A new lover

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Rapunzels pov

We arrived at the big magazine buliding and jumped out of the van. Tooth drove off before we said bye and we just shrugged and went inside.


"Oh my gosh!"

"I love you!"

"Marry me!"

We were bombarded by fans before we got ten feet. We struggled through the crowd while taking a few photos and signing stuff. When we got to the doors we closed the door behind us and ran.

You see, we have been interviewed here before so we know alot. Including the fact that they have terrible security here so it's like the hunger games for us.

When the screaming of girls died down we started walking and caught our breath.

"Woah....."merida said out of breath.

"Ya...."elsa said.

"Phew!"i said.

After we caught our breath we went into the makeup room.

Merida got her nude makeup on but she had to put on pink lip gloss. Anna wore her pink eye shadow with some clear gloss. Elsa had her brown eye shadow put on and her signature purple lips. I had some purple eye shadow with cherry lips.

After talking about our favorite ice cream and which is better we were asked to exit the room and go to the interview room.

"Hmmm that's weird we usually have another thirty minutes."Elsa commented.

"Yeah i wonder what that is about."i said.

"I hope it is not a surprise guest."anna said.

"I do to. I hate when they just randomly bring someone else."i said.

"Hello girls!!" Jackie said.

Jackie was our interviewer from last time. She is a sweet lady but loves drama and romance a bit to much.

"Great...."anna said under her breath only loud enough for us to hear. Elsa hit her in the back of the head.

"So girls today this is going to be a very interesting interview! So we will be asking some questions from your fans but most of them are going to be from us."

"Ok jackie we are ready."Elsa said.

We sat on the couch and jackie sat in her chair. The camera guy beeped a button or something and that told us he was ready to start.

"Hello all you wonderful people! This is teen bots latest video with the four seasons!! Hi girls how has the tour been?"jackie said witha weird squeaky voice.

"Hi jackie. This is our second tour as you know and it has been a blast." i said.

"Yes. We have met so many fans and had so much fun with them."Anna commented.

"We also grew in our friendship and became closer, if that's possible."merida said. I smiled.

"We grew in our music and career. We have written some songs and the new album will be coming soon."Elsa said while looking at the camera.

"Great now, into the more personal stuff. So anna i see that you just broke up with hans. Care to explain why?"

Ann's pov

I stiffened. Why of all the things did they have to bring up him. He broke my heart twice actually. The first time was when i found he liked my sister too.

"Anna. Are you ok?"jackie said.

"Yes I'm fine."

"Ok. Now the question?"

"Oh yes. I broke up with him because we were drifting apart and he just wanted to be with someone other than me."

"Anything else? Girls?"

"Well all i know is he is a jerk."merida said and elsa hit her in the shoulder.

"Ok. What about you other girls?"jackie said.

"Well you know me. Nope."merida said popping the 'p'.

"None of us are seeing anyone."Elsa said.

"Are you sure about that answer, Rapunzel?"

I saw Rapunzel blush a bit and look at her brown toms.

"Yes i-i am."

No! She isn't! She is!

"Show them boys."jackie said referring to the tv by them.

It showed us at the award show in brazil. Then it showed Rapunzel dancing with Flynn. One of the boys in the band, New time. It is also a band of best friends but boys.

But what happened next was shocking. He and Rapunzel kissed! Oh my gosh!!

Rapunzel blushed. Again.

"So care to explain?"

"Yes rapunzel. Explain."elsa and merida said.

"He and i kissed that is all. We are just good friends."she said.


Jackie yelled at someone behind the curtain. The entire band of new time came out. All of us blushed a bit.

We all turned back to jackie. Flynn made rapunzel get up. She did reluctantly and she was so confused. He sat down in her spot and pulled jer down on his lap so she was sitting on him. The rest of the boys sat on the ground.

Jackie awwwed and smiled.

"So flynn? Anything on the subject we should know?"

Flynn and rapunzel wispered for a second before nodding.

"Rapunzel and i wanted to keep it a secret but, we are officially a couple."

All of us gasped. But elsa, being the gracefull person she is, fell out of her chair and onto Jack. We all srarted laughing. While elsa and jack blushed.

"Ok thank you for watching this episode of teen bots. We will see you next week when we interview Justin bieber!" jackie said and the camera's turned off.

Merida and i left really fast. Leaving rapunzel and elsa to deal with the boys and jackie.

Elsa's pov

When i saw them take off to the dressing room i just shook my head at them.

"What's so funny Elsa?" oh my gosh i just realized i was still on jack. AWKWARD TURTLE.

"Oh nothing. Oh crap here let me help you up." i said struggling to get off him.

"Nope, your staying right here with me."he said pulling me back down and engulfing me in a hug. I couldn't do anything but chuckle and hug him back.

After a minute he let go and we stood up. We talked with the guys for a bit then jackie had to kick us out. I practically dragged Rapunzel out to the bus.

She had some explaining to do.

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