[8] The project

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Paris' Pov:

It's been almost a week since the incident.

All I've been doing was trying to help him by getting to know him and talking, but he'd just shun me.

And then, when I tried to help him when he got bullied, he shouted at me.

I know, he has his inner battles but I have mine too.

So that's why I burst when he said that.

But I can't help feeling bad for him.

I tried to talk to him whenever I had the chance to, but he's just ignore me or pretend that he didn't notice me there.

I guess I understand why he'd do that, but it's annoying me too.

Like, he should apologize at least.

Ugh! Stupid thoughts, shut up. I clenched my fists.

Sighing, I took a step into the classroom and walked towards my seat beside Kyle.

As usual, the routine began. We'd ignore each other, try not to accidentally make any sort of contact and if it was really necessary, at least not make eye contact or speak.

"Alright, class! As you all know, we have a big project to do for History. I want you all to research on..." Mr Hart droned on about the big project that would be in 40% of our overall grades so it was "absolutely necessary for everyone to do their best in it".

"And now, for the partners you will be working with." Mr Hart's voice increased in volume and the whole class went silent, waiting for who their partners would be.

Mr Hart cleared his voice, "I hope that everyone here likes their seating partners because that would be who you are working with."

The class was filled with groans, annoyed sounds and some happy cheering.

However, I was dumbfounded.

Are you serious? Are you actually shitting on my head right now.

Why must the fates be so cruel as to pair me with Kyle.

The awkwardness of sitting next to him was enough but now this?!

I saw that through the astonished look on his face, that he felt the same way.


Kyle's Pov:

I hate group projects. They are the absolute worse.

I would rather eat goat testicles than have to work with other people.

Especially not the girl who probably hates me.

Especially not the girl who I felt had to apologize to but never liked expressing my feelings.

Especially not the girl who was the closest person I ever had to a friend.

"So um do you want to um meet up...later after school to do the project?" I heard Paris ask me and I just nodded, not knowing how to respond.

"Where do you wanna meet up?" Paris asked again and I shrugged.

I heard her sigh and I wish I could melt into the floor.

I really don't do well in these kind of situations.

"I don't think we can work in the library since many people will definitely be hogging the space there. So the school gardens?"

"The school gardens are closed for renovation." I muttered, my eyes staring at my fingers.

Paris sighed again and I saw her lean back from the corner of my eyes.

"Alright then, can we do it at your dorm? My dorm's still really messy and uh as long as I leave your dorm before 10, the student patrollers wouldn't think we're doing uh other stuff."

I felt her face heat up and so did mine.

I think we both exactly knew what "other stuff" meant.

I nodded again and she said, "Alright than its settled. See you after school."

The bell rang at the right time signaling the end of the class and everyone rushed out including Paris.

Great, this History project was going to be fun.


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