5)Hate Mondays

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StellaBellaDonna has returned from hyper-sleep and is ready to type. Its GD baby! Kiss Kiss💏

The Person that belongs to you is your Soul Mate, but you also belong to them. You are two halves of a hole, Two pieces of a puzzle. No other can make you feel the way your Soul Mate does. In Good or Bad times your Soul Mate has power to put a smile on your face but.....


Two sound asleep souls in to different rooms were surrounded by a peaceful bliss until the heartless alarm clock started screaming and wakes Seung-Hyun from is sleep like it does, every Monday. He pushes him self out of bed and quickly starts his morning routine. When finished he enters the kitchen and works on breakfast for him and his 5 year old princess Park Miho. The sent of his cooking fills the house so all could smell, a couple maids and butlers pop in to greet him then return to there work, and little Miho tiny nose twitches and she wakes with a smile. "Appa's Cooking." she whispered to herself and made her way out of bed and down stairs.

"Appa?" her voice was small and soft like clouds but Seung-Hyun cold hear it well. "Are you making breakfast?" she asked rubbing her eyes, already knowing the answer. She found her way to her fathers leg. Her picked her up and peppered her face with butterfly kisses and made her giggle.

"Good Morning Spring" he rubbed their noses together.

"Good Morning Appa," he set her down.

"Your up early princess." She smiled.

"Your cooking woke me up, I could smell it in my dream, it was funny. Is breakfast ready? Do you want to hear about my dream Appa?" she asked a sparkle in her eyes .

"Yes it is and yes I would like to hear it but, you didn't wash up, so I can't feed you yet. Oh, I guess I will just eat all this by myself." he shrugged and she pouted her tiny lip pillows.

"No, im going to go wash up right now. So don't eat all the food." She quickly rushed out the kitchen to wash up. Seung-Hyun chuckled and set their plates.

The pitter patter of Miho's feet signaled her return. The two sat ate and talked about dreams, well Miho's dream. Sueng-Hyun's dream was confusing to him. They finished, cleaned up and Seung-Hyun kissed his daughter's cheek and she returned the favor. "Bye Appa, have a good day at work, Sarang Hae(I Love you)"

"Sarang Hae Princess, I will be home late today so Ms. kang and Maru will be with you today. See you later princess." she waved him goodbye, he got into his car and headed to work. On his way he gave his head butler a call. Maru reported that Miho was all ready for school and watching T.V waiting for the time to depart. Maru and Ms. Kang were the heads and were in charge of taking Miho to and from school and on some days watch her till he comes home. Seung-Hyun would take turns with them, she is his daughter after all. After the call he continued on his way to work.

Seung-Hyun pulled into the parking lot of Choi INC. He got out of the car and locked the doors and made his way towards the building. A furious voice shot through the parking lot. The voice of furry weeped, tears coated its angry words. The person was pained, emotionally. "How could you, you Fucking Son of a Bitch! Why? Why did you, How could you!" Seung-Hyun searched for the voice, looking left and right following the direction of the voice. Between to cars stood an employee of the company, Seung-Hyun believes his name is Dong Joonsuh, and the one and only Kwon Ji-Yong. His hair is now black with blue long hair falling against the side of his lovely face. Seung-Hyun stopped immediately to watch and listen. "I trusted you. I believed you, you liar!" his tears were falling so fast, his hands were balled into tight fists and the pained aura around him was strong and thick, even Seung-Hyun could feel it.

"Listen Ji-Yong, its not what you..." he cut him off.

"Its not what you think, its not as it seems, this is all a big misunderstanding. Shut the fuck up, don't you dare give me that bullshit, don't you fucking dare. I saw you, I saw the pictures, the videos. I heard the words you said to her, the way you touched her and they way you let her touch you. You cheated on me with that fucking whore Hea Ra." he paused to inhale because he was barley breathing. "She told me, she warned me not to go after you. I can't believe I did. What was I thinking."

"Ji-Yong that was nothing! She is nothing, she means nothing to me. Your my everything Ji-Yong, I just made a mistake. Im sorry baby, please I love you, baby." He tried to touch Ji-Yong but he smacked his hand away.

"You never loved me, and every word that comes out of your fucking mouth is a lie. Thats why I didn't let myself love you either, I don't know why I let it go on this far. I knew from the beginning but I was so desperate to find someone who could truly love me," Hearts throb, "That I ignored what she said and myself and I ended up falling allover again." Ji-Yong's tears kissed the pavement. He straitened himself and looked Joonsuh in the eyes."Were Over" he said it so softly that Seung-Hyun could barley hear it.

"Come On Ji-Baby, think about this." he once again tried to lay his filthy hands on Ji-Yong, but he didn't make it. The sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the lot. A Red hand print stained Joonsuh's cheek.

"Don't touch me with the same hands you pleasured that Whore, and don't ever call me that, ever again." The man held his stinging cheek his brows furrowed in anger.
"Your nothing with out me Ji-Yong. You need me." he growled. Ji-Yong chuckled in response dispite the tears pouring non-stop down his flushed cheeks.

"Watch me, I don't need a man like you in my life. Your just like all my other Exs. So that makes you pathetic, not me." Ji-Yong spun on his heels and began to walk away from Joonsuh and in Seung-Hyun's direction. he forgot he was standing there and the two collided chest to chest. Ji-Yong stumbled and would have fallen if not for Sueng-Hyun quickly grabbling his arm and waist. Their eyes locked and the thump in there chests was there once more, but stronger. Seung-Hyun faught the urge to wipe away Ji-Yong's tears that were still falling. "I didn't expect to run into you here." Ji-Yong huffed and Seung-Hyun let go of him reluctantly. Ji-Yong cracked a small smile and chuckled lightly. "Catch you later hot stuff." Ji-Yong walked away with regret, confusion, pain, disappointment, determination and a sorrow filled smile painted on his face. he was impressed that Ji-Yong could still flirt after all that. He turned to the employee, who wasn't paying attention to the situation between Seung-Hyun and Ji-Yong. He was to focussed on his phone. Seung-Hyun's heart ached for the boy, for he knows the pain Ji-Yong is feeling. He returned on his path to work, making a mental note to tell her when he arrives later.

Im Finally done with chapter 5, Im so happy! Kiss Kiss!💏

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