When He Catches You Fangirling Over Another Creepypasta

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You had found Ben to be absolutely adorable, but you never really liked to talk about it until one day when you were scrolling through Tumblr/Instagram and saw a cute little anime picture of Ben being all cute with the other creepypastas. You started rolling around the floor screaming when Jeff walked in.
"REALLY? A fucking elf? HE'S SHORT AS SHIT." You just glared at Jeff.
"And you're white as shit but I don't judge." That apparently shut him up and he stormed out of the room while you continued to fangirl over his cute little ears.


Toby and his constant twitching just made you smile and awe to no end. HE WAS ADORABLE! And everyone knew it, whether or not they would admit it. You had been looking up and printing pictures of him to put on your walls because of how cute he is, when Slendy walks in and stops dead in his tracks.
"Darling, what in the name of Zalgo are you doing?" He asked as you put up the last picture of Toby with waffles.
"Fangirling over this cutie." You said blushing and poking the picture.
"I'm going to go kill Toby now." He said calmly walking out. You jumped on his back and yelled for him not to do anything.
"I DONT TWITCH LIKE THAT MANIAC." You rolled your eyes.
"Whatever." You said, still freaking out. He just chose to ignore your fangirling and go down to the kitchen to poison some waffles.


In your opinion, Jeff had to be the cutest creepypasta in America. He just had a weird psychotic insaneness that you just happened to love. You had a few pictures of him on your wall too!You decided to YouTube cosplays of Jeff because you loved those, but soon Ben walked in looking pissed.
"NO." Ben yelled walking up to the pictures and ripping them.
"BEN WHAT THE EFF?" You said looking at the ripped up Jeff.
"YOU'RE PASTY!" Ben yelled at the paper before storming off to downstairs to leave you to look up guys who cosplay as Jeff.


To you, Eyeless Jack had to be the most sexy and mysterious creepypasta ever, because of his mask and hoodies, you just found him very attractive, but obviously not as attractive as your clown boyfriend. You were looking at hot fan drawn ones of him shirtless and couldn't help but drool and ogle at his amazingly drawn on abs.
"Y/n! Y/n! I have a question for you! What candy- no." He dead panned once he saw the pictures you were looking at.
"Oh can it L.J he's pretty cute..." You said scrolling through more pictures.
"I HAVE CANDY. IM A FUCKING CLOWN. IM ADORABLE. LOVE ME WOMAN." He yelled, throwing m&ms and skittles at you.
"Ow! L.J stop! I love you geez! I just think the other Jack is cute that's all!" You said throwing up your hands in defense. He stopped throwing candy and sighed in relief.
"Thank God, I thought you were leaving me for that eyeless ass hat." You just smiled and continued to look at pictures.


E.J hated the fact that you loved Laughing Jack. I mean, what's not to love? He's a cute little monochrome clown, he's absolutely adorable.
"Why do you like him? He's a fucking clown." E.J said probably rolling his 'eyes' under his mask.
"Ah, fuck you I do what I want." You said holding up your middle finger, looking up cute pictures of the colorful L.J and Splendy, the colorful slender brothers.
"Whatever." He said plopping next to you on the couch and sliding up his mask to sip water.


Slender was so cute to you! His suit and tie and proper talking was just absolutely charming and adorable. You secretly fangirled about him while he was talking to you.
"Well, dear, I must leave now. My time here has been well spent, talking to a lovely girl like you." You smiled and told him the feeling was mutual as he leaned in and kissed your hand. Once he left, you started screaming, which made Toby come running in with his hatchet, twitching like crazy.
"Wha-what happened?!" He yelled, holding up the hatchet ready to kill someone.
"SLENDER KISSED MY HAND!" You screamed, jumping up and down while holding your right hand. Toby, annoyed as shit, put his hatchet down and rolled his eyes.
"Really? T-that's what y-you're screaming a-about?" He asked sarcastically.  You just started to tweak out and twitch more.
"I HAVE A F-FUCKING F-FACE!" Toby yelled and walked off to do God knows what.

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