7) Three Times The Charm

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The song is Let's Not Fall In Love by Big Bang. The pic is reference to story. Kiss kiss

What's the difference between Love and Soulmates? Soulmates make love almost impossible to comprehend. It's intensified, it's amplified, it's beautiful. Love can be felt by anyone to anyone for anyone. Yet, Soulmates are Love in its true and purest form. It can't be faked, it can't be played, it can't hide, it's always and forever will be genuine.

Seung-Hyun's day at work has finally came to an end. He neatly put away all his papers and documents, and began to head out of his building. On his way out he spotted one of his coworkers Ms. Dong Hae Ra. She was also his secretary, as cliche as it is, she is utterly beautiful in every way and very seductive. Yeah, very cliche. She was talking, well seducing the man at the front desk. His mind wandered back to this morning, Ji-Yong's tear coated face and frowned. She plays apart in Ji-Yong's heartbreak and that doesn't make him to happy. Before she can spot him he quickly exits the building. He doesn't feel like hearing her sweet talk.

He knows he shouldn't think about. Its none of his business, but he can't help himself. He's been in Ji-Yong's shoes, and his heart aches for the boy. He is gets in his car and send an 'Om on my way' text to an old friend. He is going to spend a little time with her due to the fact tat he hasn't visited her in over a month, and he is most likely to die once he arrives. She is also Miho's godmother, and insane godmother.

He pulled into the up to her beautiful home and parked. He grabbed a bottle of the finest wine and and little gift bag from the passenger side seat and headed out of his car and to her door. He rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. She opened the door and squealed.

"Top!" She ran into his arms and have him a nice big squeeze. She is pretty short so he his able to rest his chin on the top of her head. "Your a minute late!" She joked.

"Sorry your highness but, I brought gifts!" He showed her the bag and bottle and she smiled.

"You really know how to please me." She laid a kiss on his cheek and took the gifts from him. "Come inside, I have to introduce you to someone I should have introduced you to a long time ago." She smiles and leads him to the living room.

Bella Suzuki is a childhood friend of Seung-Hyun. The two went to both middle-school and highschool together and their colleges were pretty close, so they visited each other often. They have a special bond, they love each other but up to a point where it doesn't cross the "in love" line. They already went through that once. She is a half Japanese on her mom's side and half American from her dad. She has sugar brown hair and a stunning pair of eyes. Her right eye was a matching sugar brown like her hair. He left eye was a soft green blue. Seung-Hyun loved them, he was one of the few who does.

"Wait here okay. Give me a sec. " she stopped Sung-Hyun just before he could enter the living living room. A buzz erupted In his chest and he clenched his fists. Seung-Hyun had an idea on who it was, he just hoped he was right, but at the sane time he hoped he wasn't. "Ji, my friend is here, promise me you will behave, okay. You don't have to say anything, just chill. He brought wine." Bella added hoping to spark something in the figure on The couch. "That's my boy." She smiles and returned to Seung-Hyun's side. "Tabi, meet Ji-Yong. Hi, meet Tabi." She pulled him into the living room apon introducing the two. Seung
-Hyun bowed polity. Ji-Yong looked at him from spot on the couch wrapped in a blanket. He was shocked to see Seung-Hyun there of all places.

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