How Youre Doing Without Him/How He Feels About What He Did

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:( and it's had been about 2 weeks since you had walked in on the assholes.

You had been absolutely horrible without Jeff by your side, but you weren't sure if you should take him back or not. You usually laid in your room and cried, listening to the song Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade on repeat, crying to it. All you did was skip school, start to fail classes you were acing and just not give a shit about anything. You felt completely alone and lost and EMPTY without Jeff, but you were still debating on calling him.
I can't believe I did that. I regret every choice I made on taking that stupid bitch home, I regret making the love of my life, y/n, so sad. I want her back an I'm determined to get her even if she told me to stay out of her life. I love her and need her. Without her I am nothing.


You had been doing horrible since you caught Slenderman sweet talking that stupid whore that told you slender didn't want you. You were in your room crying and the suicidal thoughts were coming back, the feeling of wanting to feel your skin being cut open and the blood trickle down was starting to come back. Slowly, you went into your bathroom that and pulled out a razor blade saying, "this one's for you Slender."
I miss my loving y/n, I miss her with all of my monstrous heart. To see her there crying, to hear her voice quiver with hurt and betrayal as she asked me to make a choice, then what made me the most angry... To hear that idiotic  bimbo speak about me not wanting y/n. I want her more than life itself... I will get her back. I am just afraid her suicidal thoughts will get the best of her if I'm gone for too long.


You were happier without Ben, free As a bird, dating, partying, having fun with your friends without him.

But that was a complete lie.

You were a mess when you weren't getting drunk every night to forget you didn't have your boyfriend with you... Always wanting to die as you drunkenly cried in your room and burned and cut your skin to feel something other than emotional pain. You missed him with all your heart, and wanted him back, but you weren't sure if he would ever be faithful again.
Ben Drowned POV
I missed her and regret that fucking slut, I don't know what my problem is. I don't get why I would ever let a beautiful girl like that slip through the cracks of my hands.. The hands that touched her and another woman's skin. I want her back, and tonight I'm gonna just watch her as creepy as that sounds so I can see how she is without me.


LJ was the only person that could really make you smile, but without him, you were just depressed and frowning all the time. Your friends tried to show you a funny creepypasta videos to make you laugh, but all of the had LJ, so you would just run off to your room and shut yourself in there. You weren't eating, and because of that, your ribs and spine was poking through a bit more. You just hated life without LJ, a life that used to be rainbows and sunshine is now stormy and gray.
Laughing Jacks POV
I CANT BELIEVE I JUST LOST MY SWEETHEART. My one and fucking only! I miss her, I miss my sweet y/n I want her back and I need her in my life again. I don't feel like eating candy, I don't feel like laughing, I just want to sit in my room in the mansion and cry. I will get her back if it's the last thing I do.


EJ was your rock, the person you could lean on and a shoulder to cry on. But it wasn't any shoulder, it was his, the man you love. But then again... He's also the man that cheated. You were starting to feel low on self-esteem, the girl in the pictures that EJ cheated with was a beautiful bleach blonde with a perfect figure and fair skin. You didn't feel like you were that, so you didn't eat as much, and in the rare occasions you would eat, you'd run straight to the bathroom forcing yourself to vomit while crying in front of the mirror yelling, 'you'll never be what he wants'. You started dressing more like the girl and worked out more. Without Jack, you felt lost, and to you this was the only way to get found.
Eyeless Jacks POV
I miss her. Oh god I miss her so fucking much, how could I be so stupid! Her face when she caught me... That was the worst sight in the world, I never wanna see y/n like that again. And the fact that I caused it? That tears my so called heart apart... I love her and I want her back, that girl meant nothing to me. Nothing at all, yet y/n means everything.


You missed your twitching, stuttering, waffles eating boyfriend, and the fact that someone like that was cheating on you hurt you a lot. You just laid in bed numb, cutting, burning, pulling, bruising, and more just to feel anything except numbness. The only other pain you could feel was the emotional, and my Lord did you hate that. I guess now you know how Toby felt when he said he couldn't feel physical pain, just emotional kind.
Toby's POV
I-I miss her. I m-miss y-y/n so very f-fucking much a-and I c-can't believe I-I let her g-go for s-some slut. I fucking -wa-want her b-back. Y/n was so c-cute and sweet a-and kind a-and caring. H-how could I-I do that? I w-will get her b-back soon, a-and she will b-be I-in my a-arms.

Awwwwww. :'(

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