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Jack's pov.

Why me? Why her? We loved each other and now she won't speak to me. I mean it is alot to handle her maybe new boyfriend is a wanted criminal when she has been put in charge of killing me. So yea alot to handle.

"Hey girls come over here let's talk. You do the same."She said walking off.

Wow she was so beautiful.

Anyway us boys talked.

We came up with two options, one we both quit our jobs and just go be celebs. Two, us guys turn ourselves in for them.

The girls come back and sit by us on the old couch.

"Ok so these are our options." Rapunzel said.

Rapunzels pov.

I saw how elsa was just still processing what happened. She looked so broken hearted, it broke my heart. I love her like a sister but she need to move on.

"Elsa whats up?"

"Nothing rap."

"Elsa tell me."



"I love him. I have since the talk show. We became amazing friends and i hope after this we still can be, maybe even more."

I was shocked. She never ever loved someone before. He must be really special.

"So you are ok with him being a freaking wanted criminal."

"Heck no. I love him but i will slap him."

"Just like me."

"Haha now come on lets go."

We joined the other girls and discussed our options. Then we waited for the boys to finish talking. Once they were done we came over.

We sat on the oposite side of the couch to face them.

"Our two options are we quit amd go full celeb and forget this ever happened. Two we could run."I said i little to fast. Hey i was nervous.

"Our options are similar, we have the celeb one that you said and another. The other one is that we let you guys capture us.'' Jack said, also nervous and occasionally looking at elsa.

Aww they are so cute.

"We are not turning you in!"Anna and merida yelled at the same time.

"Aw you do care."Hiccup said leaning back as if he was satisfied with life.

"Ok guys here. What should we do?"
"Well i guess we always could quit and run."
"Paparazzi is everywhere. Running isn't an option."
"You have any idea?"
"We could quit and do the celeb thing."
"Yea but..."
"But what."
"What if we-"


Everyone turned and looked to see elsa standing there, holding a now broken lamp.

"Ok you all need to stop. We have a mission. We need to talk, then vote or something. At least agree. Jack, get up here you know the boys better than i do."Elsa said.

Jack hopped off the couch and stood by her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Yep. It took 5 hours to talk, agree, get a hotel, and fall asleep.

I texted tooth a while back saying we were staying at an old friends house and she doesn't need to worry.

Anyway we bought 4 hotel rooms and we decided to let each 'couple' have a room so they could talk. We need to.

Elsa's pov

I am in the bathroom.


I am scared.

What if jack and i don't work out? What if he leaves me? He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't live without him.

I slapped myself in the face, mentally.

Why are you worrying about a guy? You have three girls, four careers, and 4 lives to worry about. Yes the girls are all grown up but they are all still my little sisters. I need to make sure they are ok.

No elsa, love is the most important thing in the world. Don't let fear take over your life again. Remember when fear took over your parrents? You spent almost half your life in a room. You rarely saw your friends who always snuck in at night. Your parents were afraid of you. Don't be afraid of Jack.

I sighed and opened my eyes. I also now gasped. The room had turned into ice.

"Oh no!"I couldn't do anything.

I can't control my power.

I tried to open the frozen shut door. It took me a while but i fell off it's hinges and onto our floor in our room. Jack was there.

Sitting on the bed. He saw the frozen room. He saw me fall. He knows.

"Oh Elsa!" He ran over and helped me up. He sat me on the bed and went to the bathroom. rid of my ice. How? The only way he could do that is if he had powers to.

"Jack? How did you do that?"

"No Elsa i should be asking the questions here." He said comung over and sitting on the bed with me. Then he flashed his famous smirk.

"Well...i asked you first."I state matter-of-factly.

He chuckles. Oh my gosh why does he have to be so dreamy?

"Ok well... Since you probably can see, i also have ice powers. I have had them since i was twelve. I was ice skating with me sister when the ice began to crack underneath her on the small pond we were on. I saved her but i fell in. It was cold. I heard her scream my name but that was the last time i heard her voice. I don't know how long i was under the ice, it was a couple years i believe. I remember darkness was the first thing i saw. The moons glow brought me out of the water and held me above the ground. It dried me and set me down on the ice. I made a pattern in the ice. I was so surprised i fell over and almost fell down a hill. After a while i got the hang of things. I was asked when i was 13 if i wanted to be a guardian and i said no. So Thats my life story. What's yours?"

"Wait, whats a guardian?"

"Someone who helps and protects all the children of the world."

"Who are they?"

"Oh well there is santa clause, easter kanga-i mean rabbit. Easter rabbit. Sand man and the tooth fairy.".

"What are their actually names?"

"Sandy, Santo, and bunny."

"What i know them!! Wait who is the tooth fairy?"

"Elsa, tooth, your manager is the tooth fairy."


Hey guys! I tried to make this chapter a but longer then it normally is. Anyway PLEASE comment sometime. It really helps me to know what you think so please comment. Anyway how do like the story so far?

Do you want more romance?
More drama?
Do you want more of their famous life or stay on their spy life?
Who are the ships of this book?
(trust me there are going to be some new ships coming up)

Anyway comment your answer! I will need at least 7 comments on each question in order to keep writing.

Don't forget to




And be yourself because you are beautiful!

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