9) Happy Birthday

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Kiss kiss.

Seung-Hyun pulled into his driveway, and stopped the car, grabbing the things from the passenger side seat and headed inside. Miho was on the couch watching a movie waiting for her Appa to return home. She hadn't heard her dad walk in, she was too interested in her show. He placed the things down on the kitchen counter and snuck behind his baby girl. He placed his hands over her eyes and she broke out in a huge smile. His laughter filled the room, making Seung-Hyun smile as well. "Appa, your home! I missed you." she giggled and turned around to see him. He picked her up from the couch and placed a soft kiss in her hair.

"I missed you too princess." he swung her around. "Aren't you tired? It's pretty late," he smiled at her walking towards the stairs.

"Yes, but I wanted to wait for you, I didn't want you .." she yawned. "To come home to nobody." she snuggled into his chest, as he took her to her room.

"Miho, you are the sweetest girl in the world. My princess " he placed her down on her bed and tucked her in since she was already dressed for bed. He placed a kiss on her head and sang to her. He quietly left the room when She fell asleep and made his way back downstairs. He turned off the T.V and placed the food in the fridge, for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be Miho's birthday his little girl was turning 7, not so little after all. She's a big girl, and she's getting heavier, Seung-Hyun knows he will eventually stop carrying her.

He walked into the ballroom and sat at the piano. He lifted the covers and placed his hands on the white keys. He played for Ji-Yong, he played his feelings away in the keys. He knows heartbreak all too well, he played remembering the tears he shed, the tears Ji-Yong shed. His heartstrings were being pulled out of his chest, twirling around the room with the music. Then the song stopped and Seung-Hyun smiled. "I hope we meet again, Ji-Yong" he muttered placing the cover back over the black and white patterns, and making his way upstairs, he had to prepare for Miho's birthday the following day.


"Princess, princess..." Seung-Hyun stood by the little girls bed, shaking her softly, trying to get her to wake up. She groaned and giggled. "Miho....Miho....." Seung-Hyun whined like a kid. "Miho, wake up......Miho....." she smiled and opened one eye.

"Appa, don't you know it's rude to wake up a woman from her beauty sleep." She giggled scolding her dad.

"But Miho.....its your birthday......" he gave her a big smile and tickled her stomach.

"She quickly Sat up. "It's my Birthday!!!!" She gave Seung -Hyun the biggest hug she could manage and hopped off her bed to get ready. Stumbling down the hall to the bathroom. Seung-Hyun gave a whole hearted laugh at his daughter, following after her at a much slower pace. She was vigorously brushing her teeth doing a little jig as her teeth were being freshened. He leaned against the door frame smiling at her.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and finish working on the birthday girls big birthday breakfast." Miho squealed through her foamy mouth. He made his way downstairs to prepare  Seung-Hyun's famous birthday breakfast. This includes Grilled Short Ribs (Galbi), Spicy Seafood Salad, Bean Sprout Rice (Kongnamul Bab), Spicy Stewed Fish, Cold Cucumber Soup (Oi Naengguk), Seasoned Kelp, and Radish Strip Kimchi (Moo Saengchae). He pulled on his cooking apron and got to work.

Miho came bounding down the stairs as her father was setting up their breakfast. She wore a simple dress, it was blue with white flowers patterned neatly on it. Her hair was pulled back and she wore a pretty white flower pin atop her head. Seung-Hyun looked at his daughter and gasped. "Miho? That can't be my little Miho. Miho? Where are you? This isn't possible." He shook his head mouth agape. His lip began to quiver and he covered his eyes. "No my little Miho is all grown up, nooo, not yet!" he cried. Miho giggled at her over dramatic father.

"Appa, cut it out. You'll be just fine. You do this every year." She pointed out pursing her lips and shaking her head. She went over to the table and took her seat. She placed a napkin in her lap and in her dress collar, not wanting to get her dress dirty. Seung-Hyun kissed her head and took a seat across from her doing the same.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday my dear Miho, Happy birthday to you...." Seung-Hyun sang the song softly, looking at his little girl eyes watering. She smiled at her dad, her teeth shining.

"I love you Appa, thank you" she giggled again raising her hands in the air. "I love you this much" Seung-Hyun copied her actions.

"I love you this much too" he smiled, "Now let's eat, your Appa has been craving this since he started making it." His mouth salivating at the thought of food. They ate their breakfast, smiling and laughing all the way through.

"Happy Birthday Miho!"

The crowd of people shouted as she blew out the candles on her cake. Miho wore a tiara on her head as she sat in a pink throne, the center of attention. She and Seung-Hyun had decided to visit her godmother Bella who had begged and pleaded for them to come. When they arrived and rang the doorbell, the door had swung open and People had jumped out yelling surprise. Bella had planned a surprise party without either Seung-Hyun or Miho knowing. They ambushed them, splitting them two apart. They showered Miho in gifts and food. The cake was 3 tiers, the first red velvet, second chocolate last vanilla. Seung-Hyun held the knife ready to start serving the cake. Miho had made a secret request for and I quote "A Huge slice of every flavor" and so he was going to deliver.

Miho was dancing with her father on the dance floor and they were killing it. The crowd went wild as they danced the night away. Seung-Hyun picked her up and swung her around as the song ended. The crowd cheered and Miho ran off to dance with her cousins. Seung-Hyun went off to the side next to Bella. "You really take the role of Godmother seriously." He chuckled. She gave him a wicked smile.

"I do, I really do." She nodded. He shook his head.

"An entire party, like how did you plan this, when did you plan this?" he asked his friend.

"When I missed her birthday last year. I was really heartbroken. I could hear her sad voice over the phone when I said I wouldn't make it." She put her hand over her chest and sniffed, wiping away a nonexistent tear for dramatic effect. "oh Seunggie, you know how I am" she punched him playfully in the arm laughing. "Try beating this birthday gift Baby" she bragged walking away. Seung-Hyun huffed

"we'll see." He grumbled

"Appaaaaaa, let me see" she whined. The party had ended a while ago and Miho and her dad had returned home. She was tired and a little cranky from being kept up. She had a blindfold tied around her eyes waiting on the couch for her father to return to the room. He entered and cleared his throat.

"alright, you can take it off now." Miho ripped the cloth from her eyes and looked toward her father. In his hands was a puppy. It had brown, blonde and black fur, the colors were scattered. It had the brightest blue eyes and they stared straight at Miho. She squealed and hopped off the couch plopping down in front of her father. She gazed at the puppy in her father's hands. "hold out your hands, and hold it carefully." She obeyed as he placed the pup in her arms . "he's all yours... well, mostly I really like him too." He smiled at his daughter's face. She was happy and it made him happy too.

"Appa, you spoil me, thank you" she hugged the puppy kissing its head "the best birthday gift ever," Seung-Hyun smiled at her and turned his back. his face burst into a huge smirk and he pulled out his phone.

To Bella:

I win! XP

He snapped a pic of Miho and the dog

To Bella:

Loser! XD

He sent the photo chuckling as he did. Miho looked at her dad and sighed, shaking her head.

"Childish" she muttered returning to playing with her dog.

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