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A/N I know, I'm a terrible person, but my mom grounded me for "smarting" of to her so I wasn't aloud to use my computer, phone, or tablet :'(. Also my updating might be kinda messy because we're getting closer to the end of the year and my school has some tests coming up and so I've been studying and am not able to write in class as much as I want to. P.S this story is the product of me getting very VERY bored in Science. I hope you like this chapter, requests welcome.

Bandits always seemed to attack them out here, Merlin thought, looking around nervously, expecting bandits to jump out at them.

"Stop being such a girl, Merlin." Arthur laughed, rolling his eyes at his manservants nervousness. Yet even he couldn't predict what was about to come.

*About 30 Minutes Later*

The horns sounded out of no where and the next thing the Knights of Camelot knew was that they were being attack by bandits. All the knights slipped of their horses and began to fight. Bolt after bolt flew at the knights and servant. Merlin's magic coursed through him, eager to escape. He turned to face Elyan and Leon who were fighting together, then looked over at Gwaine and Percival, finally he looked over at Lancelot and Arthur. He was hoping this wouldn't be the last time he would see them. These were Cenred's men and that meant they were after something, more like someone, more like him. Lancelot sent a glance over at Merlin, who just now seemed to realize the men advancing on him, Lancelot also knew Merlin couldn't use his magic in front of the Round Table. The men grabbed him and pushed a cloth to his face the moment he began to struggle. Merlin knew he had been drugged almost instantly, especially when black spots began to cloud his vision. He vaguely heard Lancelot call his name and then the sounds of swords clanging but even that was fading, finally all sound stopped and darkness took over Merlin and he embraced it.

*With the Knights and Arthur (There will be a lot of switching POV/ time skips this chapter.)*

It was when the knights and King regrouped did they realize Merlin w missing.

"Hey where's Merlin?" Gwaine asked as he collapsed on the ground next to Percival and Lancelot. Once Gwaine had said this Arthur looked around for his clumsy, bumbling manservant, expecting him to come out of some hiding spot. When he found nothing he turned back to the Knights, who were also scanning the surrounding, except Lancelot who was absently poking at the fire, looking guilty.

"Lancelot, do you have any idea where Merlin is?" Arthur asked the loyal knight.

"The bandits got him, they were Cenred's men, probably grabbing him for Morgana and Morgause. Most likely to get information about you." Lancelot mummered, before returning to the fire, guilt settling like a rock in his stomach.

*With Merlin*

Crack. The whip cracked across his bare skin.

"Where is Arthur, servant." A voice asked, as Merlin cracked open his eyes, what he saw was exactly what he expected. Morgause and Morgana were standing over him, the whip cracked across his skin again and he whimpered in pain, closing his eyes tightly.

"Where is HE!?" Morgana roared, her eyes flashing a bright auburn gold, the whip cracked across his back multiple times, he felt warm liquid flow steadily down his back, which up until now had been mostly untouched. He knew his arm and leg were probably broken along with a couple of ribs, he had to force himself to stay still so he didn't puncture a lung. Morgause, who saw his obvious discomfort strode up to him, kicking him in the stomach, right next to his ribs. Pain shot through him and his magic tried to rebel but it couldn't, it was like it was stuck on the tip of his fingers. He fought it back and whimpered in pain as the whip came across his bare back again.

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