevent her from falling, he pulls her back to her feet and steadies her balance "Are you okay?" he says concerned, his arms still wrapped around her shoulders "I'm fine, thank you.." she says, she removes his hands from her shoulders and then turns her attention to the doctor, her demeanour changes completely "So are we in here for you to actually tell us what's going on now? We have been waiting for nearly 24 hours now" The doctor nods at her and then at Olivier and raises an arm to instruct them to sit down "Please, take a seat" he says, as he makes his way around his desk and takes up a seat himself. Suha looks around the room, it's dark, unfriendly and cold. The walls are decorated with certificates and anatomical posters, a massive bookcase is home to shelves and shelves of medical books. A deep red chesterfield sofa sits in the corner of the room, deep mahogany wood is a running theme. The only burst of colour is a single yellow gladioli in a pot adorning his desk. The Doctor cracks his knuckles before shuffling forward on his chair and resting his elbows upon his desk before beginning "As you are both well aware, Aaron was rushed into emergency surgery. He had very severe injuries when he was first brought into our care, most importantly his leg which had been completely shattered. The reason for the surgery was a small blood clot which went undetected on scans, it soon started to cause Aaron some problems. He told us he has lost all feeling in his toes and was no longer to move them, and shortly after that his whole foot was numb. The procedure was to manipulate the bones in his ankle and shin to allow the blood to flow correctly, this wasn't a simple procedure and didn't come without complications. As this procedure was taking place Aaron did suffered a sudden cardiac arrest" Suha's body caved at the very words, she could feel her body denying her of oxygen. Every single word that fell from the Doctors mouth fell upon muffled ears, she couldn't make sense of anything. Her vision started to blur and her head felt much heavier than before. She felt Oliviers ice cold hand press against her shoulder and she turned her head to meet his gaze, groggily "Olivier.. " she muttered, throwing her head forwards and between her legs Suha started to wretch, but nothing came. She felt the tingling sensation of Oliviers cold hand rubbing her back. The doctor rose from his seat to leave Olivier and Suha in the room together, he started to shake her "Suha.. Suha... please, I need you to tell me you heard all of that" Suha pulls her head up and her gaze meets Olivier's "I don't want to hear anything anymore" she says and slumps into the chair "No, no Suha you don't understand, Aaron, he's..."

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