When You Finally Decide Its Better To Be With Him (Part. I)

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You had been trying to pull yourself together so you could think everything through, see if it's a better idea to stay or let him go. You told Jeff to see you again at your house today at around 7:00 and it was already 6:30. Your stomach had decided to become a fucking gymnast, so you could barely even keep water down from how nervous you were. Suddenly, your window started to open and in crawled an upset, regretful, sobbing Jeff.
"Y/n I am so so SO sorry I did that. I regret her, please believe me. I want YOU. I NEED you. Please take me back." You started to walk to Jeff, tears streaming down your face.
"I forgive you."


You stared down at your now very fucked up wrist and thighs, tears streaming down your cheeks. You finally agreed to talk to slender, but he wanted you to wear a short and breezy dress with short sleeves that showed your thighs and wrists, something you didn't want to show. Despite your feelings, you went and met him at your guys tree and seeing he wasn't there you looked around and spotted a note.

Meet me in the meadow dear, keep going straight, I'll leave more notes to guide you xo

You were slightly annoyed but you followed his instructions and went forward, holding the previous note in your hand and continuously replaying the day you caught him, making you regret coming to see him. You saw a second note, so you grabbed it and started reading.

You're almost there sweetheart, keep moving xo

You smiled and kept going, now nearing the meadow which was knee high in grass, dandelions, daisies and lavender. You smiled and walked to slenderman, who was standing in the middle.
"Forgive me, please. I can't believe I let all those things happen to you, I hate the stupid bimbo for saying those things to you when originally they should be for her." You shushed him and started hugging him, not letting go.
"I forgive you."


You were about to drink a quick shot of vodka, before putting it down and staring at your scarred up skin, crying your eyes out, 

"What the fuck did you do to me Ben. Why the hell, would you murmurs all those 'I love yous' while i was trying to sleep,  just to spit in my fucking face. What is your problem." 

"I'm so fucking sorry." A voice croaked from the shadows. You stood up slowly, knowing it was just Ben, and that he had been crying too. You walked up to him, your exposed thighs and arms showing all the damage you did to yourself. He was curled up in the corner crying, his blood tears getting on his face and neck, sometimes falling onto his green tunic. You just stared at him until he looked you up and down to see ALL the damage. Every cut, every burn, every scratch, everything. He continued to bawl as he held his hair in his hands. 

"Why Ben, I just want to know WHY. All I want to know is WHY you would cheat, WHY you would do this to me, FUCKING WHY BEN." You understood that all the self-harm was self inflicted. You knew that, but he needed to understand, you did that, because you wanted to just quit. 

"Because... I did. I just did. She kissed me, I kissed back, one thing led to another. I regret her and you NEED to get that. Good GOD! I MISS YOU Y/N TAKE ME BACK PLEASE!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs now. You couldn't take it and fell to the floor, clutching on to Ben. 

"Gladly." You say, hugging him and wiping his tears away. 


You were sitting in bed, waiting for L.J to come and meet you like he said he would. You tried to eat at least a little bit of toast to look less sick, but you could only do about 3 bites because of how nervous you were. Your window slowly slid open, and in came that fucking monochrome clown that you wanted to constantly stab in the neck. As you stood there, you told yourself continuously, 'do not take him back, don't do it, don't take him back, hes a stupid motherfucking low life cheating sonuvabitch.' 

"Y/n, I miss you so much, I can't eat candy, I can't smile, or laugh... What's a clown that can't laugh? I need you back..God knows I need you back. Please y/n I'm begging you." You walked right up to him and told him seriously,

"Do it a-fucking-gain, and I will cut off your balls and feed them to you Jack. Jesus Christ, don't play me EVER again like that. Do I make that FUCKING CLEAR?" You told him trying not to tear up. 

"YOU'RE TAKING ME BACK?!" He squealed like a little girl, smiling and all. You couldn't help but give out a slight chuckle. 

"Yes Jack."

Sorry I haven't updated in three hundred years, I just haven't had the time to, forgive me. 

I'll update toby's and E.J's late today or tomorrow. 

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