When He Gets Jealous

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Fucking jealous twats


You had gone to a coffee shop today, by yourself, to study for a big test that was coming up in a few days. Mainly because the smell of coffee and soft music in the background seems to calm you and help you focus more on your work. All of a sudden a pretty cute guy with tattoos and a beanie came up and sat in front of your table.
"Hey there, can I get your number?" He said with a smile. You just looked uncomfortable with him and tried to nicely tell him you had a boyfriend.
"Sorry but I have- Jeffery what the fuck." Next thing you knew the guy you were talking to was on the floor with a bloody nose, Jeff was standing directly over him, eyes basically bloodshot from how pissed off he was.
"MINE." He yelled at the guy, grabbing you and taking you home.


You and Slendy were taking a walk in the woods like normal when a guy came up and started randomly flirting with you.
"Hey cutie, how you doin'?" He asked you, winking and trying to get closer. You just pushed him away when out of nowhere, one of Slendy's tendrils came and grabbed the guy, setting him a good distance away from you, the grabbing you with another one and lifting you up, then setting you right by himself.
"Excuse me, kind sir, but this cutie is 'doin' just fine. By her boyfriend. WHICH HAPPENS TO BE ME THANK YOU VERY MUCH." Slendy said in the guys face. He just ran off and smacked into a tree knocking himself out. You just shrugged, continuing your guys' walk.


You had invited a long time friend over from school, who happened to be a guy. Ben was obviously a little suspicious from the moment the guy walked through the door, so he just say the staircase 'playing' on his DS. While you and your guy friend were talking on the couch, he kept scooting closer and even put his arm around you. You just figured it's nothing and chose to ignore it. But Ben... He saw it as something else...
"What the fuck!" Your friend yelled looking behind you. You turned around to see Ben standing there, making his eyes bleed and staring directly at the guy. He got scared and got up to leave, when Ben started laughing walked up to the guy.
"Touch MY girl again, I swear... You'll die a brutal death." Your friend ran out of the house screaming while you got mad at Ben for scaring yet another friend of yours.


You both had been walking around the mall since you wanted some new clothes for school. You and L.J were going to pay when the guy behind the register started eyeing you up and down. L.J noticed and you could see that he was starting to get slightly jealous. You brushed it off and went to go pay when the guy started trying to get your number, even though he could clearly see you came with Jack. Angry, L.J grabbed the guys throat and looked him straight in the eye.
"It's 1-800-FUCKYOURSELF."
The guy just nodded trying to breathe, but ended up giving you guys the clothes for free. 


Jack never seemed like the type to ever get jealous. But he did. Badly.
"Sup girl-" He was cut off by a loud scream.
"Mine." You looked so see E.J stabbing the guy in his side with his scalpel.
You just looked at him with wide eyes as he continued to walk away without caring.
Welcome to your life of being in love with a killer.


You and Toby were at the park were you guys first met, talking and laughing on the swings when I guy came up to and asked what your name was.
"Um, it's Y/N." You said confused. Toby started to twitch more with jealousy as the guy who DIDNT twitch was flirting with you.
"Well y/n, why don't we ditch this twitching freak and head somewhere else?" The guy said with a wink. Toby just looked at him and pulled up his mask and pulled down his goggles, lifting up his hatchet.
"You have f-five seconds." He said staring at him with angry eyes.
The guy just looked at him and back at you, then took off running. But, he made the mistake of kissing your cheek and pinching your butt, now running off laughing. Toby took off running at high speed, his eyes and hand with the hatchet twitching as he ran. He came back a few minutes later with blood on him.
"N-no one touches y-you like that." He said, wiping blood off his goggles. You just stared at him for a while before he decided to just take you home.

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