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A smile is beaming across Suha's face even if she is standing in the pouring rain, she's in the middle of the street with her phone clasped in her hand. 'So, Aaron wants to see me and talk to me, this is a good thing right? Maybe he's had time to think about everything and he wants to work everything out..' She keeps thinking of possible ways that this situation could end before getting nudged in the back by passers by and making her drop her phone on the floor. She turns around to give them a bad look but doesn't know who she's looking for in such a massive crowd of people behind her. She turns back around and is greeted by dazzling green eyes, long eyelashes and a crooked smile that she so loves, he picks up her phone for her and before he's got the chance to hand it back she throws her arms around him before exclaiming "woody, oh my god am i pleased to see you!" he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her tightly and close to him, Marco really loves this girl. Ever since he became close with Aaron and a few other Arsenal FC lads many summers ago, he shortly began to realise just how much he cares for her and how he would do anything to keep her safe and protected. Unrequited love is something that he's learnt to deal with and he's happy to have Suha in his life as a best friend, the thought of her ever finding out how he feels brings a warm blush to his face and induces skipping of beats to his heart.

Suha breaks the embrace before holding the tops of Marco's arms and looks at him with a smile now even wider plastered across her face "look Marco, i really really REALLY want to stay and chat, but I need to get back to the flat. I think me and Aaron are going to finally get this whole mess sorted out and it's so important that I get going" Marco doesn't look too taken with what Suha's just told him and lets out a sigh, he see's her enthusiasm fade as she loses her grip around Marco's arms. "Woody what is it?" she asks. "I came here to find you, Daley said he'd been with you in Starbucks and that you text him saying you'd be on your way back to the flat by now. Suha you need to be careful because I don't think Daley is going to fix things in a way that's.. shall we say beneficial for you.." A look of confusion and horror flashes across her face and she recalls the conversation that her and Daley had earlier that day. "What are you talking about? He said he was going to fix everything" she asks. Suha is a very trusting person and she would take someone at face value, but she had known Daley for so long now. It had been a long time that they'd been split up and they managed to over-come that, she found herself trusting his every word. When Daley said he would do something, he did it. "Suha, you know how Daley feels about you, yes? and right now this situation plays in his favour. He's gone to tell Aaron exactly what he doesn't want to hear" Right now these were the words that Suha didn't want to hear, why would he do that? Why would he ruin everything for her like that. Suha can feel her breath quickening, she starts blinking as everything around her begins to blur, a sinking feeling starts to feel like home in the pit of her stomach and as she reaches out to Marco for stability her legs buckle beneath her and everything comes crashing down around her, fading to black.

Aaron was now all alone in the flat and wondering what to do with himself, he knew that he had to get out of his soaking wet clothes, they were becoming like a second skin and clinging to every single part of his body, grabbing the collar of his t-shirt at the nape of his neck he dragged his shirt over his head and threw it over the back of the sofa, as usual. It was Aaron and Suha's love for music that really brought them closer together, sure they both love football amongst other things, but it was their love of the smaller things that truly solidified it. Arabella by the Arctic Monkey's was seeping through the speakers in the front room of the flat and Aaron loves this one, his mind flashes back to the Arctic Monkey's concert that him and Suha went to. It was such a perfect evening and the atmosphere was so electric between them on that night, it was the first time that Aaron told Suha that he loved her, it was a shock for her but it was the best shock imaginable. She loved him too and she knew almost instantaneously that she wanted to be with this man for a very, very, long time. Aaron was walking around the flat aimlessly looking for something to do, humming along before softly singing "And her lips are like the galaxy's edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place."

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