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It had been many many months since Suha and Aaron had enjoyed an evening together as much as tonight. With all their trials and tribulations they had managed to weather the storm and come so magnificently out of the other side with even more love in their hearts and a stronger feeling deeper in their bones, it was only a few weeks ago that that they had both resigned themselves to the fate of facing the world together, alone, without each other. Aaron looked at Suha with more passion and lust than ever before, with more adoration and more care than he thought he ever could, and the feeling was mutual. Suha had seen a life without Aaron for a couple of days and that was more than enough to unsettle her and see her world come crashing down around her, she appreciated every single thing about Aaron, even the way he flashed his cheeky grin at her when he'd done something wrong and he just knew she wouldn't approve, the way he always left his side of the bed messy, the way he left his trail of mess around their flat. She didn't care because all of these little things made him who he was, and when she fell for him, she fell hard. "Here's to us baby!"Aaron said, as he raised a half full champagne glass in Suha's direction, his smile beaming and his Hugo Boss scent lingering all around her, Suha was breathing all of him in, still in disbelief that they were here together, that they'd really made it "here's to us!" She replied, also raising her glass with an incredulous grin and clinking her glass with Aaron's. They both took a gentle sip of Champagne before deciding to make a move and head back home.

Arm in arm they headed towards the cloakroom to retrieve their coats, luckily the queue wasn't too long and they were one of the first few people to leave. "Wait here, I'll go over and get our coats, I don't want you standing by the door, it's freezing cold and the last thing you need is to get sick, you've got to go back to training next week" Suha said, before lightly placing a kiss on his forehead and brushing her fingers through the the front of his hair and slicking it into place, she gave him a smile and he returned it. She headed over to wait in the queue and to her surprise she spots some of the girls that she came to the event with and makes her way over to them, gossiping with them about the room, the footballers, the footballers wives, it all made the time waiting in line go past much faster. Finally Suha got to the clerk and searches in her bag frantically for the check in tickets to retrieve their coats before realizing that she completely forgot to ask Aaron for his, she turns to face the place she saw him last but she can't see him anywhere now, the queue has grown and there are people everywhere, suddenly she hears his laugh above the throng of people and shoots her eyes in his direction, but he wasn't alone. The very sight of Colleen was enough to put Suha on edge, why was she here? What did she want with Aaron? And why hasn't he ignoring her like he promised her he would?

She turned back to face the clerk "I'm sorry, I can't find the ticket for Aaron's jacket and he's busy over the other side of room" she barked, her voice was icy and sharp, she handed over her ticket before waiting patiently for the clerk to return with her jacket. He shortly returned and said "Here you go Mrs. Ramsey!'" "I'm not Aaron's wi-" "it's okay, we all know who you are around here, I got Aaron's jacket for you too" he said with a smile. "Okay, thanks" Suha snapped at him, before grasping the jackets and separating the two, placing Aaron's jacket on the counter she quickly slips hers on before picking Aaron's back up and heading in his direction. She moved like a hurricane and her eyes were shooting bolts of thunder in his direction, Aaron could see her approaching and the smile quickly disappeared from his face. His whole body stiffening and his mouth already starting to become dry, he could sense the wrath that Suha was about to unleash and he knew he wouldn't have a single word to say back to her, she would have him cornered. Suha briskly approached them both, her eyes not leaving Aaron's and not even glancing in Colleens direction once, stood before them she waited for Aaron to speak, she gave him a look that could only mean 'well?? What the fuck are you doing here with her?' But Aaron didn't speak up. "Here's your jacket, find your own way home" Suha spat the words at him and threw his jacket at him before not waiting a second longer to make her exit out of the cloakroom and into the lobby.

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