A Date to Remember

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We had been driving for a while now and I was having the time of my life...even though I couldn't see. Orion kept asking me questions about myself and my family including my unusual personality. "Well I've never really liked being a girly girl. I've always liked getting dirty and learning new things. Especially when it comes to vehicles and technology!" I said while twirling my hair. "Very interesting." He muttered quietly. "What was that?" I asked. "Oh nothing, please tell me more about yourself I'm very intrigued." "Haha ok, hmmm let's see. Well you know I live with my parents and sisters and that my dog is practically the size of a small bear. He chuckled at this. "Yes Goliath is rather intimidating." "But he's super sweet!" I said in a high pitched voice causing Orion to laugh. "So what kind of music do you like?" Orion asked me. "I'll listen to anything, well anything that matches my mood at the time or has a good beat." I heard the radio flip on and as he was turning the channels I heard one of my favorite songs. "Ooh stop I like this song!" I yelled excitedly the cab was filled soon blaring with my song *The Mighty Fall*.

He turned it up real loud and I started singing..or screamed along with the song dancing in the seat and flinging my hair around not caring. While I was singing I noticed the truck getting warmer but I figured it was because of how much I was dancing. When the song ended I realized it was really hot, but before I could ask Orion to roll down a window or turn the A/C on he had already cut it on. "Thanks I can't remember the last time I danced that much" I laughed saying this. "It's..no problem you looked really happy and I saw that your cheeks were flushed," I smiled but couldn't help but notice something off with him. "Hey you ok?..it sounds like you're out of breath " I asked very concerned. "Yes I'm..fine don't worry" he said. Although I knew something was up I didn't press the issue because at that moment I felt the truck slow down. *Deep chuckle * "before you ask which I know you are, we have arrived at our destination..,and no you can't take the blindfold off yet." He chuckled again while I sat back in the seat crossing my arms over my chest and pouted.

I felt the truck come to a stop and heard the driver door open and close as Orion got out. Then he came around on my side, opened the door and picked me up closed the door and carried me a little further before putting me down. "Can I take this blindfold off now?" I asked. "No not yet just a little farther." He said while laughing and holding my hand pulling me forward. I could hear a set of doors open and felt a wave of humid air hit me  I could smell fresh air and hear water lots of water at that. I was super curious at this point and was itching to see where I was I heard birds chirping and could tell by the smell that we were surrounded by plants. We kept walking for about five more minutes when the sound of a water fall got really loud. Then Orion let go of my hand,walked behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You ready?" He asked. I shivered slightly because he was so close and his voice was so deep and husky his breath was tickling  my ear. "Yes!" I managed to squeak out. I felt him untie the blindfold so I closed my eyes so the sudden change in lighting wouldn't blind me. "Open your eyes." He said still standing behind me. When I opened my eyes I gasped because when I looked around I swear it looked liked we were standing in the middle of a topical rain forest. There were so many flowers around me in so many different colors ranging from bright blue to a deep red then vibrant purple and soft pink. The trees were a deep green and so was the grass, there were birds chirping happily throughout and I would catch a glimpse of a flash of yellow here and there as the birds darted away from us. I also saw what appeared to be hundreds of butterflies around the spot we were standing in , but the most beautiful part to me was the waterfall in front of us. It was beautiful as it thundered down into the pond below it with smaller streams branching off to the rest of the plants.

There were black and white swans gliding through along with these huge koi fish. My eyes began to water as I looked around and then turned to Orion who was beaming with joy. When he saw my tears he smiled and brushed them away, "how do you like it!" He asked softly. "I love it!!" I said as I threw my arms around his neck hugging him tightly while standing on my toes. I felt him tense up a little but then he relaxed and hugged me back when I leaned back I was smiling, but then I looked up and noticed something. "Umm Orion are we inside of a dome?" I asked while still looking up. "Mmmhm yes we are" he said to me. "Why are we the only ones here? Isn't this a public place?" I asked looking at him with a slight frown. " I made a few calls." He said while smiling at me. I giggled and nuzzled my head between his neck and shoulder. "Thank you " I muttered in to him. I felt him chuckle and look up at him. "What?" I asked tilting my head. "This isn't it there's more " he said and pulled me towards a huge tree by the water. There was a wall of vines hanging from it but he pushed them aside and walked in before pulling me behind him. I gasped and  when I saw a picnic for two, there was a red blanket on the ground with throw pillows and two glasses with a bottle of wine, along with some fruit...and fries? I looked at Orion and raised my eyebrow at him "French fries?" I asked "yea well the fries at dinner that night were good so I decided I'd get some more " I laughed when he said this while he ran a hand through his hair and blushed slightly. Taking a deep breath I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Orion...I really needed this." He looked at me and smiled then lead me to the blanket and sat down beside me then opened up the wine.

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